
NGC 6441

NGC 6441
观测数据(J2000 历元)
赤经17h 50m 13.06s[1]
赤纬−37° 03′ 05.2″[1]
距离44 kly(13.5 kpc[2]
视星等 (V)7.2[3]
Mass1.6×106[4] M
金属量−0.53[5] dex
估计年龄13−13.7[2] Gyr

NGC 6441位于南天的天蝎座,是登录在NGC天体表内的一个球状星团。它是苏格兰的天文学家詹姆士·敦洛普在1826年5月13日发现的。根据敦洛普的描述,这是一个小,但有明确界线的明亮星云,直径大约20″。这个星团位于傅说 (恒星)(天蝎座 G)东北东方5弧分[3],与太阳相距约44,000光年 [2]

这是银河系中最大和最明亮的球状星团之一,估计质量是160万倍太阳质量。它位于银河系的核球,距离银心约13 kly(3.9 kpc)[6],被认为是富金属量。也就是相对之下有较多高于氦元素的金属元素丰度[4]。相较于0.64弧分的半质量半径,星团的核心区域大约是0.11弧分。在核心区域的恒星密度暗示它的亮度密度是5.25 L pc−3[2]。星团的半光度半径是7.1 ly(2.18 pc)[6]


这个星团内至少有4颗毫秒脉冲星,且其中两颗是在联星系。其中一颗是轨道离心率高达0.71的联星PSR J1750−37A[2]。这个星团有一颗X射线爆发源,X1746-370,它有着在所有的球状团和星系中已知最长的周期[9]。最后,这而还有一个行星状星云,JaFu 2[10],是在银河系内已知有行星状星云的4个球状星团之一[3]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Goldsbury, Ryan; et al, The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. X. New Determinations of Centers for 65 Clusters, The Astronomical Journal, December 2010, 140 (6): 1830–1837, Bibcode:2010AJ....140.1830G, arXiv:1008.2755可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/0004-6256/140/6/1830. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Freire, Paulo C. C.; et al, Eight New Millisecond Pulsars in NGC 6440 and NGC 6441, The Astrophysical Journal, March 2008, 675 (1): 670−682, Bibcode:2008ApJ...675..670F, arXiv:0711.0925可免费查阅, doi:10.1086/526338. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 O'Meara, Stephen James, Deep-Sky Companions: Southern Gems, Cambridge University Press: 360−363, 2013 [2016-09-16], ISBN 1139851543, (原始内容存档于2016-05-03) 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Bellini, A.; et al, The Intriguing Stellar Populations in the Globular Clusters NGC 6388 and NGC 6441, The Astrophysical Journal, March 2013, 765 (1): 27, Bibcode:2013ApJ...765...32B, arXiv:1301.2822可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/765/1/32, 32. 
  5. ^ Leaman, Ryan, Insights into Pre-enrichment of Star Clusters and Self-enrichment of Dwarf Galaxies from Their Intrinsic Metallicity Dispersions, The Astronomical Journal, December 2012, 144 (6): 13, Bibcode:2012AJ....144..183L, arXiv:1209.4648可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/0004-6256/144/6/183, 183. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Mackey, A. D.; van den Bergh, Sidney, The properties of Galactic globular cluster subsystems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, June 2005, 360 (2): 631−645, Bibcode:2005MNRAS.360..631M, arXiv:astro-ph/0504142可免费查阅, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09080.x. 
  7. ^ Corwin, T. Michael; et al, Image-Subtraction Photometry of Variable Stars in the Globular Clusters NGC 6388 and NGC 6441, The Astronomical Journal, September 2006, 132 (3): 1014−1022, Bibcode:2006AJ....132.1014C, arXiv:astro-ph/0605569可免费查阅, doi:10.1086/505745. 
  8. ^ Krogsrud, David A.; et al, The Curious Radial Distributions of Horizontal Branch Stars in NGC 6441, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, April 2013, 767 (2): 5, Bibcode:2013ApJ...767L..27K, arXiv:1304.1470可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/767/2/L27, L27. 
  9. ^ Homer, L.; et al, Optical Identification of the X-Ray Burster X1746-370 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6441, The Astronomical Journal, June 2002, 123 (6): 3255−3262, Bibcode:2002AJ....123.3255H, arXiv:astro-ph/0201550可免费查阅, doi:10.1086/340470. 
  10. ^ Jacoby, George H.; et al, Planetary Nebulae in the Globular Cluster PAL 6 and NGC 6441, Astronomical Journal, December 1997, 114: 2611, Bibcode:1997AJ....114.2611J, doi:10.1086/118671.