





  1. Popular initiative of 5 November 2012 "瑞士注册伴侣关系", proposed by the 瑞士基督教民主人民党. It would have prohibited discrimination in taxes for married couples (who pay more in certain circumstances) compared to other cohabiting couples, but it would also have added the definition of marriage being "the union of a man and a woman".[2] Opposition to the initiative was mainly because it would make opening marriage to same-sex couples no longer possible under the constitution.
  2. Popular initiative of 28 December 2012 "For the effective expulsion of foreign criminals", proposed by the 瑞士人民党 which claimed it would provide full implementation of an initiative approved in a November 2010 referendum英语Swiss referendums, 2010.[3] Foreigners who commit a crime would be automatically expelled from the country, regardless of the severity of the crime.
  3. 瑞士青年社会党英语Young Socialists Switzerland在2014年3月24日提出的公民动议“别搞粮食投机”[4]
  4. Modification of 26 September 2014 of the federal law on road transit in the Alpine region (Reconstruction of the 圣哥达公路隧道). It allows building a second road tunnel in order for the current tunnel to be reconstructed.[5] This government plan was challenged to a referendum by opposition groups who fear the four lanes would eventually be used, increasing traffic, and who considered it too costly.[5]

联邦委员会建议选民否决全部三项公民动议和通过联邦The government recommended the rejection of all three popular initiatives, but recommended approval of the amendments to the federal law on road transit in the Alpine region. The vote results followed these recommendations, with higher voter turnout than usual.


议题 支持 反对 空白票/
总计 登记选民 投票率 支持的州份 反对的州份 结果
票数 % 票数 % 半州 半州
For the couple and the family 1,609,152 49.2 1,664,224 50.8 80,643 3,354,019 5,302,797 63.2 15 3 5 3 否决
驱逐外籍罪犯 1,375,098 41.1 1,966,965 58.9 37,504 3,379,567 63.7 3 3 17 3 否决
杜绝粮食投机 1,287,786 40.1 1,925,937 59.9 122,455 3,336,178 62.9 1 1 19 5 否决
兴建第二条圣哥达公路隧道 1,883,859 57.0 1,420,390 43.0 61,319 3,365,568 63.5 不适用 通过


Five propositions have been scheduled for the 5 June 2016 referendum:[10]

  1. A popular initiative英语Popular initiative (Switzerland) for a basic income.[11]
  2. A popular initiative英语Popular initiative (Switzerland) for fair transport financing. According to this initiative, the revenue from the mineral oil tax will be used exclusively for road construction.[12]
  3. A popular initiative英语Popular initiative (Switzerland) for public service. Launched by four news and consumer rights magazines, this initiative seeks to improve public services by mandating that the government not set any profitmaking goals for public services, that any profits not fund the overall budget, and that public service directors do not earn more than the corresponding government minister.[13]
  4. A referendum on amendments to the medically assisted reproduction law.[14]
  5. A referendum on amendments to the federal asylum law.[15]

Basic income referendum

The discussion about basic income in Switzerland began in the 1980s, initially amongst academics such as sociologists who saw the potential to alleviate poverty better than the current system. But there was no major public debate in the 1980s nor the 1990s. In the early 2000s, however, things were slowly changing due to a spill-over from the German debate. Two basic income organizations were formed, "Initiative Grundeinkommen" and BIEN-Switzerland, and one Attac-group also became advocates. These organizations had some success, including some articles in national newspapers.[16] The petition calling for a referendum on basic income as a constitutional right was started in April 2012. After six months 42,000 people had signed, and by April 2013 there were approximately 70,000 signatures.[17] By October 2013 more than 130,000 citizens had signed, meaning a referendum on the issue had to be held. Publicity included a truck filled with eight million coins emptying the money in front of the 联邦宫 (伯尔尼) in 伯尔尼.[18] Even though the initiative official text submitted to the vote does not specify any level, the campaigners have proposed 2,500 瑞士法郎s for adults (about 1,650 USD at 购买力平价 in 2014) and 625 francs for children per month.[19][18][20]


议题 支持 反对 空白票/
总计 登记选民 投票率 支持的州份 反对的州份 结果
票数 % 票数 % 半州 半州
Basic income 568,905 23.1 1,896,963 76.9 0 0 20 6 否决
For fair transport financing 709,752 29.2 1,719,322 70.8 0 0 20 6 否决
For public services 784,624 32.4 1,636,967 67.6 0 0 20 6 否决
Amendments to the medically assisted reproduction law 1,489,550 62.4 897,904 37.6 通过
Amendments to the federal asylum law 1,616,286 66.8 804,016 33.2 通过


  1. ^ Abstimmungsvorlagen für den 28. Februar 2016, admin.ch
  2. ^ Fenazzi, Sonia. Tax initiative in hot water over marriage definition - SWI. Swissinfo.ch. 2016-01-06 [2016-03-05]. 
  3. ^ Raaflaub, Christian. Deportation initiative back before voters - SWI. Swissinfo.ch. 2016-01-06 [2016-03-05]. 
  4. ^ Pauchard, Olivier. Bid to end financial speculation on foodstuffs - SWI. Swissinfo.ch. 2016-01-06 [2016-03-05]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Jorio, Luigi. Opposing views on doubling the Gotthard tunnel - SWI. Swissinfo.ch. 2016-01-06 [2016-03-05]. 
  6. ^ Vorlage Nr. 596. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  7. ^ Vorlage Nr. 597. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  8. ^ Vorlage Nr. 598. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  9. ^ Vorlage Nr. 599. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  10. ^ Abstimmungsvorlagen für den 5. Juni 2016 Government of Switzerland
  11. ^ Geiser, Urs. Poll Finds Basic Income Proposal Doomed to Fail. Swissinfo. April 29, 2016 [May 4, 2016]. 
  12. ^ Siegenthaler, Peter. Are Motorists the Cash Cows of Switzerland?. Swissinfo. April 26, 2016 [May 4, 2016]. 
  13. ^ Pauchard, Olivier. Public Services In Voter Spotlight. Swissinfo. April 26, 2016 [May 4, 2016]. 
  14. ^ Miserez, Marc-André. Swiss Vote Again On Genetic Screening. Swissinfo. April 14, 2016 [May 4, 2016]. 
  15. ^ Mombelli, Armando. Political Right Tries to Block Asylum Reform. Swissinfo. April 26, 2016 [May 4, 2016]. 
  16. ^ The Basic Income Debate in Switzerland: Experiences and a Republican Perspective Basic Income
  17. ^ Swiss parliament may soon debate unconditional basic income NNA, 30 April 2013
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Swiss to vote on incomes for all - working or not BBC News, 18 December 2013
  19. ^ PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $) World Bank, International Comparison Program database
  20. ^ Swiss to vote on guaranteed income for all The Local, 27 January 2016
  21. ^ Vorlage Nr. 600. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  22. ^ Vorlage Nr. 601. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  23. ^ Vorlage Nr. 602. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  24. ^ Vorlage Nr. 603. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语). 
  25. ^ Vorlage Nr. 604. Bern: Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei. [2017-01-20] (德语).