


科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 放线菌门 Actinomycetota
纲: 放线菌纲 Actinomycetes
目: 北里孢菌目 Kitasatosporales
科: 链霉菌科 Streptomycetaceae
Waksman and Henrici, 1943
Waksman and Henrici 1943

Allostreptomycetaceae Salam et al. 2020




  • Actinacidiphila Madhaiyan et al. 2022,为Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943的异名
  • 孢器放线菌属 Actinopycnidium Krassilnikov 1962
  • 孢囊放线菌属 Actinosporangium Krassilnikov and Yuan 1961
  • Allostreptomyces Huang et al., 2017
    • Allostreptomyces psammosilenae Huang et al. 2017
  • Carbonactinospora Volpiano et al. 2021,为Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943的异名
  • 链霉菌属 Chainia Thirumalachar 1955
  • 孢器放线菌属 Elytrosporangium Falcão de Morais et al., 1966
  • Embleya Nouioui et al., 2018
    • Embleya hyalina Komaki et al. 2020
    • Embleya scabrispora (Ping et al. 2004) Nouioui et al. 2018
  • 链霉菌属 Kitasatoa Matsumae and Hata 1968
  • 北里孢菌属 Kitasatospora Ōmura et al., 1983,也拼作:Kitasatosporia
  • Mangrovactinospora Madhaiyan et al. 2022
    • Mangrovactinospora gilvigrisea Madhaiyan et al. 2022[1]
  • Peterkaempfera Madhaiyan et al. 2022[2]
    • Peterkaempfera bronchialis (Nouioui et al. 2019) Madhaiyan et al. 2022
    • Peterkaempfera griseoplana (Backus et al. 1957) Madhaiyan et al. 2022
  • 小英孢囊菌属 Microellobosporia Cross et al., 1963
  • 链嗜酸菌属 Streptacidiphilus Kim et al., 2003
  • Streptantibioticus Madhaiyan et al. 2022
    • Streptantibioticus cattleyicolor Madhaiyan et al. 2022
    • Streptantibioticus ferralitis (Saintpierre-Bonaccio et al. 2004) Świecimska et al. 2023
    • Streptantibioticus parmotrematis (Somphong et al. 2023) Świecimska et al. 2023
    • Streptantibioticus rubrisoli (Guo et al. 2015) Świecimska et al. 2023[3]
    • Streptantibioticus silvisoli Świecimska et al. 2023
  • 链霉菌属 Streptomyces Waksman and Henrici 1943
  • 链轮丝菌属 Streptoverticillium Baldacci 1958
  • 李文均菌属 Wenjunlia Madhaiyan et al. 2022[4],本属以中国科学院大学李文均教授的名字命名,以表彰他对放线菌系统学所做的贡献
    • Wenjunlia tyrosinilytica (Zhao et al. 2015) Madhaiyan et al. 2022
    • Wenjunlia vitaminophila (Shomura et al. 1983) Madhaiyan et al. 2022
  • 黄英菌属 Yinghuangia Nouioui et al., 2018,本属以中国科学院微生物研究所黄英的名字命名
    • Yinghuangia aomiensis (Nagai et al. 2011) Nouioui et al. 2018
    • Yinghuangia catbensis (Sakiyama et al. 2014) Komaki and Tamura 2019
    • Yinghuangia seranimata (Wang et al. 2012) Komaki and Tamura 2019
    • 土壤黄英菌 Yinghuangia soli Yao et al. 2023


  1. ^ Madhaiyan M, Saravanan VS, See-Too WS, Volpiano CG, Sant'Anna FH, Faria da Mota F, Sutcliffe I, Sangal V, Passaglia LMP, Rosado AS. Genomic and phylogenomic insights into the family Streptomycetaceae lead to the proposal of six novel genera. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5570.
  2. ^ Madhaiyan M, Saravanan VS, See-Too WS, Volpiano CG, Sant'Anna FH, Faria da Mota F, Sutcliffe I, Sangal V, Passaglia LMP, Rosado AS. Genomic and phylogenomic insights into the family Streptomycetaceae lead to the proposal of six novel genera. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5570.
  3. ^ Swiecimska M, Golinska P, Sangal V, Wachnowicz B, Goodfellow M. Streptantibioticus silvisoli sp. nov., acidotolerant actinomycetes from pine litter, reclassification of Streptomyces cocklensis, Streptomyces ferralitis, Streptomyces parmotrematis and Streptomyces rubrisoli as Actinacidiphila cocklensis comb. nov., Streptantibioticus ferralitis comb. nov., Streptantibioticus parmotrematis comb. nov. and Streptantibioticus rubrisoli comb. nov., and emended descriptions of the genus Streptantibioticus, the family Streptomycetaceae and Streptomyces iconiensis. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5978.
  4. ^ Madhaiyan M, Saravanan VS, See-Too WS, Volpiano CG, Sant'Anna FH, Faria da Mota F, Sutcliffe I, Sangal V, Passaglia LMP, Rosado AS. Genomic and phylogenomic insights into the family Streptomycetaceae lead to the proposal of six novel genera. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5570.
  • LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature