


地點50°04′43″N 14°26′04″E / 50.07861°N 14.43444°E / 50.07861; 14.43444
結果 停火
捷克斯洛伐克 捷克抵抗組織
捷克斯洛伐克 Karel Kutlvašr英語Karel Kutlvašr
捷克斯洛伐克 František Slunečko英語František Slunečko
Sergei Bunyachenko英語Sergei Bunyachenko
納粹德國 卡爾·赫曼·法蘭克
納粹德國 魯道夫·圖桑
納粹德國 卡爾·弗里德里希·馮·普呂克-博格豪斯
30,000 起義軍[1][a]
18,000 俄羅斯自由軍團叛變者[7]
1,694–2,898 起義軍死亡[12][13][c]
3,000 起義軍受傷[16][17]
300 俄羅斯自由軍團叛變者死傷[18][19][d]
263–2,000 捷克平民死亡[18][21]
1,000+ 德國平民死亡[22][f]

布拉格起義捷克語Pražské povstání)是1945年5月第二次世界大戰結束後布拉格當地反對納粹德國的一次起事。納粹德國對捷克的佔領助長了捷克民眾的反德情緒,同時紅軍和西方盟軍的推進為捷克反抗軍提供了機會。




  1. ^ A few thousand of these were policemen from the Police of the Czech Republic英語Police of the Czech Republic and 國家憲兵 as well as soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the 波希米亞和摩拉維亞政府軍, all of whom were lightly armed.[2] The remainder were civilians, mostly young men with no prior military training.[3][4] Numerous female civilians fought in the uprising, while others were escaped Allied 戰俘 (some of whom were Soviet, British, French and Dutch) or Jews who had escaped from 納粹集中營.[5][6]
  2. ^ Approximately 10,000 of these were 武裝黨衛隊 troops who were sent to Prague after the start of the uprising.[8] The remainder included regular 德意志國防軍 infantry, 納粹德國空軍 personnel from the disbanded Flak corps英語Flak corps, 希特拉青年團 members and armed German civilians.[9][10]
  3. ^ The lower figure is the official estimate published in 1946.[14] Only casualties whose identity could be verified were included.[15] The higher figure is argued by Marek.[13]
  4. ^ Bunyachenko stated that ROA casualties in the uprising were 300 killed or wounded, but MacDonald suggests that this may have been "exaggerated for political purposes" as Bunyachenko was trying to avoid being handed over into Soviet captivity.[19]
  5. ^ These figures in theory included civilian casualties. However, Staněk considers the total number of Germans killed during the uprising to be well above 1,000.[20]
  6. ^ The official figure of 1,000 German civilian casualties is "almost certainly an underestimate, especially considering the scope and nature of the violence that took place in and around the city, and doesn't take into account official attempts to play down the violence against civilians." For example, of 300 Germans buried in a mass grave in a suburb of Prague, three-quarters were classified as military casualties despite the fact that a majority were wearing civilian clothes.[23]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Mahoney 2011,第191頁.
  2. ^ Bartošek 1965,第34–35頁.
  3. ^ Bartošek 1965,第55頁.
  4. ^ Bartošek 1965,第149–150頁.
  5. ^ Bartošek 1965,第53頁.
  6. ^ Pynsent 2013,第297頁.
  7. ^ Julicher 2015,第171頁.
  8. ^ Dickerson 2018,第97頁.
  9. ^ Bartošek 1965,第54頁.
  10. ^ Jakl 2004,第25頁.
  11. ^ Thomas & Ketley 2015,第284頁.
  12. ^ Kokoška 2005,第258頁.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Publikace, kterou historiografie potřebovala: padlí z pražských barikád 1945. Vojenském historickém ústavu Praha. [20 June 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-02). 
  14. ^ Soukup 1946,第42頁.
  15. ^ Pynsent 2013,第285頁.
  16. ^ Soukup 1946,第39頁.
  17. ^ Orzoff 2009,第207頁.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Marek 2005,第13–14頁.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 MacDonald & Kaplan 1995,第186頁.
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Staněk 2005,第197頁.
  21. ^ Merten 2017,第114頁.
  22. ^ Lowe 2012,第127頁.
  23. ^ Lowe 2012,第127–128頁.