

根證書在信任鏈中作為信任錨英語Trust anchor的起點角色

密碼學電腦安全領域,根證書root certificate)是屬於根證書頒發機構(CA)的公鑰證書,是在公開金鑰基礎建設中,信任鏈起點英語Trust anchor[1]。證書頒發機構的角色有如現實世界中的公證行,保證網絡世界中電子證書持有人的身份。具體作法是透過中介證書,利用數碼簽章為多個客戶簽發多個不同的終端實體證書,形成一個以其根證書為頂層的樹狀結構,在此傳遞關係中所有下層證書都會因為根證書可被信賴而繼承信任基礎。

根證書沒有上層機構再為其本身作數碼簽章,所以都是自簽證書。許多應用軟件(例如作業系統網頁瀏覽器)會預先安裝可被信任的根證書,這代表用戶授權了應用軟件代為審核哪些根證書機構屬於可靠,例如是公認可靠的政府機關(如香港郵政[2])、專職機構(如Google[3]Let's EncryptCAcert.orgComodoDigiCertGlobalSign)等。應用軟件在建立安全連接時,例如使用網頁瀏覽器造訪一個網站,會執行認證路徑驗證演算法英語Certification path validation algorithm,使用該主機提供的電子證書,驗證是否能夠對應到預先安裝的根證書,從而驗證從根證書到終端節點的路徑是否為一條有效的信任鏈,確保TLS安全連接中的身份。但是,這意味着用戶信任瀏覽器的發佈商、它所預先安裝的證書頒發機構,以及這些證書頒發機構可能頒發的所有中間證書頒發機構,相信他們忠誠地確保各證書持有人的身份和意圖。




由於根證書在公開金鑰基礎建設擔任重要角色,負責任的證書機構會公佈證書作業準則英語Certification Practice Statement以供公眾查閱,並負上法律責任[5]。根證書一般會預先在不同的軟件廣泛部署,所以各大軟件商(如Mozilla[6]微軟[7]蘋果公司[8]甲骨文公司Java[9]Adobe Systems[10][11])也發佈自己的審核標準,列明嚴謹的核認程序,例如行政人員的授權及機構法人身份的核認,才會部署於軟件產品,發放給大眾用戶安裝。而由於部署程序複雜費時,證書機構發出的根證書有效期可能長達十年以上。










  1. 假設愛麗絲的電腦已在較早前被馬洛里安裝了特定的根證書,馬洛里擁有對應的私鑰
  2. 當愛麗絲嘗試與鮑伯建立安全連線時,馬洛里以代理伺服器的身份先行收到連線請求
  3. 馬洛里暫時擱下愛麗絲的請求,轉而建立另一條連線向鮑伯請求他的電子證書
  4. 鮑伯的電子證書已得到一個受廣泛認可的認證機構數碼簽章,如果馬洛里如實轉交給愛麗斯,一切都不會有問題
  5. 但馬洛里使用自己的私鑰簽發一個電子證書,證書上主體名稱聲稱是屬於鮑伯,並交給愛麗斯,而鮑伯不曾知道
  6. 愛麗斯驗證收到的電子證書,根據其信任鏈,她找到簽發的根證書
  7. 她發現自己的電腦中已安裝並信任這樣一個根證書,便信以為真,開始使用證書上的公鑰與鮑伯的秘密通訊
  8. 其實該根證書就是馬洛里早前安裝上去用以欺騙愛麗斯,這時馬洛里能夠利用自己的私鑰解密愛麗斯傳出的密文,並即時再用先前收到、鮑伯真正的電子證書上的公鑰再加密,並傳給鮑伯
  9. 鮑伯收到密文時不虞有詐,他能夠用自己的私鑰解密馬洛里傳送過來的密文








2009年,中國互聯網絡信息中心(CNNIC)的一名員工向Mozilla申請要求將 CNNIC 加入Mozilla的根證書列表[27],並且得到了批准。後來微軟也把CNNIC加到了Windows的根證書列表裏。






微軟也曾在2017年表示會將相關證書下架[36],但在2021年2月仍有用戶表示沃通和StartCom的證書在Windows 10仍然生效,只能手動移除證書[37]


中國鐵路客戶服務中心(簡稱:12306網站)初期啟用https訪問時,使用的是由證書機構的名稱為「Sinorail Certification Authority」(SRCA)頒發的證書,而該根證書並沒有記錄在任何公開的根證書記錄中,所以會被瀏覽器出於安全性而阻止訪問,12306網站也在網站上要求用戶手工添加該根證書,由於證書缺少證書吊銷列表等問題,同樣地也引發對該根證書對用戶私隱安全的隱憂,或者和CNNIC根證書一樣抱以不信任處理。用戶在支付票款時所使用的站點(即pay.12306.cn)是使用由Verisign簽發的有效證書。在2017年12月12日開始,主站點陸續開始更換為由DigiCert簽發的證書,直至現在,全站已更換為DigiCert簽發的證書。




