

凯莱·弗莱明英语Cailey Fleming(幼年时期)
配音黛西·蕾德莉(在《迪士尼无限3.0英语Disney Infinity 3.0》中乐高星球大战:原力觉醒
海伦·萨德勒英语Helen Sadler乐高星球大战:义军崛起英语Lego Star Wars: The Resistance Rises[3]

蕾伊(英语:Rey)是《星球大战》系列中的一个虚构角色,在电影中由黛西·蕾德莉饰演。她是《星球大战》续集三部曲英语Star Wars sequel trilogy中的主要角色[5][1][6]。蕾伊在《星球大战:原力觉醒》中首次作为主角之一登场,她儿时被留弃在行星贾库英语Jakku上。在剧中,蕾伊同前突击兵队员芬恩以及抵抗组织王牌飞行员波·达默龙英语Poe Dameron的机器人BB-8一道参与了“抵抗组织”反抗“第一势力”的活动。


Screenwriter Michael Arndt said that he found Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy's offer to write the Star Wars sequel trilogy daunting in mid-2012, but he became interested when it was explained to him to be about the origin story of a female Jedi and he met with George Lucas.[7] The character was a young woman known as Kira in the early stages of production, and Arndt described her as a "loner, hothead, gear-head, badass".[8] Arndt said that he struggled with introducing the young woman as the main character in his story while keeping her from being overshadowed after her early meeting with the Luke Skywalker character.[7]

在为星球大战新三部曲英语Star Wars sequel trilogy创建一个新的女主角这件事上,J·J·艾布拉姆斯表示,在他与编剧劳伦斯·卡斯丹的初步讨论后,为在故事的中心有女性角色而感到兴奋,并进一步确认道,“我们知道,除了莱娅公主作为这个拼图的关键一块之外,我们希望还有别的女性——不一定是人类,但一定是女性——出现在故事中。”[注释 1][1]Kennedy stated that "Rey is the new generation’s Luke Skywalker."[9] Rey's background as a scavenger was part of the developers attempting to portray her as "the ultimate outsider and the ultimate disenfranchised person" due to their belief that a person of that nature would have a prolonged journey compared to other types of people.[10]

黛西·蕾德莉在成为蕾伊这个角色的扮演者之前,很大程度上并不知名;她为这个角色参加了五次试镜。在此之前蕾德莉仅有在电视剧中的一小部分演出经验。蕾德莉此前较少的演绎经验以及较低的曝光度是说服艾布拉姆斯起用其作为角色扮演者的一个重要原因;如同过去(如〈星球大战〉系列早期的几部影片)所发生的那样,相对不知名的演员在发挥上Her inexperience and lack of exposure were a crucial part of what convinced Abrams to give Ridley the role, as the previous installments had featured relatively unknown talent that would not experience heightened degrees of scrutiny.[11] Abrams stated that Ridley "was so funny and had a great spark," as well as having her act out an emotional scene, proclaiming that "she nailed it on the first take." Abrams would go on to praise Ridley, stating "She was born with this gift to be in a moment and make it her own. She simultaneously works from the inside out and the outside in."[12] Kathleen Kennedy, the President of 卢卡斯影业, proclaimed "Daisy had a physicality and a self-confidence that was so important to the character we were looking for. She epitomizes that optimism where anything is possible."[12] Director Dusan Lazarevic, who was present at the casting of Ridley for a role in British drama series Silent Witness, in addition to praising her acting range, stated "She showed a combination of vulnerability and strength which gave her a complexity, and there was an intelligence in her eyes that was an indicator she could play quite a complicated part."[11]凯莱·弗莱明饰演幼年的蕾伊[13]

虽然蕾德莉表示,她“充满了怀疑和不安全感”,但她表示蕾伊的乐观是她对蕾伊最深的理解Although Ridley expressed that she was "riddled with doubts and insecurities", she stated that Rey's hopefulness is what she related to most in Rey, going on to say it "was something driving me through the auditions—even though it felt so insanely out of anything that I could've imagined."[14] Ridley recalled her shooting experience as starting off bumpy, with Abrams telling her that her first few takes were "wooden".[15] However, Ridley and Abrams had an "incredibly collaborative" process with creating Rey; Ridley recalled that the character "changed from when we first began, she became softer. And I think that's probably me, because Americans tend not to understand me, so it helped, slowing down the speech and everything just made it softer than I am."[14] On her character, Ridley has stated that Rey will have "some impact in a girl power-y way," adding that the character "doesn't have to be one thing to embody a woman in a film. It just so happens she's a woman but she transcends gender. She's going to speak to men and women."[16] In an interview with Elle, Ridley would continue describing her character, "She's so strong. She's cool and smart and she can look after herself," adding "Young girls can look at her and know that they can wear trousers if they want to. That they don’t have to show off their bodies."[12]

