

坐标31°37′12″N 74°52′37″E / 31.62000°N 74.87694°E / 31.62000; 74.87694
地点31°37′12″N 74°52′37″E / 31.62000°N 74.87694°E / 31.62000; 74.87694
结果 印度武装部队胜利,全国骚乱,英·甘地总理被刺杀。
Parties to the civil conflict


Arun Shridhar Vaidya
Kuldip Singh Brar
Ranjit Singh Dyal[5]
Krishnaswamy Sundarji
Amrik Singh 
Shabeg Singh 
  • 第9步兵师[6]

提供支援 :

  • 第7步兵师[7]
  • 第15步兵师[8]

80–200 名武装份子[19]:35[20][21][9]:53,72

83 人死亡(根据印度陆军 1984 年白皮书)[22][23][24][9]:96
700 killed (disclosure by Rajiv Gandhi as alleged by Kuldip Nayar)[25][9]:96


GBS Sidhu(独立)估计:800-900 人受伤[27]
政府公布数字:492+ 人死亡(包括锡克教朝圣者)[28]
5,000–10,000 名平民在行动中丧生[29][30][31][9]:151

蓝星行动旁遮普语ਬਲੂ ਸਟਾਰ印地语ब्ल्यू स्टार英文:Operation Blue Star)发生于1984年6月初,是印度政府打击锡克教分离主义者的一次军事行动,印度军方奉总理英迪拉·甘地的命令派重兵开进锡克教圣地哈曼迪尔寺以及其他数间神学院解除锡克教民兵的武装,随后爆发激烈流血武装冲突。


6月3日,旁遮普全邦实行36小时宵禁,这段时间包括阿冉宗师牺牲纪念日(Matyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev)──锡克教的重要节日,每年在此节日会有大规模的锡克教徒聚集。引发锡克教徒不满,同时政府也中断当地的电力与实施媒体管制。6月5日夜晚,印度军队在现场指挥官布拉尔指挥下突击哈曼迪尔寺。该部队于6月7日上午完全控制哈曼迪尔寺。造成军队,平民和武装分子均有伤亡。锡克教领袖贾奈尔·辛格·宾德兰瓦勒和沙贝格·辛格(Shabeg Singh)在行动中被杀害,锡克教徒于是展开报复;总理英迪拉·甘地于蓝星行动后4个月遭到锡克教保镖刺杀身亡英语Assassination of Indira Gandhi,导致印度后来发生大规模反锡克教动乱(伤亡人数有多种版本),而策划并监督蓝星计划的维德雅(Arun Shridhar Vaidya)也在1986年8月10日遭暗杀枪击毙命。



2014年6月6日,也就是蓝星行动30周年,锡克教政党“最高阿卡利党(阿姆利则)”(Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar))党魁曼恩(Simranjit Singh Mann)与支持者试图强行从金庙旁的重要建筑“永恒王座”(Akal Takht)内发表演说,并高呼锡克教分离主义口号,遭到庙方阻止。支持者与锡克教寺庙最高管理委员会(Shiromani Gurudwara Parbhandhak Committee,SGPC)警卫部队爆发冲突。双方各自挥舞锡克教徒身上配挂的长刀与警卫部队使用的木棍,大批信徒争相走避。报导说,事件后至少有12名参与冲突的曼恩支持者和警卫部队人员受伤。情况已获控制。冲突后,锡克教强硬派组织哈沙党(Dal Khalsa)发起罢工。为防范事端,1500名镇暴部队部署于阿姆利则多处地点。


印度时报》报导,伦敦时间2012年9月30日晚上10时40分,蓝星计划指挥官、退役中将布拉尔(Kuldeep Singh Brar)与妻子米娜(Meena)在晚餐后步出饭店遭缠锡克教头巾的4名男子攻击,其中3人企图以短刀对布拉尔割喉,布拉尔经极力反抗后身受重伤,紧急送医救治后并无生命危险。[32]



