


伊利特·科恩(Elliot D. Cohen,1951年4月16日),美國布朗大學哲學博士,美國哲學諮商的創立人之一。


邏輯基礎療法(Logic-Based Therapy, LBT):以心理學家阿爾伯特·艾利斯(Albert Ellis)的理性行為治療法英语Rational emotive behavior therapy為本,進一步根據自身哲學學養而發展出的哲學諮商方法。[1]

1992年與 Paul Sharkey 成立了美國國家哲學諮商學會(National Philosophical Counseling Association,NPCA[2])。


  • 《這麼想就對了:哲學家教你破除11種負面想法》(The New Rational Therapy:thinking your way to serenity, success, and profound happiness),2012年,繁體中文版由心靈工坊出版,ISBN 978-986-611-246-1
  • 《亞里斯多德會怎麼做?:透過理性力量療癒自我》(What Would Aristotle Do?:Self-Control through the Power of Reason),2013年,繁體中文版由心靈工坊出版,ISBN 978-986-611-284-3
  • 《你是盡責憂慮者嗎?:別再杞人憂天,找回平靜人生》(The Dutiful Worrier: How to Stop Compulsive Worry without Feeling Guilty),2015年,繁體中文版由心靈工坊出版,ISBN 978-986-357-026-4
  • 《Making Value Judgements: Principles of Sound Reasoning》,1985,ISBN 978-089-874-802-4
  • 《Caution: Faulty thinking can be harmful to your happiness: logic for everyday living》,1994,ISBN 978-188-045-407-7
  • 《The Virtuous Therapist: Ethical Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Ethics & Legal Issues)》,1998,ISBN 978-053-434-408-5
  • 《Caution Faulty Thinking Can Be Harmful to Your Happiness, Logic for Everyday Living》,2003,ISBN 978-075-933-630-8
  • 《The Last Days of Democracy: How Big Media and Power-hungry Government Are Turning America into a Dictatorship》,2007,ISBN 978-159-102-504-7
  • 《Critical Thinking Unleashed (Elements of Philosophy》,2009,ISBN 978-074-256-431-2
  • 《Mass Surveillance and State Control: The Total Information Awareness Project》,2010,ISBN 978-023-010-304-7
  • 《Making Peace with Imperfection: Discover Your Perfectionism Type, End the Cycle of Criticism, and Embrace Self-Acceptance》,2019,ISBN 978-168-403-298-3


  1. ^ Duane, Daniel. The Socratic Shrink. The New York Times. 2004-03-21 [2019-07-10]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2019-07-10) (美国英语). 
  2. ^ About Us. NPCA. [2019-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-10) (美国英语).