
用戶:Addis-Bot/20140530/List of diplomatic missions of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

Diplomatic missions of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR)
  SADR, as claimed
  SADR embassy
  SADR embassy, non-resident
  POLISARIO Representation Office
  POLISARIO Representation Office, non-resident

This is a list of diplomatic missions of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic's government in exile, led by the Polisario Front and headquartered at Tindouf, Algeria, maintains diplomatic relations with 34 states, and has a small diplomatic network overseas. Due to Morocco's claim of sovereignty over the Western Sahara, which it calls the Southern Provinces, the SADR does not enjoy wide recognition. Most of the embassies of the SADR are in Africa and Latin America. In addition, the Polisario Front maintains an extensive network of representatives in countries that do not recognise the SADR as a sovereign state.

Sahrawi Embassy in Montevideo, Uruguay


North America

South America




Multilateral organisations

See also


  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Western Sahara Representation Abroad WorldTourismDirectory.com
  2. ^ Minister of Cooperation concludes working visit to Austria. Sahara Press Service. 2011-05-29 [2011-09-26]. 
  3. ^ Saharawi Coordinator with MINURSO concludes a working visit to Austria. SPS. 2011-11-14 [2011-11-14]. 
  4. ^ Le mur du Sahara, un mur oublié. Association Culturelle Joseph Jaquemotte. [2012-08-24].  (法文)
  5. ^ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 Diplomatic relations of the SADR. (阿拉伯文)
  6. ^ POLISARIO Front Representative received at the Danish Foreign Affairs Ministry. SPS. 2011-09-15 [2011-09-26]. 
  7. ^ Sahrawi diplomat meets Finnish Minister of Foreigner Affairs. SPS. 2011-11-28 [2011-11-30]. 
  8. ^ Lehdist6ötilaisuus Ali Lachen Elaabedin nälkälakosta. Uusi Suomi. 2012-04-04 [2012-08-24].  (芬蘭文)
  9. ^ Acto en Bremen Alemania sobre la situación de los Derechos Humanos en las zonas ocupadas del Sahara Occidental. SPS. 12-10-2011 [2011-10-14].  (西班牙文)
  10. ^ Western Sahara liberation movement concerns over human rights and Irish firms in Sahara. Anphoblacht.com. 2011-04-14 [2011-10-15]. 
  11. ^ Mayor of Naples supports right of Saharawi people to self-determination. SPS. 2011-07-19 [2011-09-26]. 
  12. ^ Aminatou Haidar, citizen of honour of Italian town of Montespertoli. SPS. 2011-07-27 [2011-09-26]. 
  13. ^ Opening of new Saharawi representation in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence). SPS. 2011-11-22 [2011-11-29]. 
  14. ^ Seventh summit of AFLPM closed and approves ambitious action plan (communiqué). SPS. 2012-07-29 [09-11-2012]. 
  15. ^ SADR 37th anniversary celebrated in Norway. SPS. 2013-03-03 [2013-04-25]. 
  16. ^ POLISARIO Front representation in Russia (俄文)
  17. ^ Russian expert believes that independence of Western Sahara "is only a matter of time". SPS. 28 April 2013 [29 April 2013]. 
  18. ^ Marina Kelava. Solidarnost za Saharave + FOTOGALERIJA!. H-Alter. 2011-03-21 [12-11-2011].  Template:Sh icon
  19. ^ Jerko Bakotin. Poštovat ćemo volju naroda. Novossti.com. 2011-04-23 [12-11-2011].  Template:Sh icon
  20. ^ Delegación Saharaui para España (西班牙文)
  21. ^ Delegaciones saharauis en España (西班牙文)
  22. ^ Delegación del Frente Polisario en Catalunya (西班牙文)(加泰隆尼亞文)
  23. ^ New representative of the Frente Polisario received at Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. SPS. 2012-01-21 [2012-01-21]. 
  24. ^ Front POLISARIO - Représentation pour la Suisse et l'ONU/Genève (法文)
  25. ^ Polisario Front denies any involvement in Libya affairs. SPS. 2011-04-21 [2011-09-26]. 
  26. ^ Polisario Front takes part at British Labour Party annual congress. SPS. 30 September 2013 [9 February 2014]. 
  27. ^ Organization of farewell ceremony in honour of ex-representative of Polisario in UK. SPS. 12 December 2012 [9 February 2014]. 
  28. ^ POLISARIO UK AND IRELAND POLISARIO Front Representation for UK and Ireland
  29. ^ Interview with Polisario Representative, Lamine Baali Think Africa Press, 7 February 2012
  30. ^ Representaciones Diplomáticas y Consulares acreditadas en Cuba
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 http://www.amb-rasd.org/ES/1e2es.htm Embajadas y representaciones diplomáticas Saharauis en el mundo. Embajada de la RASD en Argelia. (西班牙文)
  32. ^ Cuerpo Diplomático Residente en Nicaragua - Embajada de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática
  33. ^ Cancillería de la Repúbica Árabe Saharaui Democrática en México Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores - México
  34. ^ Precedencia Diplomática en Panamá
  35. ^ Canciller Henríquez se reúne con Embajador Árabe Saharaui. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores - Gobierno Nacional - República de Panamá. 2011-09-28 [2012-03-14].  (西班牙文)
