


T·S·艾略特奖(英語:T. S. Eliot Prize)是英国最具权威的诗歌奖项,1993年,由T·S·艾略特创办的诗歌图书协会英语Poetry Book Society在庆祝建会40周年时,创办此奖,用以表彰上一年度在英国和爱尔兰首次出版的最佳诗集。2016年,T·S·艾略特基金会接管了T·S·艾略特奖的运作。


年份 获奖者 作品 入围候选人
1993 西伦·卡森英语Ciaran Carson First Language: Poems
1994 保罗·马尔登英语Paul Muldoon The Annals of Chile
1995 马克·多蒂 My Alexandria
1996 莱斯利·穆雷 Subhuman Redneck Poems
1997 唐·帕特森英语Don Paterson God's Gift to Women
1998 泰德·休斯 生日信札英语Birthday Letters
1999 雨果·威廉姆斯英语Hugo Williams Billy's Rain
2000 迈克尔·朗利英语Michael Longley 日本的天气英语The Weather in Japan
2001 安妮·卡森 丈夫的美丽英语The Beauty of the Husband: A Fictional Essay in 29 Tangos Gillian Allnutt, Lintel
Charles Boyle, The Age of Cardboard and String
谢默斯·希尼, Electric Light
Geoffrey Hill,Speech! Speech!
Selima Hill, Bunny
James Lasdun,Landscape with Chainsaw
肖恩·奥布莱恩英语Sean O'Brien (writer), Downriver
Pascale Petit, The Zoo Father
Michael Symmons Roberts, Burning Babylon
2002 艾丽丝·奥斯瓦尔德英语Alice Oswald 激流英语Dart (poetry collection) 西蒙·阿米蒂奇, The Universal Home Doctor
约翰•伯恩赛德英语John Burnside, The Light Trap
Paul Farley, The Ice Age
David Harsent, Marriage
Geoffrey Hill, The Orchards of Syon
E. A. Markham, A Rough Climate
Sinéad Morrissey, Between Here and There
Paul Muldoon, Moy Sand and Gravel
Ruth Padel, Voodoo Shop
2003 唐·帕特森英语Don Paterson 着陆灯英语Landing Light (book) Billy Collins,Nine Horses
John F. Deane, Manhandling the Deity
Ian Duhig, The Lammas Hireling
Lavinia Greenlaw,Minsk
Jamie McKendrick, Ink Stone
Bernard O'Donoghue, Outiving
Don Paterson,Landing Light
Jacob Polley, The Brink
Christopher Reid, For and After
Jean Sprackland,Hard Water
2004 乔治·西尔泰什英语George Szirtes[1] 卷轴英语Reel (poetry collection) Colette Bryce, The Full Indian Rope Trick
Kathryn Gray, The Never Never
Kathleen Jamie, The Tree House
迈克尔·朗利英语Michael Longley, Snow Water
Ruth Padel, The Soho Leopard
Tom Paulin, The Road to Inver
Peter Porter, Afterburner
Michael Symmons Roberts, Corpus
John Hartley Williams, Blues
2005 卡罗尔·安·达菲 狂喜英语Rapture (poetry collection) Polly Clark, Take Me with You
Helen Farish, Intimates
David Harsent,Legion
Sinéad Morrissey,The State of the Prisons
艾丽丝·奥斯瓦尔德英语Alice Oswald, Woods etc
Pascale Petit,The Huntress
Sheenagh Pugh,The Movement of Bodies
John Stammers,Stolen Love Behaviour
Gerard Woodward, We Were Pedestrians
2006 谢默斯·希尼 区线与环线英语District and Circle[2] 西蒙·阿米蒂奇, Tyrannosaurus Rex versus the Corduroy Kid
Paul Farley, Tramp in Flames
W. N. Herbert, Bad Shaman Blues
Jane Hirshfield, After
Tim Liardet,The Blood Choir
保罗·马尔登英语Paul Muldoon, Horse Latitudes
Robin Robertson, Swithering
Penelope Shuttle, Redgrove's Wife
雨果·威廉姆斯英语Hugo Williams,Dear Room
2007 肖恩·奥布莱恩英语Sean O'Brien (writer) 溺水书英语The Drowned Book Ian Duhig, The Speed of Dark
Alan Gillis, Hawks and Doves
Sophie Hannah,Pessimism for Beginners
Mimi Khalvati,The Meanest Flower
Frances Leviston,Public Dream
Sarah Maguire, The Pomegranates of Kandahar
埃德温·摩根, A Book of Lives
Fiona Sampson,Common Prayer
Matthew Sweeney,Black Moon
2008 简·哈德菲尔德英语Jen Hadfield 无地点英语Nigh-No-Place Moniza Alvi, Europa
Peter Bennet,The Glass Swarm
西伦·卡森英语Ciaran Carson,For All We Know
Robert Crawford, Full Volume
Maura Dooley, Life Under Water
马克·多蒂,Theories and Apparitions
Mick Imlah,The Lost Leader
Glyn Maxwell,Hide Now
Stephen Romer,Yellow Studio.
