

CAS号 1189-99-7  checkY
化学式 C10H22
摩尔质量 142.28 g·mol−1
密度 0.7336 g·cm−3(20 °C)[1]
1.4213 g·cm−3(20 °C)[2]
沸点 152.8 °C(425.9 K)[1]
65 °C(338 K)(14 mmHg)[2]
若非注明,所有数据均出自标准状态(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。



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  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 L. Crombie, Patricia A. Firth, R. P. Houghton, D. A. Whiting, D. K. Woods. Cyclopropane cleavage of chrysanthemic acid relatives to santolinyl, artemisyl, and lavandulyl structures: acid-catalysed and biosynthetic experiments. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1. 1972: 642 [2022-08-17]. ISSN 0300-922X. doi:10.1039/p19720000642 (英语). 
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  4. ^ Drew R. Gentner, David R. Worton, Gabriel Isaacman, Laura C. Davis, Timothy R. Dallmann, Ezra C. Wood, Scott C. Herndon, Allen H. Goldstein, Robert A. Harley. Chemical Composition of Gas-Phase Organic Carbon Emissions from Motor Vehicles and Implications for Ozone Production. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013-10-15, 47 (20): 11837–11848 [2022-08-17]. ISSN 0013-936X. doi:10.1021/es401470e. (原始内容存档于2021-12-28) (英语).