用戶頁 | 曾經創建的條目 | 我上傳的圖片 | 曾經創建的模版 | 機器人代碼收藏及機器人試驗區 | 沙盒 | 貢獻 | 對話頁
#!/usr/bin/perl # catnav bot by WikiPedia:User:下一次登录 # Sisclaimer: No warranty granted, use at your own risk! # call requirements use Getopt::Std; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; use HTTP::Cookies; #subroutine #parameters local $username="xcnbot"; #input your username here, only English names are tested. local $password="******"; #input your password here local $WIKI_PATH=""; local $WIKI_PAGE; ### Login to wiki # Set up connection data my $browser=LWP::UserAgent->new(); my @ns_headers = ( 'User-Agent' => 'Xcnbot 1.0 by 下一次登录', #Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0', 'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*', 'Accept-Charset' => 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US', ); # Hold cookies $browser->cookie_jar( {} ); {# Login # Make login request $response=$browser->post("http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin&action=submitlogin", @ns_headers, Content=>[wpName=>$username,wpPassword=>$password,wpRemember=>"1",wpLoginAttempt=>"Log in"]); # After logging in, we should be redirected to another page. # If we aren't, something is wrong. if($response->code!=302) { #cannot login print "We weren't able to login.\n\n"; close(DEBUG); exit 1; } } print "Logged in \n"; # Trivial variables local $content; local $content1; local $content2; local @cnTree; local $editToken; local $editTime; # Set parameters local $DEPTH=5; #predefined DEPTH local $cChange=0; #Counter of CHANGEs my $vName; #Variable: current cat NAME my $vNameU="%E9%A0%81%E9%9D%A2%E5%88%86%E9%A1%9E"; #vName: Unicode, starting from “页面分类” my @aTree; #Array: current cat-TREE my $vDepth=0; #Variable: current cat-tree DEPTH my @aChild; #Array: current cat's CHILDREN my @aChildU; #aChildren: Unicode # Connect to root cat $WIKI_PAGE=$vNameU; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/wiki/Category:".$WIKI_PAGE; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $content=$response->as_string; { # extract vName $filestartstr="<h1 class=\"firstHeading\">Category:"; $filestart=index($content, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content, $filestart+34); $fileendstr="</h1>"; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $vName=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); } # extract vName print "got vName\n"; # Change @aTree $aTree[$vDepth]=$vName; $vDepth+=1; if(1) { #debug open INPUT, ">debug1.txt"; print INPUT $URL; print INPUT "\n\n before digui\n\n"; close INPUT; } #debug if(1) { #log open INPUT, ">cnlog.txt"; print INPUT "program start\n"; close INPUT; } #log &gotocat($vName, $vNameU, $vDepth, @aTree); sub gotocat { #递归程序 my($vName, $vNameU, $vDepth, @aTree) = @_; if(1) { #debug log open INPUT, ">diguilog.txt"; print INPUT "Name="; print INPUT $vName; print INPUT " UName="; print INPUT $vNameU; print INPUT " vDepth="; print INPUT " aTree="; print INPUT $vDepth; for($i=0;$i<$vDepth;$i+=1) { print INPUT $aTree[$i]; print INPUT ">"; } print INPUT "\n"; close INPUT; } #debug log my @aChild; my @aChildU; my $nChild=0; #Child cat number if($vDepth>$DEPTH) { #depth exceeds $aTree[1]="..."; for($i=2;$i<$DEPTH;$i+=1) { $aTree[$i]=$aTree[$i+1]; } $vDepth=$DEPTH; if(1) { #debug log open INPUT, ">>diguilog.txt"; print INPUT "Depth exceeds\n"; close INPUT; } #debug log } print "in digui. vDepth="; print $vDepth; print "\n"; if(1) { # list and sort all children ## list print "list "; $WIKI_PAGE=$vNameU; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/wiki/Category:".$WIKI_PAGE; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $content=$response->as_string; $content1=$content; $filestartstr="<a class=\"CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory\" href=\"/wiki/Category:"; while(index($content1, $filestartstr)>=0) { #while there is more children print "c "; { # extract a Child cat line $filestartstr="<a class=\"CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory\" href=\"/wiki/Category:"; $filestart=index($content1, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content1, $filestart+99); $fileendstr="</a></div>"; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $content2=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); $content1=substr($content1, $fileend+10); } # extract a Child cat line { # cat name and Uname $fileendstr="\">"; $fileend=index($content2, $fileendstr); $aChildU[$nChild]=substr($content2, 