




  • 汤姆·亚伯克伦比(Tom Abercrombie),75岁,美国国家地理摄影师,心脏直视手术的并发症。[9]
  • 小巴里·宾厄姆(Barry Bingham, Jr.),72岁,美国电视和广播主管,《路易斯维尔信使杂志》和《路易斯维尔时报》的前编辑和出版商。[10]
  • 83岁的美国旅行推销员卢·卡罗尔(Lou Carrol)将跳棋送给了理查·尼克森(Richard Nixon)。[11]
  • 道格·库姆斯(Doug Coombs),48岁,美国极限滑雪运动员,在法国阿尔卑斯山发生滑雪事故。[12]
  • 伊万·芬顿(Ewan Fenton),76岁,苏格兰足球运动员。[13]
  • Martin Gilks,41岁,英国音乐家,The Wonder Stuff的前鼓手,摩托车事故。[14][15]
  • 马歇尔·戈德堡(Marshall Goldberg),88岁,美式橄榄球运动员,芝加哥红雀队的前NFL跑卫,因头部受伤而出现并发症。[16]
  • 阿尔伯特·哈克(Albert Harker),95岁,美国足球运动员,美国1934年FIFA世界杯足球队最后幸存的成员。[17]
  • 村上元三,96岁,日本小说家。[18]
  • 沃尔特·里斯托(Walter Ristow),97岁,纽约公共图书馆和国会图书馆的美国地图馆员。[19]
  • 安德鲁·斯塔克爵士,89岁,英国外交官,驻丹麦大使(1971-1976)。[20]
  • 艾达·沃斯(Ida Vos),74岁,荷兰作家。[21]
  • 亨利·路易(Henry Lewy),79岁,德裔美国音响工程师和唱片制作人。[52]
  • 理查·珀尔曼(Richard Pearlman),68岁,美国戏剧和歌剧导演,美国艺术家抒情歌剧中心主任。[53]
  • 杰拉德·里夫(Gerard Reve),82岁,荷兰作家(《夜晚》《第四个人》),阿尔茨海默病。[54][55]
  • Valentine Telegdi,84岁,匈牙利裔美国物理学家。[56]
  • 乔·法拉加利(Joe Faragalli),76岁,加拿大橄榄球联盟(Canadian Football League)主教练,曾效力于萨斯喀彻温省粗野骑士队(Saskatchewan Roughriders)和埃德蒙顿爱斯基摩人队(Edmonton Eskimos)。[66]
  • 博纳亚·戈达纳(Bonaya Godana),54岁,肯亚政治家,飞机失事。[67]
  • Jean Grosjean,93岁,法国诗人、作家和翻译家。[68]
  • 查理斯·亨德森(Charles Henderson)主教,81岁,爱尔兰退休的英国南华克天主教辅助主教,KC*HS,癌症。[69]
  • 伦纳德·多米特(Leonard Dommett),77岁,澳大利亚小提琴家和指挥家。[70]
  • Les Foote,81岁,澳大利亚足球名人堂成员。[71]
  • Siobhán O'Hanlon,43岁,北爱尔兰新芬党政治家,癌症。[72]
  • Winand Osiński,92岁,波兰奥运选手。[73]
  • June Pointer,52岁,美国歌手,The Pointer Sisters前成员,肺癌。[74]
  • Proof,32岁,美国说唱歌手(D-12),凶杀案。[75]
  • 申相玉,80岁,韩国电影制片人,肝脏问题。[76]
  • 谢尔盖·捷列申科夫(Sergey Tereshchenkov),67岁,苏联奥运自行车运动员。[77]
  • 安格斯·威尔士(Angus Wells),63岁,英国小说作家。[78]
  • 穆赫辛·穆萨·马特瓦利·阿特瓦(Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah),41岁,埃及武装分子,被巴基斯坦军队杀害。[79]
  • 理查·贝布(Richard Bebb),79岁,英国演员。[80]
  • 威廉·斯隆·科芬(William Sloane Coffin),81岁,美国部长和和平活动家,充血性心力衰竭。[81]
  • 安迪·邓肯(Andy Duncan),83岁,美国篮球运动员。[82]
  • 宝琳娜·克恩伯格(Paulina Kernberg),71岁,智利出生的美国儿童精神病学家,康奈尔大学教授。[83]
