


町屋(日语:町屋まちや)或町家(日语:町家まちや)是日本各地常见的传统木制排屋建筑,典型的町屋常见于作为日本古都的京都。 町屋与“农家”共同构成了日本乡土建筑“民家”的两类主要建筑类型。



View from tōriniwa over the wood-floored engawa into the row of rooms alongside










Façade of a shop in the historic Matsuyama merchant quarter of Uda city, Nara prefecture; an example of machiya design, featuring kōshi latticework on the ground floor, earthwork walls on the second story with mushikomado windows and clay roof tiles.








Machiya, despite their status as part of Japan's cultural heritage, have undergone rapid decline in numbers in recent decades, with many being demolished in order to provide space for new buildings. Many reasons for this decline exist; machiya are considered to be difficult and expensive to maintain, are subject to greater risk of damage from fires or earthquakes than modern buildings, and are considered old-fashioned and outdated by some. In a survey conducted in 2003, over 50% of machiya residents noted that it is financially difficult to maintain a machiya.[12]

Between 1993 and 2003, over 13% of the machiya in Kyoto were demolished. Roughly forty percent of those demolished were replaced with new modern houses, and another 40% were replaced with high-rise apartment buildings, parking lots, or modern-style commercial shops[12] Of those machiya remaining, over 80% have suffered significant losses to the traditional appearance of their façades. Roughly 20% of Kyoto's machiya have been altered in a process called 直译:“signboard architecture”看板建築,kanban kenchiku), retaining the basic shape of a machiya, but their façades have been completely covered over in cement, which replaces the wooden lattices of the first story and mushikomado windows and earthwork walls of the second story. Many of these kanban kenchiku machiya have also lost their tile roofs, becoming more boxed-out in shape; many have also had aluminum or steel shutters installed, as are commonly seen in small urban shops around the world.[12]

In response to the decline in machiya numbers, however, some groups have formed with the express aim of restoring and protecting the machiya found in Kyoto. One such institution, the Machiya Machizukuri Fund,[b] was established in 2005 with the backing of a Tokyo-based benefactor. The group works alongside individual machiya owners to restore their buildings and to have them designated as "Structures of Scenic Importance"景観重要建造物,keikan jūyō kenzōbutsu);[c] under this designation, the structures are protected from demolition without the permission of the mayor of Kyoto, and a stipend is provided by the city government to the owners of the machiya to help support the upkeep of the building. Many of these restored buildings serve, at least in part, as community centers.[13]

Iori, a company founded by art collector, author, and traditional culture advocate Alex Kerr in 2004 to save old machiya, owns a number of machiya which it restored, maintains, and rents to travelers. The company's main office, itself located in a machiya, houses a traditional arts practice space, including a full-size Noh stage.[14]


There are many machiya remaining in Kyoto. Many are private residences, while others operating as businesses, notably cafes, and a few are museums. The largest machiya in Kyoto is Sumiya in Shimabara, the traditional yūkaku (游廓/游郭?, 直译:“pleasure quarter”) of Kyoto.



  1. ^ 日本家庭,尤其是较为传统的家庭,通常在家中会有一个小型的佛坛,周围或旁边通常会摆放已故家人的照片。如果佛坛位于单独的房间内,则该房间会被称为 butsuma,即“佛间”。
  2. ^ Machizukuriまちづくり could be translated as 'town construction' or 'community building'.
  3. ^ This could also be translated as "Structures of Skyline Importance" or "Structures of Scenic Importance."


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Kyoto Center for Community Collaboration (京都市景観・まちづくりセンター)(eds.) Machiya Revival in Kyoto (京町家の再生). Kyoto: Kyoto Center for Community Collaboration, 2008. p10.
  2. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p18.
  3. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p16.
  4. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p11.
  5. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p37.
  6. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. pp13,16.
  7. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p14.
  8. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p22.
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Machiya Revival in Kyoto. p32.
  10. ^ Kyomachiya townhouses are full of interesting features!. Why KYOTO? Magazine (Leaf Publications Co. Ltd.). 21 March 2017 [8 July 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-10). 
  11. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. pp24, 27.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Machiya Revival in Kyoto. pp 42–43.
  13. ^ Machiya Revival in Kyoto. pp 56–57.
  14. ^ Kerr, Alex. "Iori 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2009-01-25.." Alex-Kerr.com. Accessed 19 November 2008.