0, $fileend); $aChild[$nChild]=substr($content2, $fileend+2); } # cat name and Uname $nChild+=1; } #while there is more children if(0) { ## check if there is "next 200" $filestartstr="<br style=\"clear:both;\"/>"; $filestart=index($content, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content, $filestart+25); $fileendstr="<h2>"; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $content1=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); $filestartstr="200</a>)<div id"; while(index($content1, $filestartstr)>=0) { # while there is "next 200" print "200 "; { ## extract url $filestartstr="200) (<a href=\""; $filestart=index($content1, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content1, $filestart+15); $fileendstr="\" title="; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $WIKI_PAGE=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); } ## extract url $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH.$WIKI_PAGE; if(1) { #log open INPUT, ">>cnlog.txt"; print INPUT $URL; print INPUT "\n"; close INPUT; } #log $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $content=$response->as_string; $content1=$content; $filestartstr="<a class=\"CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory\" href=\"/wiki/Category:"; while(index($content1, $filestartstr)>=0) { #while there is more children print "c "; { # extract a Child cat line $filestartstr="<a class=\"CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory\" href=\"/wiki/Category:"; $filestart=index($content1, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content1, $filestart+99); $fileendstr="</a></div>"; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $content2=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); $content1=substr($content1, $fileend+10); } # extract a Child cat line { # cat name and Uname $fileendstr="\">"; $fileend=index($content2, $fileendstr); $aChildU[$nChild]=substr($content2, 0, $fileend); $aChild[$nChild]=substr($content2, $fileend+2); } # cat name and Uname $nChild+=1; } #while there is more children # next 200? $filestartstr="<br style=\"clear:both;\"/>"; $filestart=index($content, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content, $filestart+25); $fileendstr="<h2>"; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $content1=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); $filestartstr="200</a>)<div id"; } # while there is "next 200" } ## check if there is "next 200" ## sort print "sort "; my $i,$j; my $swap; for($i=0;$i<$nChild-1;$i+=1) { for($j=$i+1;$j<$nChild;$j+=1) { if($aChild[$i] gt $aChild[$j]) { $swap=$aChild[$i]; $aChild[$i]=$aChild[$j]; $aChild[$j]=$swap; $swap=$aChildU[$i]; $aChildU[$i]=$aChildU[$j]; $aChildU[$j]=$swap; } } } print "entered current page. nChild="; print $nChild; print "\n"; if(0) { #debug open INPUT, ">>debug1.txt"; my $i; for($i=0;$i<$nChild;$i+=1) { print INPUT $aChild[$i]; print INPUT " "; print INPUT $aChildU[$i]; print INPUT "\n"; } print INPUT "\n\n\n"; close INPUT; } #debug } # list and sort all children if(1) { #log open INPUT, ">>cnlog.txt"; print INPUT "Digui: Cat="; print INPUT $vName; print INPUT ", Tree="; for($i=0;$i<$vDepth;$i+=1) { print INPUT $aTree[$i]; print INPUT ">"; } print INPUT "\n"; print INPUT " "; print INPUT $nChild; print INPUT " children: "; for($i=0;$i<$nChild;$i+=1) { print INPUT $aChild[$i]; print INPUT " "; } print INPUT "\n"; close INPUT; } #log my $i; for($i=0;$i<$nChild;$i+=1) { # check and add catnav to all children my $cnDepth; my $bFound=0; #found same tree? my $bSame=1; #cat name is the same? my $cnFound=0; # get edit content $WIKI_PAGE=$aChildU[$i]; #$WIKI_PAGE="%E4%BA%9A%E6%B4%B2%E5%9B%BD%E5%AE%B6"; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Category:".$WIKI_PAGE."