  1. ^ Jerryson, Michael. Religious Violence Today: Faith and Conflict in the Modern World [2 volumes]. ABC-CLIO. 2020-07-15. ISBN 978-1-4408-5991-5 (英语). 
  2. ^ Brar, K. S. Operation Blue Star: The True Story. UBS Publishers' Distributors. 2014. ISBN 978-8174760685. OCLC 1181348326 (English). 
  3. ^ Dogra, Cander Suta. "Operation Blue Star – the Untold Story". The Hindu, 10 June 2013. Web.
  4. ^ Cynthia Keppley Mahmood (2011). Fighting for Faith and Nation: Dialogues with Sikh Defenders. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. Title, 91, 21, 200, 77, 19. ISBN 978-0812200171.
  5. ^ Temple Raid: Army's Order was Restraint. The New York Times. 15 June 1984 [6 February 2012]. (原始内容存档于13 November 2012).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  6. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为ReferenceB22的参考文献提供内容
  7. ^ Rikhye, Ravi. The Militarization of Mother India. Chanakya Publications. 1990: 134. ISBN 978-81-7001-060-9 (英语). 
  8. ^ Tully, Mark; Jacob, Satish. Amritsar, Mrs. Gandhi's last battle. Internet Archive. Calcutta : Rupa & Co. 1985: 163. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Jaijee, Inderjit Singh. Politics of Genocide: Punjab, 1984–1998. Ajanta Publications. 1999. ISBN 978-8120204157. OCLC 42752917 (English). 
  10. ^ Prasad, Shankar. The Gallant Dogras: An Illustrated History of the Dogra Regiment. Lancer Publishers. 2005: 198–199. ISBN 978-81-7062-268-0 (英语). 
  11. ^ Bennett, Richard M. Elite forces : the world's most formidable secret armies. London. 2011. ISBN 978-0-7535-4764-9. OCLC 1028210354. [A]n 80 strong element of 1st Para-Commando Battalion was involved in Operation ‘Blue Star’. 
  12. ^ Bennett, R. M. Elite Forces. Random House. 2011-08-31. ISBN 978-0-7535-4764-9 (英语). 
  13. ^ Sidhu, G.B.S. The Khalistan Conspiracy – A Former R&aw Officer Unravels The Path To 1984. HarperCollins. 2001-03-09: 172. ISBN 9789390327737. 
  14. ^ Lance Naik Dilbagh Singh — Operation 'Bluestar' hero with steely resolve. 
  15. ^ Brar, K. S. Operation Blue Star: The True Story. UBS Publishers' Distributors. 1993: 121. ISBN 978-81-85944-29-6 (英语). 
  16. ^ Brar, K. S. Operation Blue Star: The True Story. UBS Publishers' Distributors. 1993: 55. ISBN 978-81-85944-29-6 (英语). 
  17. ^ Dr. Gurmit Singh. History Of Sikh Struggles Vol III. : 98 (English). 
  18. ^ Krishnankutty, Pia. In the shadows of Bluestar, Kargil, LAC, India's 'secret' Special Frontier Force turns 60. ThePrint. 2022-11-14 [2023-05-10] (美国英语). 
  19. ^ Karim, Afsir. Counter Terrorism, the Pakistan Factor. Lancer Publishers. 1991: 33–36. ISBN 978-8170621270. 
  20. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为Punjab2003的参考文献提供内容
  21. ^ Tarkunde et al. 1985,第65页.
  22. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为WhitePaper1984的参考文献提供内容
  23. ^ The Official Home Page of the Indian Army. [10 October 2017]. (原始内容存档于27 May 2013). 
  24. ^ What happened during 1984 Operation Blue Star?. India Today. [12 September 2019]. Official reports put the number of deaths among the Indian army near about 83 and they put the number of civilian deaths at 493, though independent estimates ran much higher. 
  25. ^ Jugdep S Chima. The Sikh Separatist Insurgency in India: Political Leadership and Ethnonationalist Movements. Sage Publishing India. 2008: 114–. ISBN 978-9351509530. 
  26. ^ Army reveals startling facts on Bluestar. Tribune India. 30 May 1984 [9 August 2009]. 
  27. ^ Sidhu, G.B.S. The Khalistan Conspiracy: A Former R&aw Officer Unravels The Path To 1984. 2001-03-09: 176. 
  28. ^ The untold story before Operation Bluestar. India Today. 6 June 2019 [2021-06-10] (英语). 
  29. ^ Grewal, J. S. The Sikhs of the Punjab (The New Cambridge History of India II.3) Revised. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1998: 205–241 [16 April 2020]. ISBN 978-1316025338. 
  30. ^ Karim 1991,第35页.
  31. ^ June 6, India Today Web Desk. What happened during 1984 Operation Blue Star?. India Today. [9 February 2021] (英语). Official reports put the number of deaths among the Indian army at 83 and the number of civilian deaths at 492, though independent estimates ran much higher. 
  32. ^ 28年舊帳--印度前將官英遇刺. [2015-08-25]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-04). 
