


密度波理论(英语:Density wave theory),或称林-徐密度波理论Lin–Shu density wave theory),是林家翘徐遐生两位天文物理学家在1960年代中期为解释螺旋星系的旋臂结构所推出的理论,他们的理论引进了长期存在的理想准静态密度波(也称为heavy sound[1]),他们选择让星系盘有较高一点的密度(大约高10-20%)[2]。这个理论也成功的运用在土星环




从1970年代晚期开始,Peter Goldreich徐遐生和其他一些人将密度波理论应用在土星环[3][4][5]。土星环(特别是A环)包含许多由卫星激发出林德布拉德共振与垂直共振产生的螺旋臂密度波。虽然土星环因为中心的质量(土星自己)相较于盘面是非常大的,造成螺旋臂是更紧密并且受到伤害(通常只能延伸数百公里),但主要的物理机制与星系相同[5]卡西尼任务揭露了许多由环中的卫星阿特拉斯激发出的非常小的密度波,和由巨大的卫星造成的高阶共振[6],并且波的形式会因为JanusEpimetheus的轨道变化而随著时间改变[7]


  1. ^ 1974ARA&A..12..113K Page 113. [2022-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-06). 
  2. ^ Carroll, Bradley W. and Dale A. Ostlie. An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics. Addison Wesley. 2007: 967. 
  3. ^ Goldreich, Peter; Tremaine, Scott. The formation of the Cassini division in Saturn's rings. Icarus (Elsevier Science). May 1978, 34 (2): 240–253. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(78)90165-3. 
  4. ^ Goldreich, Peter; Tremaine, Scott. The Dynamics of Planetary Rings. Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. (Annual Reviews). September 1982, 20: 249–283. doi:10.1146/annurev.aa.20.090182.001341. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Shu, Frank H., Waves in planetary rings, Greenberg, R.; Brahic, A. (编), Planetary Rings, Tucson: University of Arizona Press: 513–561, 1984 [2009-04-13], (原始内容存档于2017-04-19) 
  6. ^ Tiscareno, M.S.; Burns, J.A.; Nicholson, P.D.; Hedman, M.M.; Porco, C.C. Cassini imaging of Saturn's rings II. A wavelet technique for analysis of density waves and other radial structure in the rings. Icarus (Elsevier). July 2007, 189 (1): 14–34. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.12.025. 
  7. ^ Tiscareno, M.S.; Nicholson, P.D.; Burns, J.A.; Hedman, M.M.; Porco, C.C. Unravelling temporal variability in Saturn's spiral density waves: Results and predictions. Astrophysical Journal (American Astronomical Society). 2006-11-01, 651: L65–L68. doi:10.1086/509120. 


Bertin, Giuseppe. 2000. Dynamics of Galaxies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bertin, G. and C.C. Lin. 1996. Spiral Structure in Galaxies: A Density Wave Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press.

C.C. Lin, Yuan, C., and F.H. Shu, "On the Spiral Structure of Disk i Galaxies III. Comparison with Observations", Ap.J. 155, 721 (1969). (SCI)

Yuan, C.,"Application of Density-Wave Theory to the Spiral Structure of the Milky Way System I. Systematic Motion of Neutral Hydrogen", Ap.J., 158, 871 (1969). (SCI)


  • Rohlfs, K., Lectures on Density Wave Theory, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1977.