


美国中央情报局(CIA)被指控参与进行非法毒品贸易。相关的书籍及调查报导引起不少注意,包括历史学家阿弗雷德·麦科伊英语Alfred W. McCoy、教授及外交官彼得·戴尔·史考特、记者加里·韦布英语Gary Webb亚历山大·科克本尔恩英语Alexander Cockburn以及作家拉里·科林斯英语Larry Collins (writer)。这些指控导致美国政府开展调查,包括由美国众议院美国参议院司法部CIA总监察长办公室英语Central Intelligence Agency Office of Inspector General进行聆讯和报告。多数的调查都没有明确指出CIA有直接指挥贩毒,但有部分其他形式的间接贩毒活动。



1970年代初,历史学家阿弗雷德·麦科伊英语Alfred W. McCoy指控美国官员“出于政治与军事考虑对东南亚贩毒的贪污人士纵容甚至合作”[2],并指出CIA明知并继续参与缅甸、泰国与老挝的金三角地区海洛英的生产[3]美国国务院对最初的指控宣称他们“未能找到任何证据证明”[2]。后续由中央情报局总监察长办公室英语Central Intelligence Agency Office of Inspector General[4]美国众议院外交委员会[5]美国参议院情报特别委员会为研究政府情报活动(即丘奇委员会)[6]进行的调查亦未有发现足够证据支持指控。

1980年代,美国记者安东尼·阿弗尔干及马尔他·霍尼宣称拉彭卡爆炸案英语La Penca bombing的肇事者与CIA间谍及尼加拉瓜民主力量英语Nicaraguan Democratic Force金援毒品的“秘密小队”有关[7]。随后克里斯蒂克机构英语Christic Institute为两位记者入禀2400万美元的民事诉讼,起诉30位被告,包括中情局官员非法参与暗杀行动,以及贩卖军火和毒品[8][9][10]美国佛罗里达南区联邦地区法院一名法官判称原告“没有表明存在实质性事实的真正问题”,并要求克里斯蒂克机构支付超过100万美元的律师费和讼费[8]美国联邦第十一巡回上诉法院再次确认了相关判决,而美国最高法院拒绝批准再次上诉并维持原有判决[10][11]

1996年8月,加里·韦布在《圣何塞水银新闻》发表一篇分为三部分的文章,题为《黑暗联盟英语Dark Alliance series[12]。韦布的系列提出指控,指美国政府官员,包括中央情报局(CIA)及司法部雇员,无视或包庇南加州的贩毒者,而该批贩毒者与尼加拉瓜民主力量有关[13]美国司法部总监察长办公室英语United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General中央情报局总监察长办公室英语Central Intelligence Agency Office of Inspector General美国众议院情报委员会都否认相关指控。



为了对抗老挝巴特寮的共产主义运动,中情局利用苗族蒙人进行“秘密战争”。受战争影响,苗族蒙人依赖种植罂粟为硬通货。巴特寮于1964年攻占石缸平原,导致老挝王国空军无法在石缸平原降落C-47运输机进行鸦片运输。老挝王国空军并无可以降落在山顶鸦片种植区泥土跑道的轻型飞机。由于缺乏运输鸦片的方式,苗族蒙人面临经济打击。此时,CIA掩护机构美利坚航空英语Air America (airline),成为老挝北部唯一的提供航线的公司。阿弗雷德·麦科伊英语Alfred W. McCoy写道:“根据几项未经证实的来源,美利坚航空开始从石缸平原北部和东部的山上村庄运送鸦片至CIA线人王宝龙镇英语Long Tieng的总部[15]

CIA的掩护公司美利坚航空也被指控从协助蒙人王宝运送鸦片和海洛英中获利[16][17],或对老挝军队类似做法“视而不见”[18][19]。相关指控亦获得前老挝CIA准军事组织人员安东尼·波谢普尼英语Anthony Poshepny、前美利坚航空机师,及其他参与战争的人员支持。相关情形亦有在电影《美利坚航空英语Air America (film)》作出描述。拉里·科林斯指控:




然而,航空历史学家威廉·莱里英语William M. Leary写道美利坚航空并无参与毒品交易,并根据于1965年至1975年间在老挝居住的物理学家及公共卫生专家约瑟夫·威斯特米弗,“美国拥有的航空公司对于在老挝运入或运出鸦片毫不知情,其美国机师亦未有在运送期间获得利润”[22]。航空历史学家库尔蒂斯·皮布尔斯英语Curtis Peebles亦否认美利坚航空雇员参与鸦片运输[23]



