


微軟認證解決方案開發人員(Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, MCSD)與 MCSE並列為微軟二大高階認證之一,其認證方向是以程式開發人員(Developer)為主,通過此認證考試的專業人員會被視為具有使用微軟應用平台,程式語言與技術發展企業解決方案的人員,由於目標是針對企業解決方案,因試科目較著重於企業應用程式的開發,並不會太過於重視軟體發展方法,以及程式語言本身。


早期的MCSD是以WOSA(Windows Open System Architecture)为主,考验开发人员对Windows环境的熟悉度,然后搭配两科与应用程序开发有关的考试作为选考科目,当时微软将MFC以及OLE开发等纳入选考科目中,以及当时初次进入认证考试Visual Basic 5.0产品。

  • 必考科目:
    • Exam 70-160: Microsoft Windows Architecture I
    • Exam 70-161: Microsoft Windows Architecture II
  • 选考科目(择二应考,部份):
    • Exam 70-024: Developing Applications with C++ Using the Microsoft Foundation Class Library
    • Exam 70-025: Implementing OLE in Microsoft Foundation Class Applications
    • Exam 70-165: Developing Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0
    • Exam 70-027: Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
    • Exam 70-069: Application Development with Microsoft Access for Windows 95 and the Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit


MCSD on Visual Studio 6.0

在Visual Studio 6.0(1998年6月发行)发表的時期,微软对于MCSD认证的要求做了大幅的修改,其主要原因是Windows DNA架构的发展,以及分散式应用程序的发展等,同时首次把系統分析的项目纳入MCSD的测试范围,因此核心考科定为三科,选考科目为一科。同時微软第一次將Visual FoxPro纳入考試科目中,但也是最后一次。

  • 必考科目,系统分析类:
    • Exam 70-100: Analyzing Requirement and Defining Solution Architecture
  • 必考科目,桌面应用程序开发(择一应考):
    • Exam 70-016: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications by using Visual C++ 6.0
    • Exam 70-156: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications by using Visual FoxPro 6.0
    • Exam 70-176: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications by using Visual Basic 6.0
  • 必考科目,分散式应用程序开发(择一应考):
    • Exam 70-015: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications by using Visual C++ 6.0
    • Exam 70-155: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications by using Visual FoxPro 6.0
    • Exam 70-175: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications by using Visual Basic 6.0
  • 选考科目(择一应考;列在桌面应用程序与分散式应用程序考科中的六科考试均可当作选考科目,但已列入必考科目计算者,不得再列入选考科目计算):
    • Exam 70-105: Designing and Implementing Collaborative Solutions with Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
    • Exam 70-152: Designing and Implementing Web Solutions with Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0
    • Exam 70-091: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
    • Exam 70-029: Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
    • Exam 70-019: Designing and Implementing Data Warehouses With Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

MCSD on Visual Studio 6.0认证的考试特色:

  • 首次,也是唯一一次列入Visual FoxPro考试的认证。
  • 首次,也是唯一一次的Office VBA考试的认证,在2008年由VSTO考试替代。
  • 首次,也是唯一一次的Outlook和Exchange Server交互应用的考試。

MCSD on Microsoft .NET

.NET Framework推出時,MCSD也順勢升級到Microsoft .NET(2002年正式发行)技術,同時也調整考試的測驗方向,切割為Windows應用程式,Web應用程式以及分散式應用程式的考試科目,同時仍然要測驗系統分析的能力,MCSD on Microsoft .NET的考試科目即擴增到五科。

  • 必考科目,系統分析類:
    • Exam 70-300: Analyzing Requirement and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architecture
  • 必考科目,Windows應用程式開發(擇一應考):
    • Exam 70-316: Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
    • Exam 70-306: Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
  • 必考科目,Web式應用程式開發(擇一應考):
    • Exam 70-315: Developing and Implementing Web-Based Applications by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
    • Exam 70-305: Developing and Implementing Web-Based Applications by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
  • 必考科目,分散式應用程式開發(擇一應考):
    • Exam 70-320: Developing and Implementing XML Web Services and Server Components by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
    • Exam 70-310: Developing and Implementing XML Web Services and Server Components by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
  • 選考科目(擇一應考):
    • 列在桌面應用程式與分散式應用程式考科中的六科考試均可當作選考科目,但已列入必考科目計算者,不得再列入選考科目計算。
    • Exam 70-229: Designing and Implementing Databases by using SQL Server 2000
    • Exam 70-230: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
    • Exam 70-234: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
    • Exam 70-330: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
    • Exam 70-340: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET



首波推出了MCSD: Windows Store Apps以及MCSD: Web Application兩種,Windows Store Apps以開發Windows 8平台的Windows Store Apps[1]為主,並區分為JavaScript以及C# 兩條認證路徑:

  • JavaScript路徑:
    • Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with CSS3 and JavaScript
    • Exam 70-481: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and JavaScript
    • Exam 70-482: Advanced Windows Store Apps Development using HTML5 and JavaScript
  • C# 路徑:
    • Exam 70-483: Programming in C#
    • Exam 70-484: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using C#
    • Exam 70-485: Advanced Windows Store Apps Development using C#
  • 升級考(JavaScript路徑):
    • 前置需求:MCPD: Windows Developer 4
    • Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with CSS3 and JavaScript
    • Exma 70-490: Upgrade your MCPD: Windows Developer to MCSD: Windows Store Apps using HTML5
  • 升級考(C# 路徑):
    • 前置需求:MCPD: Windows Developer 4
    • Exam 70-483: Programming in C#
    • Exma 70-491: Upgrade your MCPD: Windows Developer to MCSD: Windows Store Apps using C#

MCSD: Web Application則是聚焦於Web Application的開發,但變革較大的是,ASP.NET MVC應用程式佔了較大的範疇,且應用程式會以MVC架構為主,因此思維會變化很大,同時也會考驗Windows Azure以及WCF服務開發的能力。

  • Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Exam 70-486: Developing ASP.NET 4.5 MVC Applications
  • Exam 70-487: Developing Windows Azure and Web Services
  • 升級考:
  • 前置需求:MCPD: Web Developer 4
  • Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Exma 70-492: Upgrade your MCPD: Web Developer to MCSD: Web Application


由於微軟新一代認證階層的推展,MCSD已由MCPD取代,但現行的MCSD on Microsoft .NET與MCSD on Visual Studio 6.0仍為永久有效。


  • MCPD: Web Developer
  • MCPD: Windows Developer
  • MCPD: Enterprise Application Developer



  1. ^ 原稱Metro-style Apps,但因為和德國的公司有商標上的爭議,因此更名。可參考Microsoft: Don't call it Metro. Call it 'Windows 8'页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