
User:Taketa/Project images


This is a project to get images on Wikipedia.

- Help add images -

How it works

  • Go to the article
  • Go to the button "编辑链接" on the bottom of the left side of the screen (其他语言)
    You are now on Wikidata
  • Scroll up and find the image and check if it is usefull
  • Go back to Wikipedia and add the image to the infobox on the article
  • The article disappears on its own from the category when an image is in the infobox



Some articles cannot be improved and will clutter the category over time. Ignore these articles. To work more easily, start at a random spot somewhere in the middle.


You can add your name if you have helped:

  • Great. Image added to the first article just now! Easy ways to get big things done! Bluedeck 2014年7月7日 (一) 12:50 (UTC)
  • ...

Technical details

For more information see User:Taketa/Images.