# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script to resolve double redirects, and to delete broken redirects. Requires
access to MediaWiki's maintenance pages or to a XML dump file. Delete
function requires adminship.
python redirect.py action [-argument]
where action can be one of these:
double Fix redirects which point to other redirects
broken Delete redirects where targets don\'t exist. Requires adminship.
and argument can be:
-xml Retrieve information from a local XML dump
(http://download.wikimedia.org). Argument can also be given as
"-xml:filename.xml". If this argument isn't given, info will be
loaded from a special page of the live wiki.
-namespace:n Namespace to process. Works only with an XML dump.
-offset:n Number of redirect to restart with (see progress). Works only
with an XML dump or with -moves.
-moves Instead of using Special:Doubleredirects, use the page move
log to find double-redirect candidates (only works with
action "double", does not work with -xml)
-always Don't prompt you for each replacement.
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2004
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import generators
import wikipedia, config
import xmlreader
import re, sys
__version__='$Id: redirect.py 5601 2008-06-21 06:32:52Z nicdumz $'
# Summary message for fixing double redirects
'en': u'Robot: Fixing double redirect',
'ar': u'روبوت: تصليح تحويلة مزدوجة',
'bat-smg': u'Robots: Taisuoms dvėgobs paradresavėms',
'br': u'Kempennet adkas doubl gant robot',
'de': u'Bot: Korrigiere doppelten Redirect',
'es': u'Robot: Arreglando doble redirección',
'fa': u'ربات:اصلاح تغییر مسیر دوتایی',
'fi': u'Botti korjasi kaksinkertaisen ohjauksen',
'fr': u'Robot : répare double redirection',
'he': u'בוט: מתקן הפניה כפולה',
'hr': u'Bot: Popravak dvostrukih preusmjeravanja',
'ia': u'Robot: reparation de duple redirection',
'is': u'Vélmenni: Lagfæri tvöfalda tilvísun',
'it': u'Bot: Sistemo i redirect doppi',
'ja': u'ロボットによる: 二重リダイレクト修正',
'ka': u'რობოტი: ორმაგი გადამისამართების გასწორება',
'ko': u'로봇: 이중 넘겨주기 수정',
'kk': u'Бот: Шынжырлы айдатуды түзетті',
'ksh':u'Bot: Dubbel Ömlëijdong fottjemaat',
'lb': u'Bot: Duebel Viruleedung gefléckt',
'lt': u'robotas: Taisomas dvigubas peradresavimas',
'nl': u'Robot: Dubbele doorverwijzing gecorrigeerd',
'nn': u'robot: retta dobbel omdirigering',
'no': u'bot: Retter dobbel omdirigering',
'pl': u'Robot naprawia podwójne przekierowanie',
'pt': u'Bot: Corrigido duplo redirecionamento',
'ru': u'Робот: исправление двойного перенаправления',
'sr': u'Бот: Поправка дуплих преусмерења',
'sv': u'Robot: Rättar dubbel omdirigering',
'th': u'โรบอต: แก้หน้าเปลี่ยนทางซ้ำซ้อน',
'tr': u'Bot değişikliği: Yönlendirmeye olan yönlendirme',
'uk': u'Робот: виправлення подвійного перенаправлення',
'yi': u'באט: פארראכטן פארטאפלטע ווייטערפירונג',
'zh': u'機器人:修正雙重重定向',
'zh-yue': u'機械人:拉直連串跳轉 ',
'zh-classical': u'僕:復修渡口',
# Reason for deleting broken redirects
'ar': u'روبوت: هدف التحويلة غير موجود',
'en': u'Robot: Redirect target doesn\'t exist',
'de': u'Bot: Weiterleitungsziel existiert nicht',
'es': u'Robot: La página a la que redirige no existe',
'fa': u'ربات:تغییرمسیر مقصد ندارد',
'fi': u'Botti: Ohjauksen kohdesivua ei ole olemassa',
'fr': u'Robot : Cible du redirect inexistante',
'he': u'בוט: יעד ההפניה אינו קיים',
'it': u'Bot: Il redirect indirizza ad una pagina inesistente',
'ja': u'ロボットによる:リダイレクトの目標は存在しませんでした',
'ka': u'რობოტი: გადამისამართებული გვერდი არ არსებობს',
'ko': u'로봇: 끊긴 넘겨주기',
'kk': u'Бот: Айдату нысанасы жоқ болды',
'ksh':u'Bot: Dė Ömlëijdong jingk ennet Liiere',
'lt': u'robotas: Peradresavimas į niekur',
'nl': u'Robot: Doel doorverwijzing bestaat niet',