&action=edit"; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $content=$response->as_string; # Get EditToken ($editToken) = ( $content =~ m/value\=\"([0-9a-f\\]*)\" name\=\"wpEditToken\"/ ); ($editTime) = ( $content =~ m/value\=\"([0-9a-f]*)\" name\=\"wpEdittime\"/ ); $filestartstr="<textarea tabindex='1' accesskey=\",\" name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" rows='25'"; $fileendstr="</textarea>"; $filestart= index($content, $filestartstr); $filestart+=92; $fileend= index($content, $fileendstr); $content=substr($content, $filestart, $fileend-$filestart); # check if there is Catnav $filestartstr="{{Catnav|"; $content1=$content; while(index($content1, $filestartstr)>=0) { #while there is still Catnav $cnFound=1; $cnDepth=0; $filestart=index($content1, $filestartstr); $content1=substr($content1, $filestart+9); $fileendstr="}}"; $fileend=index($content1, $fileendstr); $content2=substr($content1, 0, $fileend); $content1=substr($content1, $fileend+1); $filestartstr="|"; while(index($content2, $filestartstr)>=0) { #while there is | $filestart=index($content2, $filestartstr); $cnTree[$cnDepth]=substr($content2, 0, $filestart); $content2=substr($content2, $filestart+1); $cnDepth+=1; } #while there is | #the last one $cnTree[$cnDepth]=$content2; $cnDepth+=1; if(0) { #debug open INPUT, ">>debug1.txt"; my $j; for($j=0;$j<$cnDepth;$j+=1) { # check and add catnav to all children { print INPUT $cnTree[$j]; print INPUT " "; } print INPUT "\n\n\n"; } # check and add catnav to all children } #debug $bSame=1; if($vDepth == $cnDepth) { for($j=0;$j<$cnDepth;$j+=1) { if($cnTree[$j] ne $aTree[$j]) { $bSame=0;} } } else { $bSame=0; } if($bSame) { $bFound=1; } $filestartstr="{{Catnav|"; } #while there is still Catnav print "entered child page. bFound="; print $bFound; print "\n"; if($bFound<1) { # add new tree my $treecontent; $treecontent="{{Catnav"; for($j=0;$j<$vDepth;$j+=1) { $treecontent=$treecontent."|".$aTree[$j]; } if($cnFound) { $treecontent=$treecontent."}}\n"; } else { $treecontent=$treecontent."}}\n\n"; } $content=$treecontent.$content; $WIKI_PAGE=$aChildU[$i]; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Category:".$WIKI_PAGE."&action=edit"; #check for illegal characters my $special_char; $special_char="""; #" while(index($content, $special_char)>=0) { substr($content, index($content, $special_char), length($special_char) ) ="\""; } $special_char="<"; #< while(index($content, $special_char)>=0) { substr($content, index($content, $special_char), length($special_char) ) ="<"; } $special_char=">"; #> while(index($content, $special_char)>=0) { substr($content, index($content, $special_char), length($special_char) ) =">"; } $special_char="&"; #& while(index($content, $special_char)>=0) { substr($content, index($content, $special_char), length($special_char) ) ="&"; } if(1) {#Update $response=$browser -> post($URL, @ns_headers, Content_Type=>'form-data',Content=> [ wpTextbox1 => $content, wpSummary => "[[User:xcnbot|xcnbot]] testing", wpSave => "Save page", wpSection => "", wpEdittime => $editTime, wpEditToken => $editToken, wpMinoredit => "1", ]); print "Change made\n"; if(1) { #log open INPUT, ">>cnlog.txt"; print INPUT " Child:"; print INPUT $aChild[$i]; print INPUT " change made.\n"; close INPUT; } #log } #Update } } # check and add catnav to all children # call sub-gotocat on every child my $ch; for($ch=0;$ch<$nChild;$ch+=1) { # Change @aTree if(1) { #log open INPUT, ">>cnlog.txt"; print INPUT "Go into: Child="; print INPUT $aChild[$ch]; print INPUT "\n"; close INPUT; } #log $aTree[$vDepth]=$aChild[$ch]; &gotocat($aChild[$ch], $aChildU[$ch], $vDepth+1, @aTree); if(1) { #log open INPUT, ">>cnlog.txt"; print INPUT "Jump outto: Parent="; print INPUT $vName; print INPUT "\n"; close INPUT; } #log } } #递归程序
#!/usr/bin/perl # catnav bot by WikiPedia:User:下一次登录 # Disclaimer: No warranty granted, use at your own risk! # call requirements use Getopt::Std; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; use HTTP::Cookies; #subroutine #parameters local $username="xcnbot"; #input your username here, only English names are tested. local $password="******"; #input your password here local $WIKI_PATH=""; local $WIKI_PAGE; ### Login to wiki # Set up connection data my $browser=LWP::UserAgent->new(); my @ns_headers = ( 'User-Agent' => 'Xcnbot1.0 by 下一次登录', #Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0', 'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*', 'Accept-Charset' => 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US', ); # Hold cookies $browser->cookie_jar( {} ); {# Login # Make login request $response=$browser->post("http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin&action=submitlogin", @ns_headers, Content=>[wpName=>$username,wpPassword=>$password,wpRemember=>"1",wpLoginAttempt=>"Log in"]); # After logging in, we should be redirected to another page. # If we aren't, something is wrong. if($response->code!=302) { #cannot login print "We weren't able to login.