  • 黒木和雄,75岁,日本电影导演。[84]
  • Shekhar Mehta,60岁,肯亚拉力赛车手,五次Safari拉力赛冠军,国际汽联世界拉力锦标赛委员会主席,与旧伤并发症有关的疾病。[85]
  • Puggy Pearson,77岁,美国扑克玩家。[86]
  • Albert E. Radford,88岁,美国植物学家。[87]
  • Rajkumar,76岁,印度演员,心脏骤停。[88]
  • 现年69岁的吴惠连(William Woo)是第一位担任美国主要日报《圣路易斯邮报》(St. Louis Post-Dispatch)编辑的亚裔美国人,斯坦福大学(Stanford University)教授。[89]
  • 约翰·里德(John Read),85岁,英国电视制片人和电影摄影师。[90]
  • 穆里尔·斯派克夫人,88岁,英国小说家,(《让·布罗迪小姐的黄金时代》)。[91]
  • 布鲁斯·韦伯(Bruce Weber),54岁,澳大利亚足球主管,曾任阿德莱德港足球俱乐部主席。
  • 亚瑟·温斯顿(Arthur Winston),100岁,美国洛杉矶县大都会交通管理局雇员,以服务76年和100岁退休而闻名。[92]
  • 劳尔·科拉莱斯(Raúl Corrales),81岁,古巴摄影师。[99]
  • 艾略特勋爵(Jago Eliot),40岁,英国贵族,冲浪者和网络艺术家,癫痫。[100]
  • 卡勒姆·肯尼迪(Calum Kennedy),77岁,苏格兰传统歌手。[101]
  • Pavel Koutecký,49岁,捷克纪录片制片人,意外坠落。[102]
  • 路易丝·史密斯(Louise Smith),89岁,美国NASCAR赛车手,第一位入选国际赛车名人堂的女性,被称为“赛车第一夫人”,癌症并发症。[103]
  • Vusumzi Make,75岁,南非政治家
  • Bindhyabasini Devi,86岁,印度民谣歌手。[123]
  • 肯·钟斯(Ken Jones),84岁,威尔士橄榄球联盟球员,威尔士和英国狮子橄榄球联盟球员,奥林匹克银牌。[124]
  • 约翰·莱尔,66岁,西汉姆联足球俱乐部和伊普斯维奇镇足球俱乐部的英国足球经理,心脏病发作。[125]
  • 格雷迪·麦克维尼(Grady McWhiney),77岁,美国历史学家。[126]
  • 迪克·洛克威尔(Dick Rockwell),85岁,美国漫画家,史蒂夫·峡谷(Steve Canyon)的助手,诺曼·洛克威尔(Norman Rockwell)的侄子。[127]
  • 理查·贝利斯爵士,89岁,英国医生,女王医生(1973-1981)。[143]
  • 雅各·科夫科(Jacob Kovco),25岁,第一位在伊拉克遇难的澳大利亚国防军军人。[144]
  • T. K. Ramakrishnan,84岁,印度政治家。[145]
  • Telê Santana,74岁,巴西足球教练,肠道感染并发症。[146]
  • Henriette Avram,86岁,美国图书馆系统分析师,开发了 MARC 编目格式。[147][148]
  • 埃德·大卫斯(Ed Davis),89岁,美国加利福尼亚州参议员,前洛杉矶警察局长(1969-1978)。[149]
  • 恩里克塔·哈里斯(Enriqueta Harris),95岁,英国艺术史学家。[150]
  • 诺比·劳顿,65岁,英国足球运动员,中场球员,普雷斯顿北区前队长,癌症。[151]
  • 乔比·努塔拉克(Jobie Nutarak),58岁,加拿大政治家,雪地摩托事故。[152]
  • Satyadeow Sawh,50岁,圭亚那渔业、农作物和畜牧业部长。被蒙面枪手射杀。[153][154]
  • 罗尼·索克斯(Ronnie Sox),67岁,美国飙车先驱。[155]
  • Alida Valli,84岁,意大利女演员(《第三个人》)。[156][157][158]
  • Fausto Vitello,59岁,阿根廷裔美国商人和杂志出版商,滑板杂志Thrasher的创始出版商,心脏病发作。[159]
  • 埃里克·伯格曼(Erik Bergman),94岁,芬兰作曲家。[177]
  • 彼得·埃利斯(Peter Ellis),58岁,英国电视导演。[178]