'nn': u'robot: målet for omdirigeringa eksisterer ikkje',
'no': u'robot: målet for omdirigeringen eksisterer ikke',
'pl': u'Robot: cel przekierowania nie istnieje',
'pt': u'Bot: Redirecionamento não existe',
'ru': u'Робот: перенаправление в никуда',
'sr': u'Бот: Преусмерење не постоји',
'th': u'โรบอต: หน้าเปลี่ยนทางเสีย',
'tr': u'Bot değişikliği: Var olmayan sayfaya olan yönlendirme',
'zh': u'機器人:該重定向的目標不存在',
'zh-yue': u'機械人:跳轉目標唔存在',
#Summary message for put broken redirect to speedy delete
sd_tagging_sum = {
'en': u'Robot: Tagging for speedy deletion',
'ja': u'ロボットによる:迷子のリダイレクトを即時削除へ',
'zh':u'機器人: 將損壞的重定向提報快速刪除',
#put deletion template
sd_template = {
class RedirectGenerator:
def __init__(self, xmlFilename=None, namespaces=[], offset=-1,
self.xmlFilename = xmlFilename
self.namespaces = namespaces
self.offset = offset
self.use_move_log = use_move_log
def get_redirects_from_dump(self, alsoGetPageTitles = False):
Load a local XML dump file, look at all pages which have the
redirect flag set, and find out where they're pointing at. Return
a dictionary where the redirect names are the keys and the redirect
targets are the values.
xmlFilename = self.xmlFilename
redict = {}
# open xml dump and read page titles out of it
dump = xmlreader.XmlDump(xmlFilename)
site = wikipedia.getSite()
redirR = site.redirectRegex()
readPagesCount = 0
if alsoGetPageTitles:
pageTitles = set()
for entry in dump.parse():
readPagesCount += 1
# always print status message after 10000 pages
if readPagesCount % 10000 == 0:
wikipedia.output(u'%i pages read...' % readPagesCount)
if len(self.namespaces) > 0:
if wikipedia.Page(site, entry.title).namespace() \
not in self.namespaces:
if alsoGetPageTitles:
pageTitles.add(entry.title.replace(' ', '_'))
m = redirR.match(entry.text)
if m:
target = m.group(1)
# There might be redirects to another wiki. Ignore these.
for code in site.family.langs.keys():
if target.startswith('%s:' % code) \
or target.startswith(':%s:' % code):
if code == site.language():
# link to our wiki, but with the lang prefix
target = target[(len(code)+1):]
if target.startswith(':'):
target = target[1:]
u'NOTE: Ignoring %s which is a redirect to %s:'
% (entry.title, code))
target = None
# if the redirect does not link to another wiki
if target:
source = entry.title.replace(' ', '_')
target = target.replace(' ', '_')
# remove leading and trailing whitespace
target = target.strip('_')
# capitalize the first letter
if not wikipedia.getSite().nocapitalize:
source = source[:1].upper() + source[1:]
target = target[:1].upper() + target[1:]
if '#' in target:
target = target[:target.index('#')].rstrip("_")
if '|' in target:
u'HINT: %s is a redirect with a pipelink.'
% entry.title)
target = target[:target.index('|')].rstrip("_")
if target: # in case preceding steps left nothing
redict[source] = target
if alsoGetPageTitles:
return redict, pageTitles
return redict
def retrieve_broken_redirects(self):
if self.xmlFilename == None:
# retrieve information from the live wiki's maintenance page
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
# broken redirect maintenance page's URL
path = mysite.broken_redirects_address(default_limit = False)
wikipedia.output(u'Retrieving special page...')
maintenance_txt = mysite.getUrl(path)
# regular expression which finds redirects which point to a
# non-existing page inside the HTML
Rredir = re.compile('\<li\>\<a href=".+?" title="(.*?)"')
redir_names = Rredir.findall(maintenance_txt)
wikipedia.output(u'Retrieved %d redirects from special page.\n'
% len(redir_names))
for redir_name in redir_names:
yield redir_name
# retrieve information from XML dump
u'Getting a list of all redirects and of all page titles...')