\n\n"; close(DEBUG); exit 1; } print "Logged in \n"; } # Trivial variables local $content; #target page content local $editcontent; #target edit content local $neweditcontent; #modified target edit content local $content1; #parent category content local $editToken; local $editTime; local $beforeCatnav; local @Catnav; local $afterCatnav; local $bError; local $vLine; local $nDepth; local $nCatnav; local @vCat; local $bChange; # Set parameters my $vNameU="%E5%BE%8C%E7%87%95%E5%B9%B4%E8%99%9F"; # get a list of categories from special:allpages my $article_count=0; #number of articles in allpages my @article_name; #the characters of the article names for log my @article_unicode; #the unicode article names for connection my $last_string; #the unicode of the last article in the last run (init="%21") my $article_line; #one article line in allpage content my $article_ID; open LOG1, ">>log.txt"; while(1) { #process #read last_string.txt and start allpages from that article open FILE, "<last_string.txt"; $last_string=""; while (<FILE>) { $last_string.=$_; } if(1) { #process allpages contents and make a list #go to allpages and get the contents $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Special:Allpages&from=".$last_string."&namespace=14"; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $filename1=$response->as_string; $article_count=0; #reset the article count { #truncate the contents #find the start point and extract the content $filestartstr="<table style=\"background: inherit;\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"; $filestart=index($filename1, $filestartstr); $filename1=substr($filename1, $filestart+60); #find the end point and cut $fileendstr="<div class=\"printfooter\">"; $fileend=index($filename1, $fileendstr); $filename1=substr($filename1, 0, $fileend); } #truncate the contents { #find all the cat names #extract a line (between<td> </td>)and leave rest to $filename1 $filestartstr="<td>"; $fileendstr="</td>"; $filestart=index($filename1, $filestartstr)+4; $fileend=index($filename1, $fileendstr); $article_line=substr($filename1, $filestart, $fileend-$filestart); $filename1=substr($filename1, $fileend+5); while($article_count<=202) { #if there is article names in allpage contents #process $article_line #extract the unicode name $filestartstr="<a href=\"/wiki/"; $filestart=index($article_line, $filestartstr)+15+9; $article_line=substr($article_line, $filestart); $fileendstr="\""; $fileend=index($article_line, $fileendstr); $article_unicode[$article_count]=substr($article_line, 0, $fileend); $article_line=substr($article_line, $fileend+1); #extract the character name $filestartstr="title=\""; $filestart=index($article_line, $filestartstr)+7; $article_line=substr($article_line, $filestart); $fileendstr="\""; $fileend=index($article_line, $fileendstr); $article_name[$article_count]=substr($article_line, 0, $fileend); $article_count+=1; #extract a line (between<td> </td>)and leave rest to $filestartstr="<td>"; $fileendstr="</td>"; $filestart=index($filename1, $filestartstr)+4; $fileend=index($filename1, $fileendstr); $article_line=substr($filename1, $filestart, $fileend-$filestart); $filename1=substr($filename1, $fileend+5); } #while } #find all the cat names } #process allpages contents and make a list $article_ID=0; while($article_ID<$article_count) { #go through all the pages and process $vNameU=$article_unicode[$article_ID]; # Connect to root cat $WIKI_PAGE=$vNameU; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/wiki/Category:".$WIKI_PAGE; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $content=$response->as_string; print "\n"; print $URL; print LOG1 "\n"; print LOG1 $URL; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Category:".$WIKI_PAGE."&action=edit"; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $editcontent=$response->as_string; # Get EditToken ($editToken) = ( $editcontent =~ m/value\=\"([0-9a-f\\]*)\" name\=\"wpEditToken\"/ ); ($editTime) = ( $editcontent =~ m/value\=\"([0-9a-f]*)\" name\=\"wpEdittime\"/ ); $filestartstr="<textarea tabindex='1' accesskey=\",\" name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" rows='25'"; $fileendstr="</textarea>"; $filestart= index($editcontent, $filestartstr); $filestart+=92; $fileend= index($editcontent, $fileendstr); $editcontent=substr($editcontent, $filestart, $fileend-$filestart); $afterCatnav=$editcontent; print "\nC "; print LOG1 "\nC "; $bChange=0; #organize edit content for catnav $filestartstr="{{catnav"; $neweditcontent=$editcontent; while(index($neweditcontent, $filestartstr)>=0) { substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $filestartstr), length($filestartstr) ) ="{{Catnav"; } #find all {{catnav $filestartstr="{{Catnav"; $nCatnav=0; while(index($neweditcontent, $filestartstr)>=0) { #find all {{catnav $filestartstr="{{Catnav"; $neweditcontent=substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $filestartstr)); $filestartstr="}}"; $Catnav[$nCatnav]=substr($neweditcontent, 0, index($neweditcontent, $filestartstr)+2); $neweditcontent=substr($neweditcontent, index($Catnav, $filestartstr)+2); $nCatnav+=1; $filestartstr="{{Catnav"; } #find all {{catnav print $nCatnav; print "cn(s) "; print LOG1 $nCatnav; print LOG1 "cn(s) "; # process catnav $nCatnav=0; $filestartstr="title=\"catnav\" style="; while(index($content, $filestartstr)>=0) { # process catnav {# process catnav #get a line $filestartstr="title=\"catnav\" style="; $filestart=index($content, $filestartstr); $content=substr($content, $filestart+21); $fileendstr="</div>"; $fileend=index($content, $fileendstr); $vLine=substr($content, 0, $fileend); $content=substr($content, $fileend+5); #get all links $filestartstr="..."; if(index($vLine, $filestartstr)>=0) { $filestart=index($vLine, $filestartstr); $vLine=substr($vLine, $filestart+3); } $nDepth=0; $filestartstr="<a href=\"/wiki/Category:"; while(index($vLine, $filestartstr)>=0) { #while there is a cat link $filestartstr="<a href=\"/wiki/Category:"; $filestart=index($vLine, $filestartstr)+24; $vLine=substr($vLine, $filestart); $filestartstr="\" title=\"Category:"; $filestart=index($vLine, $filestartstr); $vCat[$nDepth]=substr($vLine, 0, $filestart); $vLine=substr($vLine, $filestart+18); $nDepth+=1; } #while there is a cat link }# process catnav #check parent cats $bError=0; local $Page; $Page=$vNameU; while($nDepth>0) { $nDepth=$nDepth-1; if($bError==0) { $WIKI_PAGE=$Page; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/wiki/Category:".$WIKI_PAGE; $response=$browser->get($URL, @ns_headers); $content1=$response->as_string; $filestartstr="<div id=\"catlinks\"><p class='catlinks'><a href=\"/wiki/Special:Categories\" title="; $content1=substr($content1, index($content1, $filestartstr)); $filestartstr="</span></p></div>"; $content1=substr($content1, 0, index($content1, $filestartstr)); $Page=$vCat[$nDepth]; my $Page1; $Page1="Category:".$vCat[$nDepth]."\" title"; if(index($content1, $Page1)<0) { $bError=1; print "Err "; print LOG1 "Err "; } } } #delete catnav if($bError>0) { #delete catnav my $cnstring="{{catnav|"; substr($editcontent, index($editcontent, $cnstring), length($cnstring) ) ="{{Catnav|"; substr($editcontent, index($editcontent, $Catnav[$nCatnav]), length($Catnav[$nCatnav])+1 ) =""; $bChange=1; } #delete catnav $filestartstr="title=\"catnav\" style="; $nCatnav+=1; } # process catnav #update if($bChange>0) { { #check for illegal characters my $special_char; $special_char="""; #" while(index($neweditcontent, $special_char)>=0) { substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $special_char), length($special_char) ) ="\""; } $special_char="<"; #< while(index($neweditcontent, $special_char)>=0) { substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $special_char), length($special_char) ) ="<"; } $special_char=">"; #> while(index($neweditcontent, $special_char)>=0) { substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $special_char), length($special_char) ) =">"; } $special_char="&"; #& while(index($neweditcontent, $special_char)>=0) { substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $special_char), length($special_char) ) ="&"; } $special_char=" "; # while(index($neweditcontent, $special_char)>=0) { substr($neweditcontent, index($neweditcontent, $special_char), length($special_char) ) =" "; } } #check for illegal characters $WIKI_PAGE=$vNameU; $URL="http://".$WIKI_PATH."/w/index.php?title=Category:".$WIKI_PAGE."&action=edit"; if(1) {#Update $response=$browser -> post($URL, @ns_headers, Content_Type=>'form-data',Content=> [ wpTextbox1 => $editcontent, wpSummary => "Testing: Wrong catnav deleted.", wpSave => "Save page", wpSection => "", wpEdittime => $editTime, wpEditToken => $editToken, wpMinoredit => "1", ]); print "Changed."; print LOG1 "Changed."; } } $article_ID+=1; } #while ID<count if(1) { #record last string.txt open INPUT, ">last_string.txt"; print INPUT $article_unicode[$article_count-1]; close INPUT; } } #while whole