  • 47岁的孟加拉妇女活动家、行动援助组织主任纳斯林·佩尔文·胡克(Nasreen Pervin Huq)被车撞。[179]
  • 布莱恩·拉博恩(Brian Labone),66岁,英格兰足球运动员,埃弗顿和英格兰球员,心脏病发作。[180]
  • 邦妮·欧文斯(Bonnie Owens),76岁,美国乡村音乐歌手。[181]
  • 吉米·沙曼(Jimmy Sharman),94岁,澳大利亚拳击团主持人。[182]
  • Rajkumar 博士,76岁,传奇印度卡纳达语电影演员,心脏病发作。
  • Sibby Sisti,85岁,美国职业棒球大联盟球员,效力于波士顿勇士队。[183]
  • 史蒂夫·斯塔夫罗(Steve Stavro),78岁,加拿大杂货店大亨,多伦多枫叶队(Toronto Maple Leafs)的前老板,心脏病发作。[184]
  • 摩西·泰特尔鲍姆(Moshe Teitelbaum),91岁,匈牙利出生的哈西德派(Hasidic rebbe),来自世界上最大的哈西德犹太团体之一萨特玛律(Satmar)。[185]
  • 罗纳德·戈德伍德(Ronald Girdwood),89岁,苏格兰医生。[186]
  • 约瑟夫·S·伊斯曼(Joseph S. Iseman),89岁,美国律师、教育家、本宁顿学院前校长,心脏骤停。[187]
  • 简·雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs),89岁,美国出生的加拿大城市活动家和作家(《美国大城市的死与生》),中风。[188]
  • 约翰·克尔(John Kerr),81岁,爱尔兰民谣歌手。
  • Peter Law,58岁,威尔士政治家,独立议员和AM,脑瘤。[189]
  • Tabe Slioor,79岁,芬兰社交名媛。[190]
  • 摩西·哈尔伯斯塔姆(Moshe Halberstam),74岁,以色列拉比,Tshakava Yeshivah院长,耶路撒冷Edah Charedis Rabbinical Court的杰出成员。[191]
  • 达里尔·麦克(Daryl Mack),47岁,美国被定罪的杀人犯,被注射死刑。[192]
  • Yuval Ne'eman,80岁,以色列物理学家,以色列航太局创始人,科学部长,特拉维夫大学校长。[193]
  • 拉斯·斯旺(Russ Swan),42岁,美国前美国职业棒球大联盟投手(因摔倒受伤)。[194]
  • 海伦·阿姆斯壮,63岁,美国音乐会小提琴家。[202]
  • 安赫尔·贝里奥斯(Ángel O. Berríos),69岁,波多黎各工程师,卡瓜斯前市长,心力衰竭。[203]
  • 史蒂夫·豪(Steve Howe),48岁,美国前美国职业棒球大联盟投手,车祸。[204]
  • Jan Koetsier,94岁,荷兰作曲家和指挥家。[205]
  • Ben-Zion Orgad,80岁,以色列作曲家,癌症。[206]
  • M. G. G. Pillai,67岁,马来西亚记者和政治活动家,心脏并发症。[207]


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  5. ^ Roth, Andrew. Sir Anthony Beaumont-Dark. The Guardian. 5 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  6. ^ At 72, Mohammed al-Maghout, Syrian poet and playwright. The Boston Globe. 5 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  7. ^ Boucher, Geoff. Bernard 'Buddy' Seigal, 48; Roots Guitarist, Singer, Writer. Los Angeles Times. 4 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  8. ^ Widow of Hitler 'assassin' dies. CNN. 3 April 2006 [5 April 2006]. (原始内容存档于13 April 2006). 