2023年,歐盟計劃制定法規eIDAS 2.0,其中第45條規定禁止瀏覽器未經成員國批准下對某些政府指定的CA根證書進行現代安全檢查,意味着政府可以通過這些CA實現對HTTPS流量的監控,電子前線基金會、一些相關行業廠商(瀏覽器開發商,CDN服務商)和安全專家等對此表示擔憂或要求歐盟對此釋義。[38][39][40][41]


  1. ^ RFC 4158. IETF (英語). all of the end entities and relying parties use a single "Root CA" as their trust anchor. If the hierarchy has multiple levels, the Root CA certifies the public keys of intermediate CAs (also known as subordinate CAs). These CAs then certify end entities' (subscribers') public keys or may, in a large PKI, certify other CAs. 
  2. ^ 關於香港郵政電子證書. 香港郵政. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-20). 香港郵政在二零零零年成立香港第一家在《電子交易條例》(香港法例第553章)下的認可公共核證機關。現時,香港郵政核證機關發出符合電子交易條例要求的「認可數碼證書」。根據《電子交易條例》,使用該條例下認可的數碼證書作出的數碼簽署與書面的簽署具同等法律效力。 
  3. ^ Repository of Documentation and Certificates. Google Trust Services. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-19) (英語). The Google Public Key Infrastructure (「Google PKI」), has been established by Google Trust Services, LLC (「Google」), to enable reliable and secure identity authentication, and to facilitate the preservation of confidentiality and integrity of data in electronic transactions. 
  4. ^ Key Ceremony. Digi-Sign. [2017-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-26) (英語). A Key Ceremony is only required when your organisation wishes to achieve your own independent root, or intermediate, Certificate Authority. This typically occurs where an organisation wants to create and own its own Root CA for reasons relating to compliance to specific standards (e.g. ISO 27001, WebTrust, EU Qualified Certificates, etc). A Root Key Ceremony is a procedure where a unique pair of Public and Private Root Keys is generated. Depending on your requirements and specifications, the generation of the Root Keys may require notarisation, legal representation, witnesses and "Key Holders" to be present 
  5. ^ Policy and Legal Repository. Let's Encrypt. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-24) (英語). 
  6. ^ Mozilla Root Store Policy. Mozilla. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-04-15) (英語). When distributing binary and source code versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, and other Mozilla-related software products, Mozilla includes with such software a set of X.509v3 root certificates for various Certification Authorities (CAs). The included certificates have their "trust bits" set for various purposes, so that the software in question can use the CA certificates to anchor a chain of trust for certificates used by SSL servers and S/MIME email users without having to ask users for further permission or information. 
  7. ^ Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate: Program Requirements. 微軟 (英語). The Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate Program ("Program") supports the distribution of qualifying root certificates in Microsoft Windows and other Microsoft Products and Services. 
  8. ^ Apple Root Certificate Program. 蘋果公司. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-20) (英語). Apple uses public key infrastructure (PKI) to secure and enhance the experience for Apple users. Apple products, including our web browser Safari and Mail.app, use a common store for root certificates. Apple requires root certification authorities to meet certain criteria[...] 
  9. ^ Including Certificate Authority Root Certificates in Java. 甲骨文公司. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-27) (英語). In order to protect Oracle's Java SE customers from security issues related to the use of public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates while enhancing their overall experience, Oracle requires that all root certificates authorities meet the following criteria before applying for inclusion of their root certificates in Oracle’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE). 
  10. ^ Adobe Approved Trust List. Adobe Systems. [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-02) (英語). Essentially, both Acrobat and Reader have been programmed to reach out to a web page to periodically download a list of trusted "root" digital certificates. Any digital signature created with a credential that can trace a relationship ("chain") back to the high-assurance, trustworthy certificates on this list is trusted by Acrobat and Reader. 
