


該概念最早形成於春秋戰國時期,並在公元前三世紀至二世紀期間逐漸完善。然而由於西方學者對儒學先秦和早期秦漢當中重要性認識的不準確,以及將儒學的本質看作是和平主義的誤解,前者直到最近才受到西方學者的過多討論[2]約翰·費爾班克的觀點為第二點提供了一個例子:「儒家不尊重戰爭……訴諸戰爭(「武」)就等於承認追求「文」(文明或文化)的過程破產了。 因此,這應該是最後的手段……這就是中國傳統的和平主義傾向……通過文擴張……是自然而正確的; 而吳國的擴張、暴力和征服是絕不可寬恕的。」[3]




  1. ^ McNeal (2012),第8頁.
  2. ^ McNeal (2012),第1-6頁.
  3. ^ Yuan-kang Wang, Harmony and war: Confucian culture and Chinese power politics. Columbia University Press, 2011:14. Quote from John K. Fairbank, "Varieties of the Chinese Military Experience," in Chinese Ways in Warfare, ed. Frank A. Kierman Jr. and John K. Fairbank (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974), 7–9.
  4. ^ Falkenhausen (1996),第11頁.
  5. ^ Falkenhausen (1996),第6–7頁.
  6. ^ McNeal (2012),第13-14頁.
  7. ^ Falkenhausen (1996),第8, 15頁.
  8. ^ Falkenhausen (1996),第5頁.
  9. ^ Falkenhausen (1996),第2, 19頁.
  10. ^ McNeal 2012,第15頁, translating from Jundao chapter of the Shuoyuan. The source translates wen and wu respectively as "the civil" and "the martial". The words are returned to original here to clarify the interaction of the terms without overloading them with additional meaning.


  • Falkenhausen, Lothar von. The Concept of Wen in the Ancient Chinese Ancestral Cult. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR). 1996, 18: 1–22. JSTOR 495623. doi:10.2307/495623. 
  • McNeal, Robin. Conquer and Govern: Early Chinese Military Texts from the Yi Zhou shu. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. 2012. 


  • Kern, Martin. Ritual, Text, and the Formation of the Canon: Historical Transitions of "Wen" in Early China. T'oung Pao (Leiden: Brill). 2001, 87 (1/3): 43–91. JSTOR 4528866.