


本条目为埃及世界遗产列表。截至 2023 年5月,埃及共有6处文化遗产与1处自然遗产。 [1]除了正式列入名录的世界遗产外,另有34处遗产位于预备名单中。 [1]


  † 濒危遗产
编号 名称 图片 位置 入选标准 遗产保护范围(公顷) 入选年份 简介
90 圣弭纳城 EgyptAlexandria Governorate,


30°51′00″N 29°40′00″E / 30.85000°N 29.66667°E / 30.85000; 29.66667

450 1979 阿布米那是一处早期基督教的修道院建筑群和朝圣#基督宗教。这座早期基督教圣城的教堂、洗礼堂、大教堂、公共建筑、街道、修道院、房屋和作坊都建于公元 296 年去世的亚历山大里亚烈士梅纳斯的陵墓之上。[2]
Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis EgyptLuxor Governorate,


25°44′00″N 32°36′00″E / 25.73333°N 32.60000°E / 25.73333; 32.60000

18,300 1979 The former capital of Egypt and the city of Amun, Thebes contains temples and palaces at Karnak and Luxor, as well as the necropolises at the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, bearing witness to the height of the Egyptian civilization.[3]
Historic Cairo EgyptCairo Governorate,


30°03′00″N 31°15′40″E / 30.05000°N 31.26111°E / 30.05000; 31.26111

1,290 1979 One of the world's oldest Islamic cities and in the middle of urban Cairo, the site dates from the 10th century and reached its golden age in the 14th century. It contains mosques, madrasah, hammams and fountains.[4]
Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur EgyptGiza Governorate,


30°03′00″N 31°15′40″E / 30.05000°N 31.26111°E / 30.05000; 31.26111

40,422.8 1979 The capital of the Old Kingdom of Egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments, including rock tombs, ornate mastabas, temples and pyramids. In ancient times, the site was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.[5]
Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae EgyptAswan Governorate,


22°20′11″N 31°37′34″E / 22.33639°N 31.62611°E / 22.33639; 31.62611

920 1979 Located along the Nile, the site contains monuments such as the Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel and the Sanctuary of Isis at Philae, saved from being submerged by Lake Nasser as a result of the construction of the Aswan Dam.[6]
Saint Catherine Area EgyptSouth Sinai Governorate,


28°33′22″N 33°58′32″E / 28.55611°N 33.97556°E / 28.55611; 33.97556

149,000 2002 The orthodox monastery of Saint Catherine is among the oldest Christian monasteries still in function. Dating from the 6th century, it is positioned near Mount Horeb where, according to the Old Testament, Moses received the Tablets of the Law. The region is sacred for Christians, Muslims and Jews.[7]
Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) EgyptFaiyum Governorate,


29°20′00″N 30°11′00″E / 29.33333°N 30.18333°E / 29.33333; 30.18333

49,460 2005 Located in western Egypt, Wadi Al-Hitan contains fossil remains of the now extinct Archaeoceti, mapping the evolution of the whales from a land-based to an aquatic mammal.[8]


姓名 日期
西瓦考古区 1994
Serabit Khadem 神庙 1994
北西奈考古遗址区 1994
拉美西斯三世建造的哈托神庙 1994
达舒尔考古区 1994
法尤姆 : Kom Aushim ( Karanis ), Dimai ( Soknopaiou Nesos ), Qasr Qarun (Dionysias), Batn I hrit (Theadelphia), Byahma-Medinet el Fayoum ( Crocodilopolis or Arsinoe), Abgig- Hawara, Seila- Medinet Madi (Narmouthis), 告诉Umm el-Breigat ( Tebtunis ) 1994
埃尔根迪要塞 1994
鲁托修道院 1994
飞然河谷 1994
法老岛 1994
达哈卜 1994
米尼亚 1994
纽伊巴城堡 1994
拉斯穆罕默德 2002年
Gebel Qatrani Area, 卡鲁恩湖自然保护区 2003年
南部和较小的绿洲,西部沙漠 2003年
鸟类迁徙路线 2003年
沙漠河谷 2003年
山链 2003年
大沙漠景观 2003年
亚历山大港、古代遗迹和新图书馆 2003年
阿拜多斯,法老的朝圣地 2003年
托勒密和罗马时期上埃及的法老神庙 2003年
中埃及墓地,从中世纪到罗马时期 2003年
开罗的 Raoudha nilometre 2003年
阿拉伯沙漠和 Wadi Natrun 的修道院 2003年
萨拉丁时期西奈半岛的两座城堡(Al-Gundi 和法老岛) 2003年
An-Nakhl 堡垒,通往麦加朝圣之路上的一个阶段 2003年
法尤姆绿洲、水力遗迹和古代文化景观 2003年
罗塞塔/拉希德的历史街区和纪念碑 2003年
达巴比亚 2008年
赫尔万天文台 2010
Kharga 绿洲和小型南部绿洲 2015年



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Egypt. UNESCO. [21 November 2021]. 
  2. ^ Abu Mena. UNESCO. [17 August 2011]. 
  3. ^ Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis. UNESCO. [17 August 2011]. 
  4. ^ Historic Cairo. UNESCO. [17 August 2011]. 
  5. ^ Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur. UNESCO. [24 December 2016]. 
  6. ^ Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae. UNESCO. [17 August 2011]. 
  7. ^ Saint Catherine Area. UNESCO. [17 August 2011]. 
  8. ^ Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley). UNESCO. [17 August 2011]. 

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