redirs, pageTitles = self.get_redirects_from_dump(
for (key, value) in redirs.iteritems():
if value not in pageTitles:
yield key
def retrieve_double_redirects(self):
if self.xmlFilename == None:
if self.use_move_log:
for redir_page in self.get_moved_pages_redirects():
yield redir_page.title()
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
# retrieve information from the live wiki's maintenance page
# double redirect maintenance page's URL
wikipedia.config.special_page_limit = 1000
path = mysite.double_redirects_address(default_limit = False)
wikipedia.output(u'Retrieving special page...')
maintenance_txt = mysite.getUrl(path)
# regular expression which finds redirects which point to
# another redirect inside the HTML
Rredir = re.compile('\<li\>\<a href=".+?" title="(.*?)">')
redir_names = Rredir.findall(maintenance_txt)
wikipedia.output(u'Retrieved %i redirects from special page.\n'
% len(redir_names))
for redir_name in redir_names:
yield redir_name
redict = self.get_redirects_from_dump()
num = 0
for (key, value) in redict.iteritems():
num += 1
# check if the value - that is, the redirect target - is a
# redirect as well
if num > self.offset and redict.has_key(value):
yield key
wikipedia.output(u'\nChecking redirect %i of %i...'
% (num + 1, len(redict)))
# /wiki/
wiki = re.escape(wikipedia.getSite().nice_get_address(''))
# /w/index.php
index = re.escape(wikipedia.getSite().path())
move_regex = re.compile(
r'<li>.*?<a href="' + wiki + r'User:.*?>.*?</a> '
r'\(<a href="' + wiki + r'User_talk:.*?>Talk</a> \| '
r'<a href="' + wiki + r'Special:Contributions/.*?>contribs</a>\) '
r'moved <a href="' + index + r'?title=.*?>(.*?)</a> to '
r'<a href="' + index + r'.*?>.*?</a>.*?</li>' )
def get_moved_pages_redirects(self):
'''generate redirects to recently-moved pages'''
# this will run forever, until user interrupts it
import datetime
offsetpattern = re.compile(
r"""\(<a href="/w/index\.php\?title=Special:Log&offset=(\d+)&limit=500&type=move" title="Special:Log" rel="next">older 500</a>\)""")
start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(0, 3600)
# one hour ago
offset = start.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
site = wikipedia.getSite()
while True:
move_url = \
site.path() + "?title=Special:Log&limit=500&offset=%s&type=move"\
% offset
move_list = site.getUrl(move_url)
# wikipedia.output(u"[%s]" % offset)
import traceback
for moved_page in self.move_regex.findall(move_list):
# moved_page is now a redirect, so any redirects pointing
# to it need to be changed
for page in wikipedia.Page(site, moved_page
yield page
except wikipedia.NoPage:
# original title must have been deleted after move
m = offsetpattern.search(move_list)
if not m:
offset = m.group(1)
class RedirectRobot:
def __init__(self, action, generator, always=False):
self.action = action
self.generator = generator
self.always = always
def prompt(self, question):
if not self.always:
choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(question, ['Yes', 'No', 'All'],
['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
if choice == 'n':
return False
elif choice == 'a':
self.always = True
return True
def delete_broken_redirects(self):
# get reason for deletion text
reason = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), reason_broken)
for redir_name in self.generator.retrieve_broken_redirects():
redir_page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), redir_name)
# Show the title of the page we're working on.
# Highlight the title in purple.
wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
% redir_page.title())
targetPage = redir_page.getRedirectTarget()
except wikipedia.IsNotRedirectPage:
wikipedia.output(u'%s is not a redirect.' % redir_page.title())
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u'%s doesn\'t exist.' % redir_page.title())
except wikipedia.NoPage:
if self.prompt(u'Redirect target %s does not exist. Do you want to delete %s?'
% (targetPage.aslink(), redir_page.aslink())):
redir_page.delete(reason, prompt = False)
except wikipedia.NoUsername:
if sd_template.has_key(targetPage.site().lang) and sd_tagging_sum.has_key(targetPage.site().lang):
wikipedia.output("No sysop in user-config.py, put page to speedy deletion.")
content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True)
content = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_template)+"\n"+content
summary = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_tagging_sum)
redir_page.put(content, summary)
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
u'Redirect target %s is also a redirect! Won\'t delete anything.' % targetPage.aslink())
#we successfully get the target page, meaning that
#it exists and is not a redirect: no reason to touch it.
u'Redirect target %s does exist! Won\'t delete anything.' % targetPage.aslink())
def fix_double_redirects(self):
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
for redir_name in self.generator.retrieve_double_redirects():
redir = wikipedia.Page(mysite, redir_name)
# Show the title of the page we're working on.
# Highlight the title in purple.
wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
% redir.title())
newRedir = redir
redirList = [] # bookkeeping to detect loops
while True:
redirList.append(u'%s:%s' % (newRedir.site().lang,
targetPage = newRedir.getRedirectTarget()
except wikipedia.IsNotRedirectPage:
if len(redirList) == 1:
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping: Page %s is not a redirect.'
