

1945 United Kingdom general election

← 1935 5 July 1945 1950 →
← List of MPs elected in the United Kingdom general election, 1935
List of MPs elected in the United Kingdom general election, 1945 →

All 640 seats in the House of Commons
投票率72.8%, 1.7%
  第一大黨 第二大黨
領袖 Clement Attlee Winston Churchill
政黨 工黨 保守黨
上任時間 25 October 1935 9 October 1940
代表選區 Limehouse Woodford
上屆結果 154 seats, 38.0% 386 seats, 47.8%
贏得席次 393 197[note 1]
席次差額 239 189
民選得票 11,967,746 8,716,211
得票率 49.7% 36.2%
得票變動 9.7% 11.6%

  第三大黨 第四大黨
領袖 Archibald Sinclair Ernest Brown
政黨 Liberal Party (UK) National Liberal
上任時間 26 November 1935 1940
代表選區 Caithness and Sutherland (defeated) Leith (defeated)
上屆結果 21 seats, 6.7% 35 seats, 3.7%
贏得席次 12 11
席次差額 9 24
民選得票 2,177,938 686,652
得票率 9.0% 2.9%
得票變動 2.3% 0.8%

Colours denote the winning party – as shown in § Results

Composition of the House of Commons after the election

選前Prime Minister

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister after

Clement Attlee

1945年英國大選(英語:1945 United Kingdom general election)是英國於1945年7月5日舉行的全國性選舉。由於部分選區的投票延遲了數天,計票也因而推遲至7月26日,以便有足夠時間讓海外服役選民之選票帶回英國。[1][2]當時執政的保守黨試圖維繫其在國會中的多數地位,但面臨著戰後該如何重建英國的問題。首相丘吉爾第二次世界大戰歐洲戰事結束不到一個月後即宣佈內閣總辭,並在國會過半數通過下提議舉行大選。[3]

The 1945 United Kingdom general election was a national election held on Thursday 5 July 1945, but polling in some constituencies was delayed by some days, and the counting of votes was delayed until 26 July to provide time for overseas votes to be brought to Britain. The governing Conservative Party sought to maintain its position in Parliament but faced challenges from public opinion about the future of the United Kingdom in the post-war period. Prime Minister Winston Churchill proposed to call for a general election in Parliament, which passed with a majority vote less than two months after the conclusion of the Second World War in Europe.[3]

競選活動主要集中在國家領袖和其戰後未來的問題上。保守黨方面,丘吉爾試圖利用其戰時聲望,以維持1940年起戰時聯合政府英語Churchill war ministry中的多數地位,但他面臨著公眾對其處理國內問題的能力的質疑,及1930年代


The election's campaigning was focused on leadership of the country and its postwar future. Churchill sought to use his wartime popularity as part of his campaign to keep the Conservatives in power after a wartime coalition had been in place since 1940 with the other political parties, but he faced questions from public opinion surrounding the Conservatives' actions in the 1930s and his ability to handle domestic issues unrelated to warfare. Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, had been Deputy Prime Minister in the wartime coalition in 1940–1945 and was seen as a more competent leader by voters, particularly those who feared a return to the levels of unemployment in the 1930s and sought a strong figurehead in British politics to lead the postwar rebuilding of the country. Opinion polls when the election was called showed strong approval ratings for Churchill, but Labour had gradually gained support for months before the war's conclusion.

The final result of the election showed Labour to have won a landslide victory,[4] making a net gain of 239 seats, winning 49.7% of the popular vote and achieving a majority of 145 seats, thus allowing Attlee to be appointed prime minister. This election marked the first time that the Labour Party had won an outright majority in Parliament, and allowed Attlee to begin implementing the party's post-war reforms for the country.[5] For the Conservatives, the Labour victory was a shock,[6] as they suffered a net loss of 189 seats although they won 36.2% of the vote and had campaigned on the mistaken belief that Churchill would win as people praised his progression of the war. Of the other two major parties, the Liberal Party faced a serious blow after taking a net loss of nine seats with a vote share of 9.0%, many within urban areas and including the seat held by its leader, Archibald Sinclair. The Liberal National Party fared significantly worse, enduring a net loss of 22 seats with a vote share of 2.9%, with its leader Ernest Brown losing his seat. 324 MPs were elected for the first time which is the record turnover as of 2024.[7]

