
LHS 2090

天球赤道座标星图 09h 00m 23.594s, +21° 50′ 05.43″
LHS 2090
历元 J2000.0
星座 巨蟹座
赤经 09h 00m 23.594s[1]
赤纬 +21° 50′ 05.43″[1]
视星等(V) 16.11[2]
光谱分类M6.5 V[3]
视星等 (J)9.44[2]
径向速度 (Rv)23.3[2] km/s
自行 (μ) 赤经:-514.942 mas/yr
赤纬:-592.253 mas/yr
视差 (π)157.2686 ± 0.0535 mas
距离20.739 ± 0.007 ly
(6.359 ± 0.002 pc)
质量0.09[4] M
半径0.12[5] R
亮度0.00082[6] L
[6] K
金属量 [Fe/H]-0.06+0.17
[7] dex
自转0.439 d[5]
自转速度 (v sin i)15.0+1.0
[5] km/s
LHS 2090、​LP 368-128、​NLTT 20726、​2MASS J09002359+2150054[8]
LHS 2090 is located in the constellation Cancer
LHS 2090 is located in the constellation Cancer
LHS 2090
LHS 2090在巨蟹座的位置

LHS 2090是一颗位于巨蟹座光谱类型为M6.5V的红矮星,距离地球20.7光年。[9]

2001年,这颗恒星在距太阳6 秒差距处被确定为红矮星。[10]作为非常冷的红矮星的典型特征,其光谱主要由分子吸水。金属量与太阳相似。[7]

2018年,径向速度测量法没有检测到LHS 2090周围轨道上存在恒星伴星或巨行星。[2]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Cutri, R. M.; et al. 2MASS All-Sky Catalog of Point Sources. VizieR On-line Data Catalog. 2003. Bibcode:2003yCat.2246....0C. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Henry, Todd J.; Jao, Wei-Chun; Winters, Jennifer G.; Dieterich, Sergio B.; Finch, Charlie T.; Ianna, Philip A.; Riedel, Adric R.; Silverstein, Michele L.; Subasavage, John P.; Vrijmoet, Eliot Halley, The Solar Neighborhood XLIV: RECONS Discoveries within 10 parsecs, The Astronomical Journal, 2018, 155 (6): 265, Bibcode:2018AJ....155..265H, S2CID 53983430, arXiv:1804.07377可免费查阅, doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aac262 
  3. ^ Alonso-Floriano, F. J.; Morales, J. C.; Caballero, J. A.; Montes, D.; Klutsch, A.; Mundt, R.; Cortés-Contreras, M.; Ribas, I.; Reiners, Ansgar; Amado, P. J.; Quirrenbach, A.; Jeffers, S. V. CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs (PDF). Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2015, 577: A128. Bibcode:2015A&A...577A.128A. S2CID 53135130. arXiv:1502.07580可免费查阅. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201525803. [失效链接]
  4. ^ Davison, Cassy L.; White, R. J.; Henry, T. J.; Riedel, A. R.; Jao, W-C.; Bailey Iii, J. I.; Quinn, S. N.; Cantrell, J. R.; Subasavage, J. P.; Winters, J. G., A 3D Search for Companions to 12 Nearby M Dwarfs, The Astronomical Journal, 2015, 149 (3): 106, Bibcode:2015AJ....149..106D, S2CID 9719725, arXiv:1501.05012可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/0004-6256/149/3/106 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fouqué, Pascal; et al, SPIRou Input Catalogue: global properties of 440 M dwarfs observed with ESPaDOnS at CFHT, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, April 2018, 475 (2): 1960–1986, Bibcode:2018MNRAS.475.1960F, arXiv:1712.04490可免费查阅, doi:10.1093/mnras/stx3246. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Dieterich, Sergio B.; Henry, Todd J.; Jao, Wei-Chun; Winters, Jennifer G.; Hosey, Altonio D.; Riedel, Adric R.; Subasavage, John P., The Solar Neighborhood. Xxxii. The Hydrogen Burning Limit, The Astronomical Journal, 2013, 147 (5): 94, S2CID 21036959, arXiv:1312.1736可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/0004-6256/147/5/94 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Rojas-Ayala, Bárbara; Covey, Kevin R.; Muirhead, Philip S.; Lloyd, James P., Metallicity and Temperature Indicators in M Dwarfk-Band Spectra: Testing New and Updated Calibrations with Observations of 133 Solar Neighborhood M Dwarfs, The Astrophysical Journal, 2011, 748 (2): 93, S2CID 41902340, arXiv:1112.4567可免费查阅, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/748/2/93 
  8. ^ LHS 2090. SIMBAD. 斯特拉斯堡天文资料中心. [29 January 2018]. 
  9. ^ Henry, T. J.; Jao, Wei-Chun; Subasavage, John P.; Beaulieu, Thomas D.; Ianna, Philip A.; Costa, Edgardo; Méndez, René A. The Solar Neighborhood. XVII. Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9 m Program: 20 New Members of the RECONS 10 Parsec Sample (PDF). The Astronomical Journal. 2006, 132 (6): 2360–2371 [2023-03-22]. Bibcode:2006AJ....132.2360H. S2CID 15002841. arXiv:astro-ph/0608230可免费查阅. doi:10.1086/508233. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-01-25). 
  10. ^ Scholz, R.-D.; Meusinger, H.; Jahreiß, H., Search for nearby stars among proper motion stars selected by optical-to-infrared photometry, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2001, 374 (2): L12–L15, S2CID 8488435, arXiv:astro-ph/0106222可免费查阅, doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20010811