艾布拉姆斯表示,他在《原力觉醒》中特意未准确交代蕾伊的姓氏和身世背景,留待《八部曲》和《九部曲》去解开[17]。He said that he felt that the origin of Kylo Ren was the only thing that could be revealed in his movie and that he knows "quite a bit" about Rey's origin but would give courtesy to Star Wars: Episode VIII director Rian Johnson by not saying anymore.[7][18]。《星球大战九部曲》导演柯林·特雷沃罗指出,蕾伊身世的答案将是“” has stated that the answer of Rey's origin will be "deeply and profoundly satisfying" and that Rey is "important in this universe, not just in the context of The Force Awakens, but in the entire galaxy. She deserves it."[19]。蕾德莉说她知道蕾伊的父母是谁[20]。这导致了关于她是否是卢克·天行者韩·苏罗莱娅公主欧比旺·克诺比 或是其他一些原力敏感者的女儿的爱好者推论出现[21]

Composer John Williams said that he immediately loved Daisy Ridley in the film and that he found composing Rey's theme an interesting challenge. He said that her theme doesn't suggest a love theme, but rather a strong female adventurer character infused with the Force for a mature, thoughtful theme.[22]



蕾伊在还是个孩子时就被与家人分开,独自一人生活在行星贾库上,靠回收舰船部件勉强维持生活。在故事中她遇到了宇航技工机器人英语astromech droidBB-8以及前帝国风暴兵芬恩。当他们遭到第一秩序部队的攻击时,蕾伊、芬恩和BB-8坐上“千年隼号”逃离行星贾库并在之后遇到了千年隼原来的主人韩·苏罗丘巴卡。韩对蕾伊的勇敢以及精湛的驾驶技术留下了深刻的印象,并邀请她加入千年隼的团队。但蕾伊拒绝了邀请,认为她应当回到贾库,但同样也在韩的身上看到了导师和父亲一般的身影。

之后他们来到了玛兹·卡纳塔英语Maz Kanata[注释 2]的城堡。在这里,他们一行人的动向同时被“抵抗组织”和“第一秩序”所注意到。蕾伊在城堡的地下仓库中发现了玛兹保管着的曾属于卢克·天行者、更早前则属于卢克的父亲的一支光剑。在碰触到光剑的同时她感触到了一幅可怕的场景:一场由凯洛·伦发起的战争、一个她与家人分别的闪回英语Flashback (narrative)记忆以及一个星系中最后的绝地武士卢克的画面。玛兹认为,她的家人将永远不会回到贾库,而她唯一的选择是寻求原力的力量。但是蕾伊拒绝了光剑并带着恐惧出逃到城堡外的森林里。


当他们试图逃出时,凯洛·伦追上了他们并以光剑挑战。芬恩尝试以卢克·天行者的光剑迎战但被凯洛制服并重伤。之后蕾伊以原力夺过芬恩落下的光剑并击退已经在弑父时被丘巴卡击伤的凯洛·伦。在丘巴卡的帮助下带着芬恩逃至“千年隼号”上后,他们返回了抵抗组织的基地。当抵抗组织的成员在庆祝胜利时,蕾伊、莱娅和丘巴卡则哀悼韩·苏罗的死。在此前一直在休眠中的R2-D2再次苏醒过来并将自身存储的信息与BB-8携带的拼合成一张完整的地图后,蕾伊决意出发前去寻找卢克·天行者的下落。蕾伊、丘巴卡和R2乘坐千年隼号在海洋行星阿奇托英语Ahch-To[注释 3]上找到了卢克,蕾伊拿出他的光剑递向他。


蕾伊也出现在克雷格·鲁卡英语Greg Rucka[注释 4]2015年出版的面向年轻读者的文库版小说《星球大战:觉醒之前英语Star Wars: Before the Awakening[注释 5]中,故事主要聚焦在英语Poe Dameron、蕾伊和芬恩在《原力觉醒》故事之前的生活[29]。蕾伊也是阿兰·迪恩·福斯特英语Alan Dean Foster[注释 6]2015年出版的电影《原力觉醒》同名小说版英语Star Wars: The Force Awakens (novel)故事视角英语Narration之一[31]

蕾伊这一角色也出现在电子游戏《迪士尼无限3.0英语Disney Infinity 3.0》中,由蕾德莉为其配音。[32]