The 10.7% swing from the Conservatives to an opposition party is the largest since the Acts of Union 1800; the Conservative loss of the vote exceeded that of the 1906 Liberal landslide ousting of a Conservative administration. It was also the first election since 1906 in which the Conservatives did not win the popular vote. Churchill remained actively involved in politics and returned as prime minister after leading his party into the 1951 general election. For the Liberal National Party the election was their last as a distinct party, as they merged with the Conservatives in 1947 while Ernest Brown resigned from politics in the aftermath of the election.

1945年英國大選(英語:1945 United Kingdom general election)於1945年7月5日舉行,





Template:UK general election navigation

Dissolution of Parliament and campaign

Held less than two months following VE Day, this was the first general election since 1935, as general elections had been suspended by Parliament during the Second World War. Clement Attlee, the leader of the Labour Party, refused Winston Churchill's offer of continuing the wartime coalition until the Allied defeat of Japan. On 15 June, King George VI dissolved Parliament, which had been sitting for nearly ten years without an election.

The Labour manifesto, Let Us Face the Future, included promises of nationalisation, economic planning, full employment, a National Health Service, and a system of social security. The manifesto proved popular with the electorate, selling one and a half million copies.[8] The Conservative manifesto, Mr. Churchill's Declaration to the Voters, on the other hand, included progressive ideas on key social issues but was relatively vague on the idea of postwar economic control,[9] and the party was associated with high levels of unemployment in the 1930s.[10] It failed to convince voters that it could effectively deal with unemployment in a postwar Britain.[11] In May 1945, when the war in Europe ended, Churchill's approval ratings stood at 83%, but the Labour Party had held an 18% poll lead as of February 1945.[10]

The polls for some seats were delayed until 12 July and in Nelson and Colne until 19 July because of local wakes weeks.[12] The results were counted and declared on 26 July to allow time to transport the votes of those serving overseas. Victory over Japan Day ensued on 15 August.


The caretaker government, led by Churchill, was heavily defeated. The Labour Party led by Attlee won a landslide victory and gained a majority of 145 seats. It was the first election in which Labour gained a majority of seats and the first in which it won a plurality of votes.

The election was a disaster for the Liberal Party, which lost all of its urban seats, and marked its transition from being a party of government to a party of the political fringe.[13] Its leader, Archibald Sinclair, lost his rural seat of Caithness and Sutherland. That was the last general election until 2019 in which a major party leader lost their seat, but Sinclair lost only by a handful of votes in a very tight three-way contest.

The Liberal National Party fared even worse by losing two-thirds of its seats and falling behind the Liberals in seat count for the first time since the parties split in 1931. It was the final election that the Liberal Nationals fought as an autonomous party, as they merged with the Conservative Party two years later although they continued to exist as a subsidiary party of the Conservatives until 1968.

Future prominent figures who entered Parliament included Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Barbara Castle, Michael Foot and Hugh Gaitskell. Future Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan lost his seat, but he returned to Parliament at a by-election later that year.

Reasons for Labour victory

Attlee meeting King George VI after Labour's 1945 election victory

Ralph Ingersoll reported in late 1940:

"Everywhere I went in London people admired [Churchill's] energy, his courage, his singleness of purpose. People said they didn't know what Britain would do without him. He was obviously respected. But no one felt he would be Prime Minister after the war. He was simply the right man in the right job at the right time. The time being the time of a desperate war with Britain's enemies".[14]

The historian Henry Pelling, noting that polls showed a steady Labour lead after 1942, pointed to long-term forces that caused the Labour landslide: the usual swing against the party in power, the Conservative loss of initiative, wide fears of a return to the high unemployment of the 1930s, the theme that socialist planning would be more efficient in operating the economy, and the mistaken belief that Churchill would continue as prime minister regardless of the result.[15]

Labour strengths

A 1943 poster by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs suggested that a British victory would lead to positive social change, like slum clearance. Churchill considered the poster "a disgraceful libel on the conditions prevailing in Great Britain before the war" and ordered it suppressed.[16]

The greatest factor in Labour's dramatic win appeared to be its policy of social reform. In one opinion poll, 41% of respondents considered housing to be the most important issue that faced the country, 15% stated the Labour policy of full employment, 7% mentioned social security, 6% nationalisation, and just 5% international security, which was emphasised by the Conservatives.

