

碳到氟的核素图。 衰变模式:




目前,只有前10种元素的中子滴线的值是已知的,即H~Ne。[1]Z = 8,中子数的最大值是16因而O-24是最重的氧同位素。[2]

Z 核素
01 03H
02 08He
03 011Li
04 014Be
05 017B
06 022C
07 023N
08 024O
09 031F
10 034Ne


Z 核素
02 02He
03 05Li
04 06Be
05 07B, 09B
06 08C
07 11N
08 12O
09 16F
10 16Ne
11 19Na
12 19Mg
13 21Al
15 25P
17 30Cl
18 30Ar[3]
19 34K
21 39Sc
22 38Ti[4]
23 42V
25 45Mn
27 50Co
29 55Cu
30 54Zn[5]
31 59Ga
32 58Ge
33 65As
35 69Br
37 73Rb
39 77Y
41 81Nb
43 85Tc
45 89Rh
47 93Ag
49 97In
51 105Sb
53 110I
55 115Cs
57 119La
59 123Pr
61 128Pm
63 134Eu
65 139Tb
67 145Ho
69 149Tm
71 155Lu
73 159Ta
75 165Re
77 171Ir
79 175Au, 177Au
81 181Tl
83 189Bi
85 195At
87 201Fr
89 207Ac
91 214Pa
93 219Np[6]


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  2. ^ Nuclear Physicists Examine Oxygen's Limits. Sciencedaily.com. 2007-09-18 [2010-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-10). 
  3. ^ Mukha, I.; et al. Deep excursion beyond the proton dripline. I. Argon and chlorine isotope chains. Physical Review C. 2018, 98 (6): 064308–1–064308–13. arXiv:1803.10951可免费查阅. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.98.064308. 
  4. ^ Meierfrankenfeld, D.; Bury, A.; Thoennessen, M. Discovery of scandium, titanium, mercury, and einsteinium isotopes. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 2011, 97 (2): 134–151. arXiv:1003.5128可免费查阅. doi:10.1016/j.adt.2010.11.001. 
  5. ^ Gross, J.L.; Claes, J.; Kathawa, J.; Thoennessen, M. Discovery of zinc, selenium, bromine, and neodymium isotopes. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 2012, 98 (2): 75–94. arXiv:1012.2027可免费查阅. doi:10.1016/j.adt.2011.12.001. 
  6. ^ Zhang, Z. Y.; Gan, Z. G.; Yang, H. B.; et al. New isotope 220Np: Probing the robustness of the N = 126 shell closure in neptunium. Physical Review Letters. 2019, 122 (19): 192503. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.192503.