  11. ^ EU Trusted List now available in Adobe Acrobat!. Adobe Systems. 2015-10-26 [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-20) (英語). Adobe is delighted to announce the completion of our work to support and integrate the EU Trusted Lists (EUTL) into Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader. For the first time, citizens, governments and businesses across the world will have easy access to electronically signed documents based on EU qualified certificates in the ubiquitous Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader software. 
  12. ^ EU Trusted Lists. 歐洲聯盟委員會. 2017-05-09 [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-25) (英語). Under the Regulation (EC) No 910/2014/EU (eIDAS Regulation), national Trusted Lists have a constitutive effect. In other words, a trust service provider and the trust services it provides will be qualified only if it appears in the Trusted Lists. Consequently, the users (citizens, businesses or public administrations) will benefit from the legal effect associated with a given qualified trust service only if the latter is listed (as qualified) in the Trusted Lists. 
  13. ^ REGULATION (EU) No 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC. EUR-Lex. 2014-08-28 [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-15) (英語). A qualified electronic signature shall have the equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature. 
  14. ^ 香港的認可核證機關. 政府資訊科技總監辦公室. 2017-06-30 [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-27) (中文(香港)). 核證機關在確保公開密碼匙基礎建設的有效運作方面擔當重要角色,並作為可信賴的第三方,負責證明電子交易所涉及有關各方的身份。目前,香港有兩間根據《電子交易條例》(第553章)獲得認可的核證機關。根據《電子交易條例》,郵政署署長是認可核證機關,提供香港郵政核證機關服務,而電子核證服務有限公司則是根據《電子交易條例》下核證機關自願認可計劃獲得認可的商營核證機關。 
  15. ^ 《電子交易條例》(第553章). 政府資訊科技總監辦公室. 2017-06-30 [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-29) (中文(香港)). 政府於2000年1月制定《電子交易條例》(第553章)(「條例」),並於2004年6月作出修訂。大體上,條例旨在:賦予電子紀錄及電子簽署(請看下文的註釋1)跟紙張檔案上的紀錄和簽署同等的法律地位;以及設立核證機關自願認可計劃以加強社會人士對電子交易的信心。(註釋1︰就不涉及政府單位的電子交易而言,任何形式的電子簽署,只要可靠恰當並獲簽署的接受人認同,已能符合法律有關簽署的規定。就涉及政府單位的電子交易而言,有認可數碼證書證明的數碼簽署,便符合法律上的簽署規定。) 
  16. ^ 電子簽章法. 中華民國法務部全國法規資料庫工作小組. 2001-11-14 [2017-07-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-08) (中文(臺灣)). 依法令規定應簽名或蓋章者,經相對人同意,得以電子簽章為之。 
  17. ^ 管理受信任的根憑證. 微軟. [2017-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2013-04-12) (中文(臺灣)). 某些組織可能會想要管理證書信任,並避免網域中的用戶設置自己的信任根證書集。此外,某些組織在需要額外信任關係的狀況下,會需要識別並分送特定的信任根證書,以符合業務所需。 
  18. ^ PSM:Changing Trust Settings. Mozilla. 2017-05-05 [2017-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-11) (英語). This page describes how to change the default root certificate trust settings in Mozilla products, including Firefox and Thunderbird. [...] Some browsers only display the root certificates that the user has actually used, and dynamically download new ones on demand. However, Mozilla believes it is important for users to know the root certificates that could be used, so the full set of certificates is always shown. This also allows you to edit the trust bits for any root certificates that you do not want to use. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 排除在安全性網站上 "SEC_ERROR_UNKNOW_ISSUER" 的錯誤代碼. Mozilla. 2016-06-29 (中文(臺灣)). 警告: 您永遠不該為合法的主要網站或金融交易網站增加證書例外 - 此時無效的證書可能表示您的連線正受到第三方的危害。如果允許,您可以增加例外以造訪網站,雖然它的證書預設是不受信任的:在警告網頁,點擊 進階。點擊 增加例外…。將顯示 增加安全例外 對話框。閱讀敘述網站問題的文字。您可以點擊 檢視… 來更精確的檢視此不受信任的證書。如果您確認您想信任些網站,點擊 確認安全例外。 
  20. ^ 在中小企業建立企業根憑證授權單位. 微軟. [2017-07-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-01) (中文(臺灣)). 這份檔案提供的指示可幫助您建立企業根 CA、使用證書範本啟用自動註冊、為無線用戶建立自動註冊。您可以學到如何執行下列工作:安裝及設置企業根 CA。 
  21. ^ SSL/TLS Certificates for Internal Servers. GlobalSign. 2016-09-29 [2017-07-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12) (英語). Enterprises can easily push out the necessary IntranetSSL non-public roots to their users via Group Policy Object (GPO), or other centralized management system which will make the IntranetSSL certificates trusted by their user community. 
  22. ^ SSL Forward Proxy. 派拓網絡. [2017-07-17]. (原始內容存檔於2017-12-01) (英語). The firewall uses certificates to establish itself as a trusted third party to the session between the client and the server [...] When the client initiates an SSL session with the server, the firewall intercepts the client SSL request and forwards the SSL request to the server. The server returns a certificate intended for the client that is intercepted by the firewall. If the server certificate is signed by a CA that the firewall trusts, the firewall creates a copy of the server certificate signs it with the firewall Forward Trust certificate and sends the certificate to the client [...] When the client authenticates the certificate, the SSL session is established with the firewall functioning as a trusted forward proxy to the site that the client is accessing. As the firewall continues to receive SSL traffic from the server that is destined for the client, it decrypts the SSL traffic into clear text traffic and applies decryption and security profiles to the traffic. The traffic is then re-encrypted on the firewall and the firewall forwards the encrypted traffic to the client. 