  9. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Thomas J. Abercrombie; Photographer For National Geographic Magazine. The Washington Post. 7 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  10. ^ McFadden, Robert D. Barry Bingham Jr., Louisville Publisher, Is Dead at 72. The New York Times. 4 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  11. ^ Fox, Margalit. L. Carrol, 83, Is Dead; Gave Nixons Dog Known as Checkers. The New York Times. 17 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  12. ^ Brozan, Nadine. Doug Coombs, 48, Skier, Dies in Accident. The New York Times. 9 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  13. ^ Football world mourns the sad loss of Ewan Fenton. FootyMad. [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2016). 
  14. ^ Perrone, Pierre. Martin Gilks: Drummer with the Wonder Stuff. The Independent. 5 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  15. ^ Wonder Stuff drummer dies at 41. BBC News. 4 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  16. ^ Marshall Goldberg, 88; Led 2 Teams to Football Titles. The New York Times. 7 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  17. ^ Albert Harker, Soccer Star for United States, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 9 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  18. ^ Japanese novelist Genzo Murakami dies of heart failure at 96. alt.obituaries.narkive.com. 4 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  19. ^ Martin, Douglas. Walter Ristow Dies at 97; Populist Curator of Maps. The New York Times. 17 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
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  84. ^ Kazuo Kuroki. The Daily Telegraph. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  85. ^ Legendary rally driver Shekhar Mehta is dead. Daily News and Analysis. 13 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  86. ^ Caldwell, John. Legend of Poker: Walter Clyde 'Puggy' Pearson 1929-2006. PokerNews.com. 13 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  87. ^ Albert E. Radford — A Tribute. Castanea (Morgantown, West Virginia: Southern Appalachian Botanical Society). September 2006, 71 (3): 179–185. ISSN 0008-7475. doi:10.2179/0008-7475(2006)71[179:AERT]2.0.CO;2. 
  88. ^ Kannada actor Rajkumar dies of heart attack. The Times of India. 13 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  89. ^ Brozan, Nadine. William F. Woo, 69, Editor and Professor of Journalism, Dies. The New York Times. 15 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  90. ^ Novros II, J. Lester. John Read. The Rise and Fall of Supermarionation. [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 January 2012). 
  91. ^ Turner, Jenny. Dame Muriel Spark. The Guardian. 17 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  92. ^ Streeter, Kurt. Arthur Winston; 100; 76-Year Transit Worker. Los Angeles Times. 15 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  93. ^ April 2006. Rulers.org. [16 May 2018]. 
  94. ^ Death of His Honour Henry Callow, CBE
  95. ^ Ghani Khan dead. Deccan Herald. 15 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 March 2007). 
  96. ^ Brozan, Nadine. Dr. Tom Ferguson, Who Urged Self-Education, Dies at 62. The New York Times. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  97. ^ Jurista Miguel Reale morre aos 95 anos em São Paulo. Folha Online. 14 April 2006 [16 May 2018] (葡萄牙语). 
  98. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Eberhardt Rechtin, 80, Space-Signals Leader, Is Dead. The New York Times. 21 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  99. ^ Rourke, Mary. Raul Corrales, 81; Photographer Captured the Cuban Revolution. Los Angeles Times. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  100. ^ Williams, Heathcote. Jago Eliot. The Guardian. 1 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  101. ^ Wilson, Brian. Calum Kennedy, Gaelic singer whose career ranged from the Bolshoi to the village hall. The Guardian. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  102. ^ Policie: Smrtelný pád filmaře Kouteckého byla náhoda. iDNES.cz. 16 June 2006 [16 May 2018] (捷克语). 
  103. ^ Louise Smith, 89, First Woman in International Motorsports Hall of Fame. The New York Times. Associated Press. 18 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  104. ^ Despiste mata actor de 'Morangos com Açúcar'. Jornal de Notícias. 16 April 2006 [1 May 2006]. (原始内容存档于27 April 2006) (葡萄牙语). 
  105. ^ Lorraine Alpin. All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. [2019-03-29]. 
  106. ^ Philippe Castelli (1925–2006)
  107. ^ Heller, Steven. Richard Eckersley, 65, Graphic Designer, Dies. The New York Times. 19 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  108. ^ Morton Freedgood, 93, Author Who Specialized in Crime Fiction, Dies. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  109. ^ Double murder leaves arts community in tears. IOL. 18 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  110. ^ برداشت آزاد با ذکر منبع (in Persian)
  111. ^ Harold Horwood, writer, labour activist, politician, dead at 82. NUPGE. 19 April 2006 [1 May 2006]. (原始内容存档于15 January 2013). 
