

座標33°14′17.37″N 35°37′28.66″E / 33.2381583°N 35.6246278°E / 33.2381583; 35.6246278

哈斯巴尼河(阿拉伯語:الحاصباني‎ / ALA-LC: al-Ḥāṣbānī),又稱斯納溪希伯來語נחל שניר‎ / Nahal Snir),是約旦河的主要支流

哈斯巴尼河水源主要來自黎巴嫩的兩個[1][2]瓦扎尼英語Wazzani與哈克茲比耶,其中後者由哈斯巴尼河最源頭的一群湧泉所構成。[3]哈斯巴尼河先黎巴嫩境內流了40公里,然後穿越國界與班尼亞斯河英語Banias River丹河英語Dan River (Middle East)在以色列北部匯集,形成約旦河。[4]蓋傑爾英語Ghajar往南大約4公里的河道,成為黎巴嫩與以色列戈蘭高地邊界。


  1. ^ FAO (Water Resources section) 存档副本. [2011-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2008-04-09). 

    Overall, there are about 40 major streams in Lebanon and, based on the hydrographic system, the country can be divided into five regions: …[including] the Hasbani river basin in the south-east.

  2. ^ UNU The Jordan River [1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館

    The Dan spring, the largest of the sources of the upper Jordan, lies wholly within Israel close to the border with Syria. The spring sources of the Hasbani River lie entirely within Lebanon. The spring source of the Banias River is in Syria. These three small streams unite 6 km inside Israel at about 70 m above sea level to form the upper Jordan River.

  3. ^ UNU The Jordan River [2]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  4. ^ MERIP Heightened Israeli-Lebanese Tensions Over Jordan's Headwaters [3]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館

33°14′17.37″N 35°37′28.66″E / 33.2381583°N 35.6246278°E / 33.2381583; 35.6246278

Template:Nature reserves of Israel