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|title=Focus on Eastern Master-- Lee Jianjun |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_AjSNFfarQ |publisher=givology.org |date=2011-04-06 |quote=Throughout our travels, a few New York based Givology members had the pleasure of meeting renowned eastern mysticism scholar and master, Lee Jianjun. Through speaking with Mr. Lee, we gained a sense that education and his lineage of teachers have been essential to his own career path and learning.
JianJun Li (Chinese)
He studied the chinese three classic——Buddhism, Confuciaism and Taoism in a very young age. And delve into the advanced Western astronomy, geography, medical technology studies. Former UNESCO consultant, director of the ergonomics of the University of Southern California, A visiting professor at the Center for American Studies, Fudan University, in Shanghai, Author of several best-selling books such as《The central axis: the body's balance and fitness》.
10 Top Education Experts. IMEC 2013(第二屆國際蒙台梭利教育交流峰會). [2013-09-13檢索].
周淮安─馬景濤 常言笑─關禮傑 金鑲玉─夏文汐 邱莫言─陳 紅 朱由檢─郭晉安 魏忠賢─李立群 雷震天─岳躍利 烏 汗─屈中恆 小寧兒─侯炳瑩
管靈風─田少軍 多爾袞─姬麒麟 顏 夕─趙娟娟 許顯純─潘 虹 路小川─丁 飛 賈 廷─祝嘉正 曹 天─王 彪
參考 en:Template:Computer sizes 翻譯。