The Beveridge Report, published in 1942, proposed the creation of a welfare state. It called for a dramatic turn in British social policy, with provision for nationalised healthcare, expansion of state-funded education, National Insurance and a new housing policy. The report was extremely popular, and copies of its findings were widely purchased, turning it into a best-seller. The Labour Party adopted the report eagerly,[6] and the Conservatives (including Churchill, who did not regard the reforms as socialist) accepted many of the principles of the report, but claimed that they were not affordable.[17] Labour offered a new comprehensive welfare policy, reflecting a consensus that social changes were needed.[5] The Conservatives were not willing to make the same changes that Labour proposed, and appeared out of step with public opinion.

Labour played to the concept of "winning the peace" that would follow the war. Possibly for that reason, there was especially strong support for Labour in the armed services, which feared the unemployment and homelessness to which the soldiers of the First World War had returned. It has been claimed that the left-wing bias of teachers in the armed services was a contributing factor, but that argument has generally not carried much weight, and the failure of the Conservative governments in the 1920s to deliver a "land fit for heroes" was likely more important.[5]

Labour had also been given during the war the opportunity to display to the electorate its domestic competence in government, under men such as Attlee as Deputy Prime Minister, Herbert Morrison at the Home Office and Ernest Bevin at the Ministry of Labour.[9] The differing wartime strategies of the two parties likewise gave Labour an advantage. Labour continued to attack prewar Conservative governments for their inactivity in tackling Hitler, reviving the economy and rearming Britain,[18] but Churchill was less interested in furthering his party, much to the chagrin of many of its members and MPs.[10]

Conservative weaknesses

Though voters respected and liked Churchill's wartime record, they were more distrustful of the Conservative Party's domestic and foreign policy record in the late 1930s.[9] Churchill and the Conservatives are also generally considered to have run a poor campaign in comparison to Labour. Churchill's personal popularity remained high; hence, the Conservatives were confident of victory and based much of their election campaign on that, rather than proposing new programmes. However, people distinguished between Churchill and his party, a contrast that Labour repeatedly emphasised throughout the campaign. Voters also harboured doubts over Churchill's ability to lead the country on the domestic front.[5] The writer and soldier Anthony Burgess remarked that Churchill, who then often wore a colonel's uniform, was not nearly as popular with soldiers at the front as with officers and civilians. Burgess noted that Churchill often smoked cigars in front of soldiers who had not had a decent cigarette in days.[19]

In addition to the poor Conservative general election strategy, Churchill went so far as to accuse Attlee of seeking to behave as a dictator, despite Attlee's service as part of Churchill's war cabinet. In the most famous incident of the campaign, Churchill's first election broadcast on 4 June backfired dramatically and memorably. Denouncing his former coalition partners, he declared that Labour "would have to fall back on some form of a Gestapo" to impose socialism on Britain.[20] Attlee responded the next night by ironically thanking the prime minister for demonstrating to the people the difference between "Churchill the great wartime leader" and "Churchill the peacetime politician" and argued the case for public control of industry.

Another blow to the Conservative campaign was the memory of the 1930s policy of appeasement, which had been conducted by Churchill's Conservative predecessors, Neville Chamberlain and Stanley Baldwin, but had been widely discredited for allowing Adolf Hitler's Germany to become too powerful.[5] Labour had strongly advocated appeasement until 1938, but the interwar period had been dominated by Conservatives. With the exception of two brief minority Labour governments in 1924 and 1929–1931, the Conservatives had been in power for all of the interwar period. As a result, the Conservatives were generally blamed for the era's mistakes: appeasement, inflation and the unemployment of the Great Depression.[5] Many voters felt that although the First World War had been won, the peace that followed had been lost.