% redir.aslink())
break #do nothing
elif len(redirList) == 2:
u'Skipping: Redirect target %s is not a redirect.'
% newRedir.aslink())
break # do nothing
except wikipedia.SectionError:
u'Warning: Redirect target section %s doesn\'t exist.'
% newRedir.aslink())
except wikipedia.BadTitle, e:
# str(e) is in the format 'BadTitle: [[Foo]]'
u'Warning: Redirect target %s is not a valid page title.'
% str(e)[10:])
except wikipedia.NoPage:
if len(redirList) == 1:
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping: Page %s does not exist.'
% redir.aslink())
u"Warning: Redirect target %s doesn't exist."
% newRedir.aslink())
u' Links to: %s.'
% targetPage.aslink())
if targetPage.site() != mysite:
u'Warning: redirect target (%s) is on a different site.'
% (targetPage.aslink()))
if self.always:
break # skip if automatic
# watch out for redirect loops
if redirList.count(u'%s:%s'
% (targetPage.site().lang,
) > 0:
u'Warning: Redirect target %s forms a redirect loop.'
% targetPage.aslink())
if sd_template.has_key(targetPage.site().lang) and sd_tagging_sum.has_key(targetPage.site().lang):
wikipedia.output(u"Tagging redirect for deletion")
# Delete the two redirects
content = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_template)+"\n"+content
summary = wikipedia.translate(targetPage.site().lang,sd_tagging_sum)
targetPage.put(content, summary)
redir.put(content, summary)
break # TODO Better implement loop redirect
newRedir = targetPage
continue #
oldText = redir.get(get_redirect=True)
text = mysite.redirectRegex().sub(
'#%s %s' %
(mysite.redirect( True ),
if text == oldText:
wikipedia.showDiff(oldText, text)
if self.prompt(u'Do you want to accept the changes?'):
except wikipedia.LockedPage:
wikipedia.output(u'%s is locked.' % redir.title())
except wikipedia.SpamfilterError, error:
u"Saving page [[%s]] prevented by spam filter: %s"
% (redir.title(), error.url))
except wikipedia.PageNotSaved, error:
wikipedia.output(u"Saving page [[%s]] failed: %s"
% (redir.title(), error))
except wikipedia.NoUsername:
u"Page [[%s]] not saved; sysop privileges required."
% redir.title())
except wikipedia.Error, error:
u"Unexpected error occurred trying to save [[%s]]: %s"
% (redir.title(), error))
def run(self):
if self.action == 'double':
# get summary text
wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg_double))
elif self.action == 'broken':
def main():
# read command line parameters
# what the bot should do (either resolve double redirs, or delete broken
# redirs)
action = None
# where the bot should get his infos from (either None to load the
# maintenance special page from the live wiki, or the filename of a
# local XML dump file)
xmlFilename = None
# Which namespace should be processed when using a XML dump
# default to -1 which means all namespaces will be processed
namespaces = []
# at which redirect shall we start searching double redirects again
# (only with dump); default to -1 which means all redirects are checked
offset = -1
moved_pages = False
always = False
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == 'double':
action = 'double'
elif arg == 'broken':
action = 'broken'
elif arg.startswith('-xml'):
if len(arg) == 4:
xmlFilename = wikipedia.input(
u'Please enter the XML dump\'s filename: ')
xmlFilename = arg[5:]
elif arg.startswith('-moves'):
moved_pages = True
elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
except ValueError:
elif arg.startswith('-offset:'):
offset = int(arg[8:])
elif arg == '-always':
always = True
wikipedia.output(u'Unknown argument: %s' % arg)
if not action:
gen = RedirectGenerator(xmlFilename, namespaces, offset, moved_pages)
bot = RedirectRobot(action, gen, always)
if __name__ == '__main__':