


蘇菲亞學派是一個有爭議的俄羅斯東正教派別,認為神的智慧(譯作:蘇菲亞)就是神的本質,並且神的智慧在世界上以某種方式表達為「有創造力的」智慧。[1] 然而這個概念經常被誤解為在三位一體中引入「第四位格」。 [2]

爭議起源於近世。在1890年代至1910年代。蘇菲亞學派是由弗拉基米爾·索洛維約夫(1853–1900),帕維爾·弗洛倫斯基(1882-1937)和謝爾蓋·布爾加科夫(1871-1944) 提出。[3]

1935年,部分蘇菲亞學說學者遭到莫斯科及全俄羅斯牧首[4]和其他俄羅斯東正教的譴責 。 [5]儘管布爾加科夫受到了上述的譴責,但Eulogius所委託的一個委員會對布爾加科夫的蘇菲亞學說進行了分析,發現他的體系雖然存在問題,但不是異端,因此也沒有發表正式的譴責。[6]

托馬斯·默頓(Thomas Merton)研究了俄羅斯的蘇菲學家,並在其名為《Hagia Sophia》(1963)的詩中讚揚了蘇菲亞。 [7]

約翰(1993)和米漢(1996)指出俄國「蘇菲亞」的爭議與西方女性主義神學中「上帝的性別」辯論之間的相似之處。 [8]



  1. ^ Bulgakov, Sergius. Sophia, the Wisdom of God. Bulgakoviana. [2020-10-02]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12). 
  2. ^ W. Goerdt in The Encyclodedia of Christianity (2008), p. 122頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).
  3. ^ Philosophy of Economy («Философия хозяйства» 1912) and Unfading Light («Свет Невечерний» 1917).Bogatzky, Nikolay. A "gung-ho" approach towards Sophic Economy (PDF). Economic Alternatives (Sofia: UNWE Publishing Complex). 2017, (1): 160–86 [2020-10-02]. ISSN 2367-9409. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-03-29). .
  4. ^ "The teaching of Professor and Archpriest S.N. Bulgakov – which, by its peculiar and arbitrary (Sophian) interpretation, often distorts the dogmas of the Orthodox faith, which in some of its points directly repeats false teachings already condemned by conciliar decisions of the Church…" Moscow Patriarchate (1935) Decision No. 93
  5. ^ Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (1935) Decision of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad of the 17/30 October 1935 concerning the new teaching of Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov on Sophia, the Wisdom of God
  6. ^ George's Florovsky and the Sophiological controversy, Rocor studies, 2017-04-26 [2020-10-02], (原始內容存檔於2020-11-11) .
  7. ^ Sophia. Liturgical Press. [2017-12-17]. 
  8. ^ Elizabeth Johnson, She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse (1993)[頁碼請求] Meehan, Brenda, "Wisdom/Sophia, Russian identity, and Western feminist theology", Cross Currents, 46(2), 1996, pp. 149–68.