  112. ^ Suspected killer accessed online sex offender registry, Maine police say. CBC News. 17 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 March 2011). 
  113. ^ Dan Schaefer, former Colorado congressman, dies at 70. WOI-TV. [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  114. ^ Williamson, Martin. Jake Seamer dies aged 92. ESPN CricInfo. 21 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  115. ^ Williamson, Martin. Murio la actriz Silvia Caos. Mundo Latino. 18 April 2006 [15 November 2019]. 
  116. ^ Altman, Lawrence K. Dr. Jean A. Bernard, 98, Dies; Found Cancer in Shah of Iran. The New York Times. 30 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  117. ^ Scott Brazil, 50, a TV Producer Whose Credits Included 'The Shield,' Is Dead. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  118. ^ Peter Cadbury. The Daily Telegraph. 18 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  119. ^ Cederberg, Elford Albin, (1918-2006). Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress. [16 May 2018]. 
  120. ^ Martin, Douglas. Henderson Forsythe, 88, Character Actor. The New York Times. 20 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  121. ^ Berger, Joseph. Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, Scholar and Blunt Advocate for Civil Rights, Dies at 84. The New York Times. 18 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  122. ^ Indian film star commits suicide. The Sunday Times. 18 April 2006 [1 May 2006]. (原始内容存档于22 August 2006). 
  123. ^ Nitish condoles Bindhyabasini Devi's death. WebIndia123. 19 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于June 29, 2022). 
  124. ^ Cole, Rob. Ken Jones: Wales's greatest all-rounder. The Independent. 20 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  125. ^ Former West Ham boss Lyall dies. BBC News. 19 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  126. ^ Martin, Douglas. Grady McWhiney, 77, Historian of 'Celtic' South, Dies. The New York Times. 30 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  127. ^ Evanier, Mark. Dick Rockwell, R.I.P.. News From Me. 21 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  128. ^ John Cosgrove. Miami Herald. 26 April 2006 [16 May 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  129. ^ Famed test pilot's plane missing. CNN. 21 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  130. ^ Former Notre Dame Football All-American Bob Dove dies at the age of 85. Notre Dame Athletics. 21 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  131. ^ Bishop Andrés María Rubio Garcia, S.D.B. †
  132. ^ June Knox-Mawer
  133. ^ McNeil Jr., Donald G. Ellen Kuzwayo, Anti-Apartheid Crusader, Dies at 91. The New York Times. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  134. ^ Brewerton, David. Obituary: Sir Ian Morrow. The Guardian. 17 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  135. ^ Death of Donegal's Computing Pioneer. Scéal Dún-na-nGall Ar an Idirlíon / County Donegal on the Net News. April 2006, 7 (2) [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于3 March 2016). 
  136. ^ Owner of WDEF, WDOD radio stations dies in Charlotte. The Chattanoogan. 23 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  137. ^ Brozan, Nadine. Stanley Hiller, 81, Innovator in the Design of Helicopters, Dies. The New York Times. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  138. ^ Academy Members: Igor Kuljerić, F.C.A., Composer and conductor. Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. [16 May 2018]. 
  139. ^ Ponce, Ramón. Muere el cineasta Miguel Zacarías a los 101 años. El Universal. 20 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于May 12, 2015) (西班牙语). 
  140. ^ Jonze, Tim. Death on MySpace. The Guardian. 15 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  141. ^ Wolfgang Unzicker, 1925–2006. ChessBase. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  142. ^ Robert Wegman, 87, Leader In Supermarket Innovations. The New York Times. Associated Press. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  143. ^ Sir Richard Bayliss. The Daily Telegraph. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  144. ^ First Iraq casualty to be Honoured on Anzac Day. The Age. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  145. ^ T.K. Ramakrishnan dead. The Hindu. 2006-04-22 [21 January 2023]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-10). 
