

LGBT专题 (获评小作品级未知重要度
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Sorry to bother, but I can't find any available references at hand. Can anyone find out the proper Chinese translation for the following words or phrases?

gay community -- gay pride -- Polari -- Queer(I used “酷儿”) -- homophobic(I used “同性恋恐惧者”,what should its adjective form be translated for?) -- drag queer -- gay-bashing -- gay plague—以上未签名的留言由Gboy对话贡献)加入。

I've done some google searching...
gay community 同性恋社群
gay pride 同性恋自豪/光荣/骄傲
queer 酷儿
homophobic 恐同?/homophobe 同性恋恐惧者/homophobia 同性恋恐惧
drag queen 易装皇后
gay-bashing 打压同性恋
gay plague 同性恋瘟疫
--Lorenzarius 2003年7月18日 07:57 (UTC)
that's cool, thanx! how did u do that with google? --Gboy 2003年7月18日 08:35 (UTC)
Search for each English term in Chinese Google, and select "搜索所有中文网页"。Most of the time you have to compare different translations to get a reasonable one. --Lorenzarius 2003年7月18日 08:46 (UTC)
Oh, i didn't know google can be translation machine!—以上未签名的留言由Gboy对话贡献)加入。
Google does have a tranlation function. But what I have done is to search for the term on different web-pages. --Lorenzarius 2003年7月18日 08:53 (UTC)

文化culture跟文明civilization是两码子的事。这里说的应该是文化,我把这移到酷儿文化。 --Lorenzarius 2003年7月18日 07:16 (UTC)

Thanx for reminding! BTW, have u got any idea about the questions above? --Gboy 2003年7月18日 07:25 (UTC)
What questions? Are you talking about "-phobic" translation? Try look up "claustrophobic", which is a parallel word formation. --Menchi 2003年7月18日 17:55 (UTC)
I meant all the words above. and the "claustrophobic" sounds like a disease ( i found it in a dictionary which translates it into “...症”) but i'm not sure if homophobic a disease? maybe it's just a opinion? --Gboy 2003年7月20日 02:14 (UTC)
-phobia is just the fear of something and it may or may not be a disease, like xenophobia is the fear of foreigners, hydrophobia is the fear of water, and claustrophbia is the fear of being enclosed. --Lorenzarius 2003年7月20日 04:57 (UTC)
I c! thanx! --Gboy 2003年7月21日 07:46 (UTC)