


Breynia disticha
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
演化支 蔷薇类植物 Rosids
目: 金虎尾目 Malpighiales
科: 叶下珠科 Phyllanthaceae



以前的分类法将本分到大戟科下,为一个亚科叶下珠亚科Phyllanthoideae),1998年根据基因亲缘关系分类的APG 分类法将其中非洲核果木族分出单独成立一个非洲核果木科。 2003年经过修订的APG II 分类法将其单独列为一个,放在金虎尾目中。[2]


喜光花族 Amanoeae
五月茶族 Antidesmeae
秋枫族 Bischofieae
土蜜树族 Bridelieae
  • Bridelia (同 Candelabria, Gentilia, Pentameria, Tzellemtinia)
  • Cleistanthus (同 Clistanthus, Godefroya, Kaluhaburunghos, Lebidiera, Lebidieropsis, Leiopyxis, Nanopetalum, Neogoetzia, Paracleisthus, Schistostigma, Stenonia, Stenoniella, Zenkerodendron)
叶下珠族 Phyllantheae
  • Andrachne (同 Eraeliss, Thelypotzium)
  • Astrocasia
  • Breynia (同 Foersteria, Forsteria, Melanthes, Melanthesa, Melanthesopsis)
  • Flueggea (同 Bessera, Colmeiroa, Geblera, Neowawraea, Pleiostemon, Villanova)
  • Glochidion (同 Agyneia, Bradleia, Bradleja, Coccoglochidion, Diasperus, Episteira, Glochidionopsis, Glochisandra, Gynoon, Lobocarpus, Pseudoglochidion, Tetraglochidion, Zarcoa)
  • 紫黄属 Margaritaria (同 Calococcus, Prosorus, Wurtzia, Zygospermum)
  • 叶下珠属 Phyllanthus (同 Anisonema, Aporosella, Arachnodes, Ardinghalia, Asterandra, Cathetus, Ceramanthus, Chorisandra, Cicca, Clambus, Conami, Dendrophyllanthus, Dicholactina, Dimorphocladium, Emblica, Epistylium, Eriococcus, Fluggeopsis, Genesiphylla, Hemicicca, Hemiglochidion, Kirganelia, Leichhardtia, Lomanthes, Maborea, Macraea, Menarda, Mirobalanus, Moeroris, Nellica, Niruri, Nymania, Nymphanthus, Orbicularia, Oxalistylis, Ramsdenia, Reidia, Rhopium, Roigia, Scepasma, Staurothylax, Synexemia, Tricarium, Uranthera, Urinaria, Williamia, Xylophylla)
  • Reverchonia
  • Richeriella
  • Sauropus (同 Aalius, Breyniopsis, Ceratogynum, Diplomorpha, Heterocalymnantha, Hexadena, Hexaspermum, Ibina, Synastemon, Synostemon)
  • 黑钩叶属 Leptopus (同 Arachne, Chorisandrachne, Hexakestra, Hexakistra)
  • Chascotheca (同 Chaenotheca)
  • Keayodendron
  • Meineckia (同 Cluytiandra, Neopeltandra, Peltandra)
  • Pseudolachnostylis
  • Zimmermannia
  • Zimmermanniopsis
  • 叶底珠属 Securinega Comm. ex Juss.,1789,缺斧木属


  1. ^ Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2009, 161 (2): 105–121 [2013-06-26]. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-05-25). 
  2. ^ Wurdack, Kenneth J.; Davis, Charles C. Malpighiales phylogenetics: Gaining ground on one of the most recalcitrant clades in the angiosperm tree of life. American Journal of Botany. 2009-08, 96 (8): 1551–1570. PMID 21628300. doi:10.3732/ajb.0800207.