  146. ^ Telê Santana. The Daily Telegraph. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  147. ^ Fox, Margalit. Henriette D. Avram, Modernizer of Libraries, Dies at 86. The New York Times. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  148. ^ Schudel, Matt. Henriette D. Avram; Transformed Libraries. The Washington Post. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  149. ^ Chang, Cindy. Edward M. Davis, 89, Ex-Police Chief, Dies. The New York Times. 26 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  150. ^ Kauffmann, Michael. Obituary: Enriqueta Harris. The Guardian. 15 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  151. ^ Nobby Lawton: Stylish Preston wing-half. The Independent. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  152. ^ Nunavut Speaker dies on snowmobile hunting trip. CBC News. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于9 December 2006). 
  153. ^ Chabrol, Denis. Guyana minister shot dead at home. BBC News. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  154. ^ Funeral Arrangements & Tributes For Hon. Minister Satyadeow Sawh. Government Information Agency. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于7 May 2006). 
  155. ^ Area Briefs: Drag racing legend Ronnie Sox dies at 67. News & Record. 26 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2007). 
  156. ^ Italian actress Alida Valli dies. BBC News. 22 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  157. ^ Alida Valli. The Daily Telegraph. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  158. ^ Lane, John Francis. Alida Valli. The Guardian. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  159. ^ Fox, Margalit. Fausto Vitello, 59, Is Dead; Made Skateboarding Gnarly. The New York Times. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  160. ^ Tamrin: Dad was calm before he died. The Star. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-13). 
  161. ^ Susan Browning. Variety. 2 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  162. ^ Evanier, Mark. Harvey Bullock, R.I.P.. News From Me. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  163. ^ WWII air ace Johnny Checketts dies. The Sydney Morning Herald. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  164. ^ A Tribute to Willie Finnigan. Hibernian Football Club. 2006 [1 May 2006]. (原始内容存档于10 May 2006). 
  165. ^ Birchall, Ian. Boris Fraenkel: Trotskyist activist and philosopher. The Independent. 26 May 2006 [12 July 2006]. 
  166. ^ Earle, Richard. Gibbs' death a loss to cricket. The Advertiser. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于5 May 2006). 
  167. ^ Barry Gibbs dies aged 73. ESPN CricInfo. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  168. ^ Martin, Douglas. William Gottlieb, 89, Jazz Photographer. The New York Times. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  169. ^ Silkaitis, Katherine. Photographer William Gottlieb Dies. JazzTimes. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  170. ^ Gaughan, Gavin. Jennifer Jayne. The Independent. 24 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  171. ^ Brozan, Nadine. Florence L. Mars, 83, Who Was Spurned for Rights Work, Dies. The New York Times. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  172. ^ Mohr, Holbrook. Civil Rights Author Mars Dies at 83. Yahoo! News. 26 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 May 2006). 
  173. ^ Owens, Kevin. Passing Notes. Guitar Player. 13 July 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  174. ^ David E. Peckinpah, 54; Nephew of Director Had Own Film, TV Career. Los Angeles Times. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  175. ^ Capricorn Records co-founder dead at 66. CNN. 27 April 2006 [1 May 2006]. (原始内容存档于2 May 2006). 
  176. ^ Johnson, Ken. Isaac Witkin, 69, Innovator In Abstract Metal Sculpture. The New York Times. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  177. ^ Anderson, Martin. Erik Bergman: Grand Old Man of Finnish music. The Independent. 8 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  178. ^ Peter Ellis. Variety. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  179. ^ Nasreen Huq meets a tragic death. The Daily Star 5 (677). 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于10 May 2006). 
  180. ^ Everton legend Labone dies at 66. BBC News. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  181. ^ Gilbert, Calvin. Vocalist Bonnie Owens Dead at 76. Country Music Television. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  182. ^ Final bell for showman Jimmy Sharman. The Age. 26 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  183. ^ Pave, Marvin. Sisti a model teammate. The Boston Globe. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  184. ^ Steve Stavro never sought the spotlight. The Sports Network. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于31 December 2006). 
  185. ^ McKenna, Chris. Satmar Rebbe dies at age 91. Times Herald-Record. 24 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-05). 
  186. ^ Drife, D.; Drife, J. Ronald Girdwood. British Medical Journal. 17 August 2006, 333 (7564): 400. PMC 1550441可免费查阅. doi:10.1136/bmj.333.7564.400. 