2009 菲利普·格罗斯英语Philip Gross 地下水 Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin,The Sun-fish
Fred D'Aguiar,Continental Shelf
Jane Draycott,Over
Sinéad Morrissey,Through the Square Window
Sharon Olds,One Secret Thing
艾丽丝·奥斯瓦尔德英语Alice Oswald,Weeds & Wild Flowers
克里斯托弗·里德,A Scattering
George Szirtes,The Burning of the Books and Other Poems
雨果·威廉姆斯英语Hugo Williams,West End Final
2010 德里克·沃尔科特 《白鹭》(White Egrets) 西蒙·阿米蒂奇Seeing Stars
Annie Freud,The Mirabelles
John Haynes,You
谢默斯·希尼Human Chain
Pascale Petit,What the Water Gave Me
Robin Robertson,The Wrecking Light
Fiona Sampson,Rough Music
Brian Turner,Phantom Noise
Sam Willetts,New Light for the Old Dark
2011 约翰•伯恩赛德英语John Burnside Black Cat Bone 艾丽丝·奥斯瓦尔德英语Alice Oswald,Memorial(作者撤回以示抗议)[3]
卡罗尔·安·达菲,The Bees
Leontia Flynn,Profit and Loss
David Harsent,Night
John Kinsella,Armour(作者撤回以示抗议)[4]
Esther Morgan,Grace
Daljit Nagra,Tippoo Sultan's Incredible White-Man-Eating Tiger Toy-Machine!!!
肖恩·奥布莱恩英语Sean O'Brien (writer),November
Bernard O'Donoghue,Farmer's Cross
2012 莎朗·奥兹英语Sharon Olds 雄鹿的跳跃英语Stag's Leap (book) 西蒙·阿米蒂奇,The Death of King Arthur
Sean Borodale,Bee Journal
Gillian Clarke,Ice
Julia Copus,The World's Two Smallest Humans
Paul Farley,The Dark Film
Jorie Graham,P L A C E
Kathleen Jamie,The Overhaul
Jacob Polley,The Havocs
Deryn Rees-Jones,Burying the Wren
2013 西尼德·莫里西英语Sinéad Morrissey[5] 视差英语Parallax: And Selected Poems 丹尼·阿布斯Speak, Old Parrot
Moniza Alvi,At the Time of Partition
安妮·卡森Red Doc >英语Red Doc
Helen Mort,Division Street
Daljit Nagra,Ramayana: A Retelling
Maurice Riordan,The Water Stealer
Robin Robertson,Hill of Doors
Michael Symmons Roberts,Drysalter
George Szirtes,Bad Machine
2014 戴维·哈森特英语David Harsent 火之歌集英语Fire Songs Fiona Benson,Bright Travellers
约翰•伯恩赛德英语John BurnsideAll One Breath
路易丝·格吕克Faithful and Virtuous Night
迈克尔·朗利英语Michael LongleyThe Stairwell
Ruth Padel,Learning to Make an Oud in Nazareth
Pascale Petit,Fauverie
凯文·鲍尔斯Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting
Arundhathi Subramaniam,When God is a Traveller
雨果·威廉姆斯英语Hugo WilliamsI Knew the Bride
2015 莎拉·豪英语Sarah Howe 玉环英语Loop of Jade 马克·多蒂Deep Lane
Tracey Herd,Not in this World
Selima Hill,Jutland
Tim Liardet,The World Before Snow
莱斯利·穆雷Waiting for the Past
肖恩·奥布莱恩英语Sean O'Brien (writer)The Beautiful Librarians
唐·帕特森英语Don Paterson40 Sonnets
Rebecca Perry,Beauty/Beauty
Claudia Rankine,Citizen: An American Lyric
2016 雅各布·波利英语Jacob Polley Jackself Rachael Boast,Void Studies
Vahni Capildeo,Measures of Expatriation
Ian Duhig,The Blind Road-Maker
J. O. Morgan,Interference Pattern
Bernard O'Donoghue,The Seasons of Cullen Church
艾丽丝·奥斯瓦尔德英语Alice OswaldFalling Awake
Denise Riley,Say Something Back
Ruby Robinson,Every Little Sound