UK General Election 1945
候選人 選票
政黨 領袖 參選 勝出 進帳 落敗 增減 全部百分比 百分比 總數 百分比增減
  工黨 Clement Attlee 603 393 242 3 +239 61.4 49.7 11,967,746 +9.7
  保守黨 Winston Churchill 559 197 14 204 −190 30.8 36.2 8,716,211 −11.6
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Liberal Party (UK); width: 3px;" |   Liberal Party (UK) Archibald Sinclair 306 12 5 14 −9 1.9 9.0 2,177,938 +2.3
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Liberal Party (UK, 1931); width: 3px;" |   National Liberal Party (UK, 1931) Ernest Brown 49 11 0 22 −22 1.7 2.9 686,652 −0.8
  無黨籍 N/A 38 8 6 0 +6 1.3 0.6 133,191 +0.5
  National N/A 10 2 2 1 +1 0.3 0.5 130,513 +0.2
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Common Wealth Party; width: 3px;" |   Common Wealth Party C. A. Smith 23 1 1 0 +1 0.2 0.5 110,634 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Communist Party of Great Britain; width: 3px;" |   Communist Party of Great Britain Harry Pollitt 21 2 1 0 +1 0.3 0.4 97,945 +0.3
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland); width: 3px;" |   Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland) James McSparran 3 2 0 0 0 0.3 0.4 92,819 +0.2
  National Independent N/A 13 2 1 1 0 0.3 0.3 65,171 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Labour; width: 3px;" |   Independent Labour N/A 7 2 2 0 0 0.3 0.3 63,135 +0.2
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Conservative; width: 3px;" |   Independent Conservative N/A 6 2 2 0 +2 0.3 0.2 57,823 +0.1
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Labour Party; width: 3px;" |   Independent Labour Party Bob Edwards 5 3 0 1 −1 0.5 0.2 46,769 −0.5
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Progressive; width: 3px;" |   Independent Progressive N/A 7 1 1 0 +1 0.2 0.1 45,967 +0.1
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Liberal; width: 3px;" |   Independent Liberal N/A 3 2 2 0 +2 0.3 0.1 30,450 +0.1
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Scottish National Party; width: 3px;" |   Scottish National Party Douglas Young 8 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.1 26,707 −0.1
  Plaid Cymru Abi Williams 7 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 16,017 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Commonwealth Labour Party; width: 3px;" |   Commonwealth Labour Party Harry Midgley 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 14,096 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Nationalist; width: 3px;" |   Independent Nationalist N/A 4 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 5,430 N/A
  Liverpool Protestant H. D. Longbottom 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 2,601 N/A
  Christian Pacifist N/A 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 2,381 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Democratic Party (UK, 1942); width: 3px;" |   Democratic Party (UK, 1942) Norman Leith-Hay-Clark 5 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 1,809 N/A
  Agriculturist N/A 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 1,068 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Socialist Party of Great Britain; width: 3px;" |   Socialist Party of Great Britain N/A 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 472 N/A
  United Socialist Guy Aldred 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 0.0 300 N/A

Votes summary

Popular vote
Liberal National

Seats summary

Parliamentary seats
Liberal National

Transfers of seats

All comparisons are with the winning party in the 1935 election; the aim is to provide a comparison with the previous general election. This list includes seats where the incumbent was standing down and therefore there was no possibility of a particular person being defeated.