  1. ^ Weiner, Tim. Venezuelan General Indicted in C.I.A. Scheme. The New York Times. November 23, 1996 [December 30, 2022]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Heroin Charges Aired. Daytona Beach Morning Journal XLVII (131) (Daytona Beach Florida). AP. June 3, 1972: 6 [December 30, 2022]. 
  3. ^ Heroin, U.S. tie probed. Boca Raton News 17 (218) (Boca Raton, Florida). UPI. October 1, 1972: 9B [December 30, 2022]. 
  4. ^ Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. Foreign and Military Intelligence: Book 1. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. April 26, 1976: 227–228 [December 30, 2022]. hdl:2027/mdp.39015070725273. 
  5. ^ United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The U.S. Heroin Problem and Southeast Asia: Report of a Staff Survey Team of the Committee of Foreign Affairs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. January 11, 1973: 10, 30, 61 [December 30, 2022]. 
  6. ^ Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities 1976,第205, 227页.
  7. ^ ((Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Inspector General, Investigations Staff)). Appendix E: Allegations by Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey of CIA and Contra Involvement in Drug Smuggling. Report of Investigation Concerning Allegations of Connections Between CIA and The Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States. II: The Contra Story. October 8, 1998. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Suit Alleging Plot by Contras, CIA Dismissed: Arms-Drug Smuggling, Conspiracy Charges Unproven, Judge Says. Los Angeles Times. AP. June 24, 1988 [December 30, 2022]. 
  9. ^ Christic Institute Ordered to Pay $1 Million. Los Angeles Times. AP. February 4, 1989 [December 30, 2022]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Henderson, Greg. Court lets stand $1 million award against Christic Institute. UPI. UPI. January 13, 1992 [December 30, 2022]. 
  11. ^ Savage, David G. High Court Lets Stand $1-Million Fine. Los Angeles Times. January 14, 1992 [December 30, 2022]. 
  12. ^ CIA-Contra-Crack Cocaine Controversy - Epilogue. 
  13. ^ CIA-Contra-Crack Cocaine Controversy. oig.justice.gov. [2023-04-18]. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Collins, Larry. The CIA Drug Connection Is as Old as the Agency. International Herald Tribune. December 3, 1993 [January 28, 2018]. (原始内容存档于January 26, 2018) –通过The New York Times. 
  15. ^ McCoy, Alfred. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. Harper & Row. 1972: 263–264 [February 7, 2016]. ISBN 0060129018. (原始内容存档于October 17, 2014). Air America began flying opium from mountain villages north and east of the Plain of Jars to Gen. Vang Pao's headquarters at Long Tieng. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Opium Throughout History. PBS. [August 24, 2017]. (原始内容存档于September 23, 2006). 
  17. ^ Cockburn, Alexander; Jeffrey St. Clair. 9. Whiteout, the CIA, drugs and the press需要免费注册. New York: Verso. 1998. ISBN 1-85984-258-5. 
  18. ^ Robbins, Christopher. The Ravens. New York: Crown. 1985: 94. ISBN 0-9646360-0-X. 
  19. ^ Air America and Drugs in Laos. Los Angeles Times. [July 16, 2013]. (原始内容存档于November 25, 2015). 
  20. ^ The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, by Alfred W. McCoy, with Cathleen B. Read and Leonard P. Adams II, 2003, p. 385 ISBN 1-55652-483-8
  21. ^ The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, by McCoy, with Cathleen B. Read and Leonard P. Adams II, 2003, p. 385 ISBN 1-55652-483-8
  22. ^ Leary, William M. CIA Air Operations in Laos, 1955-1974 (PDF). Studies in Intelligence. 1998, 42 (2): 51–68. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于April 26, 2010). 
  23. ^ Peebles, Curtiss. Twilight Warriors: Covert Air Operations Against the USSR. Naval Institute Press. 2005: 254–255. ISBN 1591146607. 



  1. Report of Investigation—Volume I: The California Story (January 29, 1998) —The Inspector General's Report of Investigation regarding allegations of connections between CIA and the Contras in cocaine trafficking to the United States. Volume I: The California Story.
  2. Report of Investigation – Volume II: The Contra Story (October 8, 1998)—The Inspector General's Report of Investigation regarding allegations of connections between CIA and the Contras in cocaine trafficking to the United States. Volume II: The Contra Story.