星战爱好者们注意到蕾伊这个人物角色的周边玩具并不多[33]孩之宝发售的一款大富翁游戏中收录了《原力觉醒》里的四个人物作为棋子:卢克·天行者、芬恩、达斯·维达以及凯洛·伦,唯独没有蕾伊。当被外界批评没有将主要角色蕾伊包含在内之后,孩之宝表示他们之所以没有将蕾伊包含在内是为了避免发生剧透,并称将在未来发售的版本中将蕾伊收录进去[34]。卢卡斯影业授权主管桑葚英语Paul Southern[注释 7]说他们希望保守“蕾伊身上觉醒的原力”的秘密,而她却又携带着光剑[36]。他说,蕾伊周边产品的需求被低估了[37][38]。艾布拉姆斯说 "I will say that it seems preposterous and wrong that the main character of the movie is not well represented in what is clearly a huge piece of the Star Wars world in terms of merchandising."[6] Regarding Rey's relative absence in Star Wars merchandising, CBBC presenter and voice actor Christopher Johnson stated: "It still baffles me to this day that some toy manufacturers don't think that girls want to play with 'superhero' toys and that boys aren't interested in female characters."[39]





大西洋月刊》的梅根·加伯尔英语Megan Garber[注释 8]指出蕾伊“证明自己能在极短的时间内,成长为一个战士”[注释 9][49]蕾伊是一个原力高度敏感者,这在她接触到最早是由阿纳金·天行者、之后是他的儿子卢克天行者所拥有的光剑时尤其能明显体现[50]。在没有经过训练的前提下,她能够使用高阶的绝地原力,甚至在决斗中击败此前已经受伤的凯洛·伦[51]

Adam Howard of MSNBC noted that "one of the most pleasant surprises of the film has been the strength of its lead female character," adding that some have likened Rey to a "new feminist icon."[52] Relatedly, Emily Rome of HitFix claimed that Rey is "everything we wanted in a Star Wars female character," praising her for being a character that is "independent, skilled, scrappy, tough and doesn't need saving."[53] However, Rome went on to write "the speed with which Rey mastered Jedi mind tricks and lightsaber fighting with zero training is the stuff of fan fiction. Rey is geek feminist wish-fulfillment."[53] Tasha Robinson of The Verge noted that Rey "keeps falling into standard-issue damsel-in-distress situations, then capably rescuing herself."[54]


蕾伊这个角色收到了如潮的好评,蕾德莉对角色的刻画也得到了普遍的肯定。《华尔街日报》的乔·摩根斯顿英语Joe Morgenstern[注释 10]宣称蕾伊是“一个有着潇洒勇猛功夫巨星架势的女战士”并在后面后来补充道:“很难想象如果他们选错了人,这部电影以及后续的续集可能是什么样的,” Joe Morgenstern of 华尔街日报 proclaimed that Rey is "a woman warrior with the stylish ferocity of a kung-fu star," praising "the verve [Ridley] must have been born with plus the skill she must have acquired as a young actress coming up in England," later adding "It's hard to imagine what the movie—and the sequels to come—might have been if they'd cast the wrong person, but here Daisy Ridley is in all her unassuming glory, and all's right with the galaxy."[57]理察·罗恩波英语Richard Roeper[注释 11]描述蕾德莉所塑造的蕾伊是“一个突破性的表现”并称角色“坚韧、机智、聪明、勇敢”[59]全国公共广播电台鲍勃·蒙德罗英语Bob Mondello of also commented on Rey's character, writing "Rey is feisty enough to banish thoughts of 凯妮丝·艾佛丁 from the most devoted Hunger Games enthusiast."[60] In a personal essay, Nicole Sperling of Entertainment Weekly wrote about her daughters feeling empowered after viewing the film, stating, "她们从不讨论蕾伊有多好看,They never commented on how pretty Rey is. They never had to flinch because Rey was a sexual object to some man in power. They just felt strong. Equal."[61]

Some fans expressed opinions that Rey is too skilled, despite her inexperience during The Force Awakens, making her a "玛丽苏"-type character.[62] Robinson concedes, "let's face it, Rey is kind of a Mary Sue character." However, Robinson goes on to write "She's a fantasy wish-fulfillment character with outsized skills, an inhuman reaction time, and a clever answer to every question—but so are the other major Star Wars heroes."[54] Other outlets have argued that the term carries an inherent gender bias,[63] and that categorizing Rey as a "Mary Sue" holds her to a double standard as the male characters from the original trilogy did not face comparable criticism.[64] Caroline Framke of Vox wrote "While my kneejerk reaction to criticism of Rey was that it's absolutely in the wrong, I have to admit that questioning her merits isn't inherently misogynistic. The real problem is that there's an undeniable false equivalence at play."[63]