Katharine Towers,The Remedies
2017 王洋英语Ocean Vuong 伤痕累累的夜空英语Night Sky with Exit Wounds Tara Bergin,The Tragic Death of Eleanor Marx
Caroline Bird,In these Days of Prohibition
Douglas Dunn,The Noise of a Fly
Leontia Flynn,The Radio
Roddy Lumsden,So Glad I'm Me
Michael Symmons Roberts,Mancunia
Robert Minhinnick,Diary of the Last Man
James Sheard,The Abandoned Settlements
Jacqueline Saphra,All My Mad Mothers
2018 汉娜·沙利文英语Hannah Sullivan 三首诗英语Three Poems Ailbhe Darcy,Insistence
Terrance Hayes,American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassins
Zaffar Kunial,Us
Nick Laird,Feel Free
Fiona Moore,The Distal Point
肖恩·奥布莱恩英语Sean O'Brien (writer)Europa
Phoebe Power,Shrines of Upper Austria
Richard Scott,Soho
Tracy K. Smith,Wade in the Water
2019 罗杰·罗宾逊英语Roger Robinson (poet) 《便携乐园》(A Portable Paradise Anthony Anaxagorou,After the Formalities
Fiona Benson,Vertigo and Ghost
Jay Bernard,Surge
Paul Farley,The Mizzy
Ilya Kaminsky,Deaf Republic
莎朗·奥兹英语Sharon OldsArias
Vidyan Ravinthiran,The Million-Petalled Flower of Being Here
Deryn Rees-Jones,Erato
Karen Solie,The Caiplie Caves
2020 巴努·卡皮尔英语Bhanu Kapil How to Wash a Heart Natalie Diaz,Postcolonial Love Poem
Sasha Dugdale,Deformations
Ella Frears,Shine, Darling
Will Harris,RENDANG
Wayne Holloway-Smith,Love Minus Love
Daisy Lafarge,Life Without Air
Glyn Maxwell,How the Hell Are You
Shane McCrae,Sometimes I Never Suffered
J. O. Morgan,The Martian’s Regress
2021 乔尔·泰勒英语Joelle Taylor C+nto & Othered Poems Victoria Kennefick,Eat or We Both Starve
Michael Symmons Roberts,Ransom
Selima Hill,Men Who Feed Pigeons
Hannah Lowe,The Kids
Raymond Antrobus,All the Names Given
Kayo Chingonyi,A Blood Condition
Daniel Sluman,single window
Jack Underwood,A Year in the New Life
2022 安东尼·约瑟夫英语Anthony Joseph 《阿尔伯特十四行诗》(Sonnets for Albert Victoria Adukwei Bulley,Quiet
Fiona Benson,Ephemeron
Jemma Borg,Wilder
菲利普·格罗斯英语Philip GrossThe Thirteenth Angel
Zaffar Kunial,England's Green
Mark Pajak,Slide
James Conor Patterson,bandit country
Denise Saul,The Room Between Us
Yomi Sode,Manorism


  1. ^ 乔治·西尔泰什:诗歌可以对生活的难题说出清晰而忠实的话. 搜狐. 2020-08-08 [2023-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-18) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  2. ^ 方文国. 诺贝尔文学奖得主希尼三部晚期诗集引进出版. 光明网. 中华读书报. 2016-07-27 (中文(中国大陆)). 
  3. ^ Flood, Alison. Alice Oswald withdraws from TS Eliot prize in protest at sponsor Aurum. The Guardian. 6 December 2011 [2023-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-09). 
  4. ^ Flood, Alison. TS Eliot prize: Second poet withdraws in sponsor protest. The Guardian. 7 December 2011 [2023-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-06). 
  5. ^ 王胡. 北爱尔兰诗人西尼德·莫里西获艾略特诗歌奖. 中国新闻网. 深圳特区报. 2014-01-22 (中文(中国大陆)).