from sympy import cos, pi
from math import log
from my.own.stuff import number_to_reverse_binary_list, hypercube_edges
import psycopg2
con = psycopg2.connect(host='lukulhuft', database='hupu', user='tupu', password='lupu')
cur = con.cursor()
bg_colors = ['fd0', 'e60000', 'bbb', '666', 'ffb4b4']
angle = pi / 16
a = cos(angle)
b = cos(3*angle)
c = cos(5*angle)
d = cos(7*angle)
directions = [
[-a, d], [-b, c], [-c, b], [-d, a], [d, a], [c, b], [b, c], [a, d]
] # directions of the 8 edges leaving the lowest vertex (as sympy objects)
big_factor = 1000 / (a + b + c + d) # diameter of the whole diagram shall be 2000
tiny_factor = 0.029 # the tiny dots in the vertices must be slightly off center
################################## vertices ##################################
sym_coordinates = [] # sympy objects
svg_coordinates = [] # rounded and converted to strings
svg_vertices = ''
svg_numbers = ''
for i in range(256):
cur.execute("""select wec from boolf3 where numval = %s""" % (i))
bg_color_index = cur.fetchone()[0] + 1 # from the DB comes a value between -1 and 3
bg_color = bg_colors[bg_color_index]
binary_vector = number_to_reverse_binary_list(i, 8)
x_sym = 0
y_sym = 0
for j in range(8):
if binary_vector[j]:
x_sym += directions[j][0]
y_sym += directions[j][1]
x_svg = str(round(big_factor * x_sym, 3))
y_svg = str(round(-big_factor * y_sym + 1000, 3))
sym_coordinates.append({'x': x_sym, 'y': y_sym})
svg_coordinates.append({'x': x_svg, 'y': y_svg})
svg_vertices += '<circle cx="%s" cy="%s" r="14.5" fill="#%s"/>' % (x_svg, y_svg, bg_color)
svg_numbers += '<text x="%s" y="%s">%s</text>' % (x_svg, y_svg, i)
################################## edges ##################################
svg_edges = ''
svg_tiny_dots = ''
edges = hypercube_edges(8)
for edge in edges: # ``edge`` is a pair of integers between 0 and 255
bottom = edge[0]
top = edge[1]
bottom_x_svg = svg_coordinates[bottom]['x']
bottom_y_svg = svg_coordinates[bottom]['y']
top_x_svg = svg_coordinates[top]['x']
top_y_svg = svg_coordinates[top]['y']
svg_edges += '<line x1="%s" y1="%s" x2="%s" y2="%s"/>' % (bottom_x_svg, bottom_y_svg, top_x_svg, top_y_svg)
edge_direction = directions[int(log(bottom ^ top, 2))]
tiny_edge_direction_x = tiny_factor * edge_direction[0]
tiny_edge_direction_y = tiny_factor * edge_direction[1]
bottom_x_sym = sym_coordinates[bottom]['x']
bottom_y_sym = sym_coordinates[bottom]['y']
top_x_sym = sym_coordinates[top]['x']
top_y_sym = sym_coordinates[top]['y']
bottom_tiny_x_sym = bottom_x_sym + tiny_edge_direction_x
bottom_tiny_y_sym = bottom_y_sym + tiny_edge_direction_y
top_tiny_x_sym = top_x_sym - tiny_edge_direction_x
top_tiny_y_sym = top_y_sym - tiny_edge_direction_y
bottom_tiny_x_svg = str(round(big_factor * bottom_tiny_x_sym, 3))
bottom_tiny_y_svg = str(round(-big_factor * bottom_tiny_y_sym + 1000, 3))
top_tiny_x_svg = str(round(big_factor * top_tiny_x_sym, 3))
top_tiny_y_svg = str(round(-big_factor * top_tiny_y_sym + 1000, 3))
svg_tiny_dots += '<circle cx="%s" cy="%s" r="1.8"/><circle cx="%s" cy="%s" r="1.8"/> ' % \
(bottom_tiny_x_svg, bottom_tiny_y_svg, top_tiny_x_svg, top_tiny_y_svg)
################################## file ##################################
svg_string = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="2100" height="2100" viewBox="-1050 -1050 2100 2100">
<!-- edges -->
<g style="stroke:#000; stroke-width:1.5; stroke-opacity:0.5;">
<!-- vertices -->
<g style="stroke:#000; stroke-width:1.5px;">
<!-- tiny dots -->
<!-- numbers -->
<g style="text-anchor: middle; letter-spacing: -1;" font-size="10px" font-family="sans-serif" transform="translate(0, 3.7)" fill-opacity="0.5">
""" % (svg_edges, svg_vertices, svg_tiny_dots, svg_numbers)
svg_file = open('Octeract Petrie polygon.svg', 'w')