  36. ^ Polisario Front Representative in Washington refutes allegations of involvement in war in Libya. SPS. 2011-05-22 [2011-09-27]. 
  37. ^ Donda se reunió con el embajador de Saharaui. Noticias Congreso Nacional. 2011-04-19 [2011-10-10].  (西班牙文)
  38. ^ Diputados impulsan el reconocimiento de la República Árabe Saharaui. Noticias Congreso Nacional. 12-07-2011 [2011-10-10].  (西班牙文)
  39. ^ Comissão de Relações Exteriores recebe hoje quatro embaixadores. Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. 2011-04-25 [2012-06-25]. 
  40. ^ Un comité brésilien de solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui est né. Radio Algerie. 2012-06-25 [2012-06-25]. 
  41. ^ DDHH: Cámara de Diputados de Chile condenó a Reino de Marruecos. El Ciudadano. 2011-03-19 [11-10-2011].  (西班牙文)
  42. ^ Mohamed Zrug Larosi: los pueblos tienen que construir su futuro sin intervenciones militares. Dilemas. March 2011 [11-10-2011].  (西班牙文)
  43. ^ La Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales del Congreso de Chile recibe al Embajador de la RASD. SPS. 04-10-2011 [11-10-2011].  (西班牙文)
  44. ^ Saharawi diplomat received by President of Human Rights Commission of Chilean Senate. SPS. 2011-10-19 [2011-10-23]. 
  45. ^ Embajador del Sahara visita al Senado de la República. Senado de Colombia. 05-10-2011 [09-10-2011].  (西班牙文)
  46. ^ Sahara Occidental: 35 años de lucha. El Espectador. 2011-02-25 [2011-10-17].  (西班牙文)
  47. ^ Agenda del ministro. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú. 2011-08-26 [09-10-2011].  (西班牙文)
  48. ^ SADR ambassador delivers credentials to President Mújica. SPS. 2011-02-24 [2011-02-24]. 
  49. ^ Venezuela y la República Saharaui continúan cooperación bilateral Ministerio del Poder Popular para relaciones exteriores - Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela (西班牙文)
  50. ^ Rencontre régionale des représentants des étudiants sahraouis à Sidi Bel Abbès. Le Temps d'Algerie. 06-03-2012 [2012-03-29].  (法文)
  51. ^ Embaixadas em Angola. Portáis da República de Angola. [2012-03-14]. 
  52. ^ Embassy of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in Ethiopia
  53. ^ Lehbib Breika presents his letters of accreditation to African Union. SPS. 2004-06-13 [2010-05-13]. 
  54. ^ Diplomatic List Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  55. ^ Mills Commends Donor Community For Supporting Ghana
  56. ^ Opening of Saharawi embassy in Nairobi. SPS. 6 February 2014 [9 February 2014]. 
  57. ^ Ramadhan Rajab. Sahrawi Republic opens embassy in Nairobi. The Star. 7 February 2014 [9 February 2014]. 
  58. ^ Missôes Diplomáticas em Moçambique com residência em Moçambique
  59. ^ SADR ambassador to Mozambique presents his credentials. SPS. 19 October 2013 [19 October 2013]. 
  60. ^ Aminatou Haidar meets with the President of the Nigerian mouvement of solidarity with the Saharawi people in Abuja
  61. ^ Foreign Representatives in South Africa - Embassy of the Sahrawi Republic
  62. ^ Tanzania satisfied about the future establishment of the Saharawi Republic’s Embassy in Dar Es Salam. SPS. 2005-06-28 [2010-05-18]. 
  63. ^ The Saharawi new Ambassador to Tanzania presents his credence’s letters. SPS. 11-12-2005 [2010-05-18]. 
  64. ^ Tanzania reaffirms its position to support right of Saharawi people to self-determination. SPS. 2010-05-23 [2010-05-23]. 
  65. ^ Embassy of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The Republic of Uganda
  66. ^ 12 new envoys present credentials to Museveni New Vision, 6 June 2010
  67. ^ http://www.zbc.co.zw/news-categories/top-stories/11771-zim-wants-impartial-election-observers-president.html
  68. ^ East Timor confirms support for struggle of Saharawi people for freedom and independence. SPS. 2010-05-26 [2010-05-28]. 
  69. ^ India de-recognises SADR. The Hindu. 2000-06-27 [2011-10-15]. 
  70. ^ El Sáhara y la larga encrucijada. Historia de un profundo atropello (PDF). Universidad de Alicante. 02-12-2010 [2011-10-15].  (西班牙文)
  71. ^ Meet Muhammad Buhri, Polisario Representative in Indonesia and Southeast Asian Teguh Santosa
  72. ^ Pertemuan dengan Polisario di Jakarta Persaudaraan Indonesia Maroko (印尼文)
  73. ^ Varios partidos y parlamentarios de Japón firman un comunicado de apoyo al derecho de la autodeterminación del pueblo saharaui Poemario por un Sáhara libre, 20 May 2013 (西班牙文)
  74. ^ The African ambassadors to Etiopia and permanent representatives to the Commission of the African Union
  75. ^ Lehbib Breika presents his letters of accreditation to African Union. SPS. 2004-06-13 [2010-05-13]. 
  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 http://www.embassiesabroad.com/embassies-of/WesternSahara Sahrawi Embassies/Consulates Abroad

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