
主办单位国际数学优化学会英语Mathematical Optimization Society
官方网站http://www.ams.org/profession/prizes-awards/ams-prizes/fulkerson-prize 编辑维基数据

富尔克森奖(英語:Fulkerson Prize)是国际数学优化学会英语Mathematical Optimization Society美国数学学会联合设立的奖项,专门奖励离散数学领域的杰出论文。在国际数学优化学会每三年召开一次的大会上奖励至多三篇论文,奖金各1500美元。最初奖金来自于一个纪念基金。此纪念基金是由数学家戴尔伯特·雷·富尔克森英语Delbert Ray Fulkerson的朋友们建立的、美国数学学会管理,用于激励富尔克森自己研究领域的杰出数学成果。目前奖金来自于国际数学优化学会管理的一笔捐赠资产。




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  18. ^ Alfred Lehman, "The width-length inequality and degenerate projective planes," W. Cook and P. D. Seymour (eds.), Polyhedral Combinatorics, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, volume 1, (American Mathematical Society, 1990) pp. 101-105.
  19. ^ Nikolai E. Mnev, "The universality theorems on the classification problem of configuration varieties and convex polytope varieties," O. Ya. Viro (ed.), Topology and Geometry-Rohlin Seminar, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1346 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988) pp. 527-544.
  20. ^ Billera, Louis. Homology of smooth splines: Generic triangulations and a conjecture of Strang. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 1988, 310: 325–340. doi:10.2307/2001125. 
  21. ^ Kalai, Gil. Upper bounds for the diameter and height of graphs of the convex polyhedra. Discrete and Computational Geometry. 1992, 8: 363–372. doi:10.1007/bf02293053. 
  22. ^ Robertson, Neil; Seymour, Paul; Thomas, Robin. Hadwiger's conjecture for K_6-free graphs. Combinatorica. 1993, 13: 279–361. doi:10.1007/bf01202354. 
  23. ^ Kim, Jeong Han, The Ramsey number R(3,t) has order of magnitude t2/log t, Random Structures & Algorithms, 1995, 7 (3): 173–207, MR 1369063, doi:10.1002/rsa.3240070302 .
  24. ^ Goemans, Michel X.; Williamson, David P. Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum cut and satisfiability probelsm using semi-definite programming. Journal of the ACM. 1995, 42 (6): 1115–1145. doi:10.1145/227683.227684. 
  25. ^ Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols, and M. R. Rao, "Decomposition of balanced matrices", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 77 (2): 292–406, 1999.
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  27. ^ J. F. Geelen, A. M. H. Gerards and A. Kapoor, "The Excluded Minors for GF(4)-Representable Matroids," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 79 (2): 247–2999, 2000.
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 2003 Fulkerson Prize citation页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), retrieved 2012-08-18.
  29. ^ Bertrand Guenin, "A characterization of weakly bipartite graphs," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 83 (1): 112–168, 2001.
  30. ^ Satoru Iwata, Lisa Fleischer, Satoru Fujishige, "A combinatorial strongly polynomial algorithm for minimizing submodular functions," Journal of the ACM, 48 (4): 761–777, 2001.
  31. ^ Alexander Schrijver, "A combinatorial algorithm minimizing submodular functions in strongly polynomial time," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 80 (2): 346–355, 2000.
  32. ^ Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena, "PRIMES is in P," Annals of Mathematics, 160 (2): 781–793, 2004.
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  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 2006 Fulkerson Prize citation页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), retrieved 2012-08-19.
  35. ^ Mark Jerrum, Alistair Sinclair and Eric Vigoda, "A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries," Journal of the ACM, 51 (4): 671–697, 2004.
  36. ^ Neil Robertson and Paul Seymour, "Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 92 (2): 325–357, 2004.
  37. ^ Chudnovsky, Maria; Robertson, Neil; Seymour, Paul; Thomas, Robin. The strong perfect graph theorem. Annals of Mathematics. 2006, 164: 51–229. arXiv:math/0212070可免费查阅. doi:10.4007/annals.2006.164.51. 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 2009 Fulkerson Prize citation页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), retrieved 2012-08-19.
  39. ^ Spielman, Daniel A.; Teng, Shang-Hua. Smoothed analysis of algorithms: Why the simplex algorithm usually takes polynomial time. Journal of the ACM. 2004, 51: 385–463. arXiv:math/0212413可免费查阅. doi:10.1145/990308.990310. 
  40. ^ Hales, Thomas C. A proof of the Kepler conjecture. Annals of Mathematics. 2005, 162: 1063–1183. 
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  42. ^ Arora, Sanjeev; Rao, Satish; Vazirani, Umesh. Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning. Journal of the ACM. 2009, 56: 1–37. doi:10.1145/1502793.1502794. 
  43. ^ Johansson, Anders; Kahn, Jeff; Vu, Van H. Factors in random graphs. Random Structures and Algorithms. 2008, 33: 1–28. doi:10.1002/rsa.20224. 
  44. ^ Lovász, László; Szegedy, Balázs. Limits of dense graph sequences. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. 2006, 96: 933–957. arXiv:math/0408173可免费查阅. doi:10.1016/j.jctb.2006.05.002. 
  45. ^ Santos, Francisco, A counterexample to the Hirsch conjecture, Annals of Mathematics, 2011, 176 (1): 383–412, MR 2925387, arXiv:1006.2814可免费查阅, doi:10.4007/annals.2012.176.1.7 
  46. ^ 2015 Fulkerson Prize citation页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), retrieved 2015-07-18.