  • In some cases the sitting MP had changed to the gaining party. Such circumstances are marked with a *.
  • In other circumstances the gaining party had won a by-election in the intervening years, and then retained the seat in 1945. Such circumstances are marked with a †.
To From No. Seats
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Communist Party of Great Britain;"| [[Communist Party of Great Britain|Template:Party meta/shortname/Communist Party of Great Britain]] rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 1 Mile End
Labour rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Labour Party;"| [[Independent Labour Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Independent Labour Party]] 1 Gorbals*
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Labour Organisation;"| [[National Labour Organisation|Template:Party meta/shortname/National Labour Organisation]] 8 Kilmarnock, Derby (one of two)†, Ormskirk, Leicester West, Nottingham South, Lichfield†, Leeds Central, Cardiff C
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Liberal Party (UK);"| [[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] 9 Dundee (one of two), Paisley, Birkenhead East, Bristol North,[a] Bethnal Green South-West, Wolverhampton East, Middlesbrough West, Bradford South, Carnarvonshire
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DDDDDD;"| 無黨籍 1 Mossley
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/UK National Government;"| [[UK National Government|Template:Party meta/shortname/UK National Government]] 1 Brecon and Radnor
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 186 Dundee (one of two), Kelvingrove, Dunbartonshire†, Lanark, Lanarkshire N, Renfrewshire W, Rutherglen, Edinburgh North, Edinburgh Central, Midlothian S & Peebles, Berwick & Haddington, Bedford, Reading, Buckingham, Wycombe, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Birkenhead West, Crewe, Stalybridge and Hyde, Penryn and Falmouth, Carlisle, Derby (one of two), Belper, Derbyshire South, Derbyshire West,[b] Sutton, Darlington, Stockton-on-Tees, Sunderland (one of two), The Hartlepools, Leyton East, Colchester, East Ham N, Epping, Essex SE, Ilford N (from Ilford), Maldon,[c] Walthamstow E, Bristol Central, Gloucester, Stroud, Thornbury, Portsmouth Central, Portsmouth North, Southampton (one of two), Winchester, Dudley, Kidderminster, Stourbridge, Hitchin, St Albans, Watford, Kingston upon Hull North West, Kingston upon Hull South West, Chatham, Chislehurst, Dartford†, Dover, Faversham, Gillingham, Gravesend, Accrington, Barrow-in-Furness, Blackburn (both seats), Chorley, Clitheroe, Preston (both seats), Rossendale, Bolton (both seats), Eccles, Heywood and Radcliffe, Blackley, Manchester Exchange, Hulme, Moss Side, Rusholme, Oldham (one of two), Salford North, Salford South, Salford West, Stretford, Bootle, Edge Hill, Liverpool Exchange, Fairfield, Kirkdale, Walton, Warrington, Widnes, Harborough, Leicester East, Leicester South, Loughborough, Grimsby, Lincoln, Balham and Tooting, Battersea South, Brixton, Camberwell North-West, Clapham, Dulwich, Fulham East, Greenwich, Hackney North, Hammersmith South, Islington East, Kensington North, Lewisham East, Lewisham West, Norwood, Paddington North, Fulham West†, Islington North†, Kennington†, Peckham†, St Pancras North, St Pancras South East, St Pancras South West, Stoke Newington, Wandsworth Central†, Woolwich West, Ealing West, Enfield, Harrow East, Spelthorne, Uxbridge, Willesden East, King's Lynn, Norfolk North, Norfolk South, Norfolk South West, Norwich (one of two), Kettering, Northampton, Peterborough, Wellingborough, Newcastle upon Tyne Central, Newcastle upon Tyne West, Tynemouth, Wallsend, Wansbeck, Nottingham Central, Nottingham East, Rushcliffe, The Wrekin, Frome, Taunton, Burton, Smethwick, Stafford, Bilston, Wolverhampton West, Ipswich†, Lowestoft, Sudbury, Croydon South, Mitcham, Wimbledon, Duddeston, Coventry East (replaced Coventry), Aston, Deritend, Erdington, King's Norton, Ladywood, Yardley, Sparkbrook, Birmingham West, Swindon, York, Cleveland, Leeds North East, Sheffield Central, Bradford North, Sowerby, Elland, Leeds West, Halifax, Bradford East, Newport, Llandaff & Barry, Cardiff E,[d] Cardiff S
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Liberal Party (UK, 1931);"| Liberal National 17 Greenock†, Leith, Luton, Devonport,[e] Gateshead, Sunderland (one of two), Southampton (one of two), Oldham (one of two), Bosworth, Southwark North†, Great Yarmouth, Norwich (one of two), Newcastle upon Tyne East, Walsall, Huddersfield, Spen Valley, Swansea West
New seats 14 Eton and Slough, Ilford South, Barking, Dagenham, Hornchurch, Thurrock, Barnet, Hendon North, Southall, Wembley North, Wembley South, Bexley, Acock's Green, Coventry West
Independent Labour rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 1 Hammersmith North*
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Ulster Unionist Party;"| [[Ulster Unionist Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Ulster Unionist Party]] 1 Belfast West
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Common Wealth Party;"| [[Common Wealth Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Common Wealth Party]] rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 1 Chelmsford*
Liberal rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 1 Carmarthen
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 2 Dorset North, Buckrose
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Liberal Party (UK, 1931);"| Liberal National 2 Eye*, Montgomeryshire*
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Progressive;"| [[Independent Progressive|Template:Party meta/shortname/Independent Progressive]] Conservative 1 Bridgwater
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DDDDDD;"| 無黨籍 3 Grantham†, City of London (one of two)†, Rugby
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Independent;"| [[National Independent|Template:Party meta/shortname/National Independent]] 1 Cheltenham[f]
Conservative rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Liberal Party (UK);"| [[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] 5 Caithness and Sutherland, Isle of Ely, Barnstaple,[g] Berwick-upon-Tweed, Carnarvon
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom);"| [[Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)]] 1 Daventry
New seats 8 Bucklow, Woodford, Orpington, Blackpool North, Carshalton, Sutton and Cheam, Worthing, Solihull
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Conservative;"| [[Independent Conservative|Template:Party meta/shortname/Independent Conservative]] rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 1 Galloway*
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Liberal;"| [[Independent Liberal|Template:Party meta/shortname/Independent Liberal]] rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Liberal Party (UK, 1931);"| Liberal National 1 Ross and Cromarty[h]
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Unionist;"| [[Independent Unionist|Template:Party meta/shortname/Independent Unionist]] rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Ulster Unionist Party;"| [[Ulster Unionist Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Ulster Unionist Party]] 1 Down (one of two)*
rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom);"| [[Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)]] rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 1 Hexham*
  1. ^ Candidate had defected to Liberal National Party.
  2. ^ Seat had been won by an Independent Labour candidate in a by-election, who fought and won the 1945 election as a Labour candidate.
  3. ^ Seat had been won by an independent candidate in a by-election, who fought and won the 1945 election as a Labour candidate.
  4. ^ Seat had been won by an independent candidate in a by-election.
  5. ^ Candidate had moved to 'National' label.
  6. ^ Seat had been won by Independent Conservative candidate in a by-election, who fought and won the 1945 election as a National Independent candidate.
  7. ^ Candidate had defected to the Common Wealth party.
  8. ^ Seat had been won by National Labour in a by-election.