  187. ^ Obituary: Joseph S. Iseman. The New York Times. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  188. ^ Martin, Sandra. Jane Jacobs. The Globe and Mail. 25 April 2006 [26 August 2017]. (原始内容存档于30 April 2006). 
  189. ^ Labour challenger Peter Law dies. BBC News. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  190. ^ Tabe Slioor需要付费订阅. Helsingin Sanomat. 25 April 2006 [16 May 2018] (芬兰语). 
  191. ^ HaLevi, Ezra. Rav Moshe Halberstam, First to Renew 'Semikha', Dies at 74. Arutz Sheva. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  192. ^ Riley, Brendan. Nev. Executes Convicted Rapist, Murderer. Associated Press. April 27, 2006 [March 10, 2021]. 
  193. ^ Yuval Neeman, 80, a Physicist Who Helped Israel Enter Space, Is Dead. The New York Times. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  194. ^ Former MLB pitcher Swan dies at 42 after fall. ESPN. 1 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  195. ^ Wacław Latocha. Sports Reference. [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 April 2020). 
  196. ^ Sports broadcaster Marsden passes away. The Sports Network. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007). 
  197. ^ Black consciousness co-founder dies. Mail & Guardian. 27 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-11). 
  198. ^ Kay Noble-Bell, Wrestler, Dies at 65. The New York Times. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  199. ^ Preston, Mark. Julia Thorne, Sen. Kerry's ex-wife, dies. CNN. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  200. ^ Former NFL player Mel Tom, 64, dies. The Honolulu Advertiser. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  201. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang. Alexander Trowbridge, 76, Ex-Secretary of Commerce, Dies. The New York Times. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  202. ^ Memorial Services for Helen Armstrong. Armstrong Chamber Concerts. [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-12). 
  203. ^ Fallece ex alcalde y apoderado de las Criollas, Angel O. Berríos. Terra. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于5 March 2011) (西班牙语). 
  204. ^ Steve Howe, 48, Pitcher Who Battled Addiction, Dies. The New York Times. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  205. ^ Jan Koetsier gestorben. Neue Musikzeitung. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018] (德语). 
  206. ^ Composer Benzion Orgad dies at 80. The Jerusalem Post. 29 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  207. ^ Veteran journalist MGG Pillai dies. Malaysiakini. 28 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  208. ^ Sid Barron, 1917-2006. Sequential: Canadian Comix News & Culture. 10 May 2006 [16 May 2006]. (原始内容存档于20 May 2006). 
  209. ^ Noble, Holcomb B.; Martin, Douglas. John Kenneth Galbraith, 97, Dies; Economist Held a Mirror to Society. The New York Times. 30 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  210. ^ Alberta Nelson Gilman. Erie Times-News. 1 May 2006 [16 May 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  211. ^ Gabon: L'ex ministre Félix Siby décédé le 28 avril sera inhumé samedi à Gamba. AllAfrica.com. 11 May 2006 [16 May 2018] (法语). 
  212. ^ John C. Trever Is Dead at 90; Photographed Dead Sea Scrolls. The New York Times. 5 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  213. ^ Alvin S. White. Arizona Daily Star. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  214. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Jay Bernstein, 68; 'Star Maker' for Farrah Fawcett and Suzanne Somers. Los Angeles Times. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  215. ^ Bailey, Adrian. Barry Driscoll. The Guardian. 15 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  216. ^ Deffrennes, Geoffroy. A Tourcoing, une salle de concerts divise les candidats à la mairie. Le Monde. 28 February 2008 [16 May 2018] (法语). 
  217. ^ Former Swiss skiing star killed. BBC News. 1 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  218. ^ William Roberts. The Times. 4 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 March 2007). 
  219. ^ Bruchi, S. HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapira zt'l. Dei'ah Vedibur - Information & Insight. 3 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  220. ^ Paul Spiegel, 68, Leader of Jewish Council in Germany, Dies. The New York Times. 1 May 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  221. ^ Author Pramoedya Ananta Toer dies. BBC News. 30 April 2006 [16 May 2018]. 
  222. ^ Fallece la actriz Beatriz Sheridan. El Universal. 2 May 2006 [30 December 2019].