  23. ^ SSL Forward Proxy Overview. Juniper Networks. 2016-06-14 [2017-07-17]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-25) (英語). SSL forward proxy is a transparent proxy; that is, it performs SSL encryption and decryption between the client and the server, but neither the server nor the client can detect its presence. SSL forward proxy ensures that it has the keys to encrypt and decrypt the payload 
  24. ^ Jeremy Schatten. Setup Squid Forward Proxy. 2016-09-09 [2017-07-17]. (原始內容存檔於2018-03-16) (英語). In this configuration, the proxy is performing what in another context would be considered a man-in-the-middle attack. The client is completely unaware that somewhere their traffic is being sent is posing as the destination, decrypting their communication, and re-encrypting it to send to the real target server. Responses are captured on-the-fly as well, and sent back to the origin server. [...] It presents a certificate valid for any domain that it generates as requests hit it in real time, and because the client needs to be configured to trust the same root CA certificate the proxy uses, will allow the connection. (Remember, any certificate trusted as a root certificate can sign valid certificates for any and all domains and paths, not just its own.) 
  25. ^ 什麼是中間憑證?. GoDaddy. [2017-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-04) (中文(臺灣)). 中間證書為我們根證書的替身。由於我們必須將我們的根證書置於數層安全防護之後,因此我們利用中間證書作為 proxy,確保根證書的金鑰絕對無法被存取。但是,由於根證書本身簽署了中間證書,中間證書可以被用來簽署我們的客戶安裝與維護的「信任連鎖」 SSL。 
  26. ^ How do certification authorities store their private root keys?. Stack Exchange. [2017-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-22) (英語). For extra recovery, the CA is often split into a long-lived root CA which is kept offline, and a short-lived intermediate CA. Both machines are in the cage and bunker; the root CA is never connected to a network. The root CA is physically accessed, with dual control (at least two people together, and video recording) on a regular basis, to emit the certificate for the intermediate CA 
  27. ^ 476766 - Add China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) CA Root Certificate. bugzilla.mozilla.org. [2020-01-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-02-22) (英語). 
  28. ^ CNNIC发行的中级CA发行了Google的假证书. solidot. 2015-03-24 [2015-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2015-03-26). 
  29. ^ 最危险的互联网漏洞正在逼近. [2015-03-26]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-21). 
  30. ^ 谷歌不再承認中國CNNIC頒發的信任證書. 華爾街日報. 2015-04-03 [2015-04-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-03-27). 
  31. ^ 谷歌不再信任中国CNNIC 的网站信任证书. 美國之音. 2015-04-03 [2015-04-03]. (原始內容存檔於2015-04-05). 
  32. ^ Mozilla紧随谷歌 拒绝承认中国安全证书. 美國之音. 2015-04-04 [2015-04-04]. (原始內容存檔於2015-04-10). 
  33. ^ 谷歌宣布开始全面封杀使用沃通CA证书网站,信誉破产的恶果 - 超能网. www.expreview.com. [2020-01-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-20). 
  34. ^ CA:WoSign Issues - MozillaWiki. wiki.mozilla.org. [2020-01-03]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-28). 
  35. ^ Stephen Schrauger. The story of how WoSign gave me an SSL certificate for GitHub.com. Schrauger.com. [2021-03-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-17). 
  36. ^ Microsoft Defender Security Research Team. Microsoft to remove WoSign and StartCom certificates in Windows 10. Microsoft. 2017-08-08 [2021-03-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12). 
  37. ^ Toxic Root-CA certificates of WoSign and StartCom are still active in Windows 10. Windows Phone Info. [2021-03-15]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-27). 
  38. ^ Hoffman-Andrews, Jacob. Article 45 Will Roll Back Web Security by 12 Years. Electronic Frontier Foundation. 2023-11-07 [2023-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2023-12-30) (英語). 
  39. ^ Industry Joint Statement on Article 45 in the EU's eIDAS Regulation (PDF). [2023-11-13]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2024-01-12). 
  40. ^ Claburn, Thomas. Europe prepares to break browser security with eIDAS 2.0. www.theregister.com. [2023-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-02) (英語). 
  41. ^ Last Chance to fix eIDAS. last-chance-for-eidas.org. [2023-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2023-12-30).