
模板:Do list


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代碼 結果
Basic form
{{do list
  | Alpha | Beta | Gamma | Delta | Epsilon 
  | Zeta | Eta | Theta | Iota | Kappa | Lambda 
  | Mu | Nu | Xi | Omicron | Pi | Rho | Sigma 
  | Tau | Upsilon | Phi | Chi | Psi | Omega }}
Alpha ‧ Beta ‧ Gamma ‧ Delta ‧ Epsilon ‧ Zeta ‧ Eta ‧ Theta ‧ Iota ‧ Kappa ‧ Lambda ‧ Mu ‧ Nu ‧ Xi ‧ Omicron ‧ Pi ‧ Rho ‧ Sigma ‧ Tau ‧ Upsilon ‧ Phi ‧ Chi ‧ Psi ‧ Omega
Dash separated
{{do list | delim = -
  | Alpha | Beta | Gamma | Delta | Epsilon 
  | Zeta | Eta | Theta | Iota | Kappa | Lambda 
  | Mu | Nu | Xi | Omicron | Pi | Rho | Sigma 
  | Tau | Upsilon | Phi | Chi | Psi | Omega }}
Alpha - Beta - Gamma - Delta - Epsilon - Zeta - Eta - Theta - Iota - Kappa - Lambda - Mu - Nu - Xi - Omicron - Pi - Rho - Sigma - Tau - Upsilon - Phi - Chi - Psi - Omega
double-bar separated
{{do list | delim = ||
  | Alpha | Beta | Gamma | Delta | Epsilon 
  | Zeta | Eta | Theta | Iota | Kappa | Lambda 
  | Mu | Nu | Xi | Omicron | Pi | Rho | Sigma 
  | Tau | Upsilon | Phi | Chi | Psi | Omega }}
Alpha || Beta || Gamma || Delta || Epsilon || Zeta || Eta || Theta || Iota || Kappa || Lambda || Mu || Nu || Xi || Omicron || Pi || Rho || Sigma || Tau || Upsilon || Phi || Chi || Psi || Omega
Space separated:
{{do list | delim = 
  | Alpha | Beta | Gamma | Delta | Epsilon 
  | Zeta | Eta | Theta | Iota | Kappa | Lambda 
  | Mu | Nu | Xi | Omicron | Pi | Rho | Sigma 
  | Tau | Upsilon | Phi | Chi | Psi | Omega }}
Alpha  Beta  Gamma  Delta  Epsilon  Zeta  Eta  Theta  Iota  Kappa  Lambda  Mu  Nu  Xi  Omicron  Pi  Rho  Sigma  Tau  Upsilon  Phi  Chi  Psi  Omega
Longer phrases (no wrap):
{{do list 
  | All's well that ends well 
  | Do unto others as you would have them do unto you 
  | All the world's a stage 
  | No pain, no gain 
  | Six to one, half dozen the other 
  | A stitch in time saves nine 
  | One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish }}
All's well that ends well ‧ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ‧ All the world's a stage ‧ No pain, no gain ‧ Six to one, half dozen the other ‧ A stitch in time saves nine ‧ One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
Longer phrases (forced wrap in second phrase):
{{do list 
  | All's well that ends well 
  | Do unto others {{wrap}}as you would have them do unto you 
  | All the world's a stage 
  | No pain, no gain 
  | Six to one, half dozen the other
  | A Journey of a thousand miles begins with  
  | A stitch in time saves nine 
  | One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish }}
All's well that ends well ‧ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ‧ All the world's a stage ‧ No pain, no gain ‧ Six to one, half dozen the other ‧ A stitch in time saves nine ‧ One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