Rey's unique hairstyle attracted attention before[65] and after The Force Awakens was released, being compared to Leia's hairdo during the original trilogy with debate over whether it would become as popular.[66]

蕾德莉因蕾伊这个角色被提名为2016年土星奖日语42nd Saturn Awards最佳女主角日语Saturn Award for Best Actress[67]

The first Reel Women in Technology Award for a fictional character was awarded to the character Rey.[68]


  1. ^ 原文:“We knew that, in addition to Leia who was a critical piece of this puzzle, we wanted to have other women – not necessarily human, but female – characters in the story.”
  2. ^ 译名参考自时光网[23],部分来源翻译成“玛兹·卡娜塔[24]
  3. ^ 译名参考自游民星空[25],部分来源翻译为“阿克图”[26]
  4. ^ 译名参考自搜狐娱乐。[27]
  5. ^ 译名参考自搜狐文化频道。[28]
  6. ^ 译名参考自太平洋游戏网[30],部分来源翻译成“艾伦·迪安·福斯特”。
  7. ^ 译名参考自科技新报[35]
  8. ^ 译名参考自腾讯网[47],部分来源翻译成“梅根·加伯”[48]
  9. ^ 原文:“proves herself to be, in extremely short order, extremely adept as a fighter.”
  10. ^ 译名参考自外滩画报[55],部分来源翻译成“乔·摩根斯坦”[56]
  11. ^ 译名参考自腾讯网。[58]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Pulver 2015.
  2. ^ Oswald 2015.
  3. ^ Sadler 2016.
  4. ^ Breznican 2015.
  5. ^ Garis 2015.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Goldman 2016.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Waking the Giant" 2015.
  8. ^ Szostak 2015.
  9. ^ Turner 2015.
  10. ^ McKnight 2016.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Saner 2015.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Plattner 2015.
  13. ^ Norkey 2016.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Prudom 2015b.
  15. ^ Bartleet 2015.
  16. ^ Yamato 2015a.
  17. ^ Prudom 2015a.
  18. ^ Galuppo 2016.
  19. ^ Boone 2016.
  20. ^ Siegel 2015.
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Watkins 2016.
  22. ^ Greiving 2016.
  23. ^ KevinLuo 2016.
  24. ^ nemo 2016.
  25. ^ 好想要一只格鲁特 电影中那些萌出血的小角色 _ 游民星空 GamerSky.com. www.gamersky.com. [2019-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-16) (中文(中国大陆)). 行星阿奇托(Ahch-To) 
  26. ^ Ahch-To Island™ Training 75200 - LEGO Star Wars 盒組 - LEGO.com 兒童專區 - TW. www.lego.com. [2019-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-16) (中文(台湾)). 阿克图岛(Ahch-To Island) 
  27. ^ 耷子 2016.
  28. ^ 罗新 2016.
  29. ^ "A Galaxy of" 2015.
  30. ^ 陈灼 MyST 2005.
  31. ^ Foster 2015.
  32. ^ Liebl 2015.
  33. ^ Yamato 2015b.
  34. ^ Gettell 2016.
  35. ^ 天下杂志 2015.
  36. ^ Fritz 2016.
  37. ^ Breznican 2016.
  38. ^ Patnaik 2016.
  39. ^ Lambie 2016.
  40. ^ Hawkes 2015a.
  41. ^ "Star Wars: Episode VIII Now Filming" 2016.
  42. ^ "Rey, Kylo Ren, and More" 2016.
  43. ^ Cipriani 2015.
  44. ^ Buchanan 2015.
  45. ^ Hawkes 2015b.
  46. ^ Yglesias 2015.
  47. ^ 汤姆 2012.
  48. ^ 贾敏 2017.
  49. ^ Garber 2015.
  50. ^ Lawler 2015.
  51. ^ Cusamano 2015.
  52. ^ Howard 2015.
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Rome 2015.
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 Robinson 2015.
  55. ^ 施瑜 万淼 2015.
  56. ^ Cinepedia Blog 2010.
  57. ^ Morgenstern 2015.
  58. ^ MICHAEL 2012.
  59. ^ Roeper 2015.
  60. ^ Mondello 2015.
  61. ^ Sperling 2015.
  62. ^ Anders 2015.
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 Framke 2015.
  64. ^ Lang 2015.
  65. ^ Kim 2015.
  66. ^ Bryant 2015.
  67. ^ Nakamura 2016.
  68. ^ "Star Wars and CodeGirl" 2016.


  • Sperling, Nicole. The Power of Rey. Entertainment Weekly. 2015-12-22 [2015-12-22] (英语). 
  • Szostak, Phil. The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 2015. ISBN 9781419717802 (英语). 


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