



  1. 1650年至1680年,以牙買加龜島為據點的英法海盜襲擊加勒比海和太平洋東部的西班牙殖民地的船隻
  2. 1690年代,美洲的海盜遠航前往印度洋和紅海襲擊穆斯林和東印度公司商船
  3. 西班牙王位繼承戰爭之後,後西班牙時代的海盜(多為英國的原私掠者)在加勒比海、北美洲東岸、西非沿海和印度洋活動



1894年,英格蘭記者喬治·鮑威爾(George Powell)最早提出了「海盜黃金時代」這一概念,當時指的是17世紀後半期[1]。哲學家約翰·菲斯克在1897年提出了更加系統的說法,即指1650至1720年[2]




  1. ^ George Powell, "A Pirate's Paradise," in The Gentleman's Magazine, vol. CCLXXVI, N.S. 52, Jan-June 1894, p. 23.
  2. ^ John Fiske, 1897, Old Virginia and Her Neighbors, p. 338.
  3. ^ R.D.W. Connor, 1909, Cornelius Harnett: An Essay in North Carolina History, P. 10; Francis Hodges Cooper, 1916, "Some Colonial History of Beaufort County, North Carolina," in James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science, v. 14, no. 2, p. 32.
  4. ^ Patrick Pringle, 1951, Jolly Roger: The Story of the Great Age of Piracy, p. 9 of the 2001 edition.
  5. ^ Fiske, p. 341-42.
  6. ^ David Cordingly, 1995, Under the Black Flag: The Romance and Reality of Life Among the Pirates, pp. xvi–xvii.
  7. ^ Marcus Rediker, 2004, Villains of All Nations, p. 8.
  • Flemming, Gregory. At the Point of a Cutlass: The Pirate Capture, Bold Escape, and Lonely Exile of Philip Ashton. ForeEdge (2014) ISBN 978-1611685152
  • Little, Benerson. How History's Greatest Pirates Pillaged, Plundered, and Got Away with It: the Stories, Techniques, and Tactics of the Most Feared Sea Rovers from 1500-1800. Fair Winds Press, 2011.
  • Little, Benerson. The Golden Age of Piracy: the Truth Behind Pirate Myths. Skyhorse Publishing, 2016.
  • Lunsford, Virginia. Piracy and Privateering in the Golden Age Netherlands, Palgrave Macmillan 2005 ISBN 1403966923, ISBN 978-1403966926
  • Rediker, Marcus. Villains of all Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Beacon Press: Boston (2004).
  • Rediker, Marcus. 「Pirates and the Imperial State.「 Reviews in American History 16.3 (1988) : 351-357
  • Sherry, Frank. Raiders and Rebels the Golden Age of Piracy. Harper Perennial, 2008.
  • Swanson, Carl E. 「American Privateering and Imperial Warfare, 1739–1748.」 The William and Mary Quarterly 42.3 (1985) : 357-382
