

科學分類 編輯
界: 真菌界 Fungi
門: 毛黴門 Mucoromycota
綱: 毛黴綱 Mucoromycetes
目: 毛黴目 Mucorales
科: 毛黴科 Mucoraceae
屬: 根黴屬 Rhizopus
少孢根黴 R. oligosporus
Rhizopus oligosporus

少孢根黴學名Rhizopus oligosporus)是根黴屬的一種真菌,常作為製作丹貝發酵劑,它可以長出白色蓬鬆的菌絲體,與被部份分解的大豆結合成白色的餅狀食品[1],這種真菌可以在印尼攝氏30-40度的環境下快速生長,且脂肪分解英語Lipolysis蛋白酶解的活性高,又可以分泌抑制其他微生物生長的物質,因而適合用來生產丹貝[2][3]。少孢根黴可能於數個世紀前,在印尼由微孢毛黴英語Rhizopus microsporus馴化而來,並在馴化的過程中丟失了製造根瘤菌素英語rhizoxin與rhizonin等毒素的基因[4]



有研究將少孢根黴視為微孢毛黴英語Rhizopus microsporus變種Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus[6]。2014年,分子種系發生學的研究結果顯示少孢根黴與微孢毛黴是同一種物種,兩者互為同物異名[7]


  1. ^ Shurtleff, W. & Aoyagi, A. 2001. The book of tempeh. 2 2. Ten Speed Press. Berkeley, California pp.
  2. ^ Nout, M.J.R. Effect of Rhizopus and Neurospora spp. on growth of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 in groundnut. Mycological Research. 1989, 93: 518–523. doi:10.1016/s0953-7562(89)80046-2. 
  3. ^ Kobayasi, Sin-ya; Naoto, OKAZAKI; Takuya, KosEKI. Purification and Characterization of an Antibiotic Substance Produced from Rhizopus oligosporus IFO 8631. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 1992, 56 (1): 94–98. PMID 1368137. doi:10.1271/bbb.56.94. 
  4. ^ Jennessen, J.; Nielsen, K.F.; Houbraken, J.; Lyhne, E.K.; Schnürer, J.; Frisvad, J.C.; Samson, R.A. Secondary metabolite and mycotoxin production by the Rhizopus microsporus group. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2005, 53: 1833–1840. PMID 15740082. doi:10.1021/jf048147n. 
  5. ^ Kobayasi, S; Okazaki, N; Koseki, T. Purification and characterization of an antibiotic substance produced from Rhizopus oligosporus IFO 8631. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. January 1992, 56 (2): 94–98. PMID 1368137. doi:10.1271/bbb.56.94. 
  6. ^ Anastasia Tatik Hartanti, Gayuh Rahayu, Iman Hidayat. Rhizopus Species from Fresh Tempeh Collected from Several Regions in Indonesia 22 (3). HAYATI Journal of Biosciences: 136-142. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.hjb.2015.10.004. 
  7. ^ Somayeh Dolatabadi, Grit Walther,A. H. G. Gerrits van den Ende, G. S. de Hoog. Diversity and delimitation of Rhizopus microsporus 64 (1). Fungal Diversity: 145-163. 2014. doi:10.1007/s13225-013-0229-6. 