MPs who lost their seats



Opinion polls

Polls showed a lead for Labour since 1943, except for one poll in June 1945 when both Labour and the Conservatives tied on 45%.

See also


  1. ^ The Public General Acts and the Church Assembly Measures of 1945. London: His Majesty's Stationary Office. 1946: 27. 
  2. ^ General Election (Polling Date): 31 May 1945: House of Commons debates. They Work For You. [2018-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-14). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 McCallum, R.B.; Readman, Alison. The British General Election of 1945. Nuffield Studies. 1964. 
  4. ^ Rowe 2004,第37頁.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Lynch 2008,第4頁.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 1945: Churchill loses general election. BBC News. 26 July 1945 [22 February 2009]. 
  7. ^ Parliamentary Candidates – Future MPs – A list and insight. Politics.co.uk. [2024-03-09] (美國英語). 
  8. ^ Bew, John. Citizen Clem: A Biography of Attlee. 2017: 336. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Thomas & Willis 2016,第154–155頁.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Addison, Paul, Why Churchill Lost in 1945, BBC, 29 April 2005 [22 February 2009] 
  11. ^ Bogdanor, Vernon, The General Election, 1945 (Lecture), Museum of London, 23 September 2014 [26 May 2018] 
  12. ^ General Election (Polling Date): 31 May 1945: House of Commons debates, They Work For You 
  13. ^ Baines 1995.
  14. ^ Ingersoll 1940,第127頁.
  15. ^ Pelling 1980,第399–414頁.
  16. ^ Games, Naomi. Abram Games: His Wartime Work. Stroud: Amberley Publishing. 2019 [1 November 2020]. ISBN 9781445692463. 
  17. ^ Lynch 2008,第10頁.
  18. ^ Lynch 2008,第1–4頁.
  19. ^ Burgess 1987,第305頁.
  20. ^ Marr 2008,第5–6頁.
  21. ^ Voter turnout at UK general elections 1945–2015. UK Political Info. 
  1. ^ The seat and vote count figures for the Conservatives given here include the Speaker of the House of Commons


Further reading


Template:British elections