

历元 J2000
星座 大熊座
赤经 08h 12m 28.26946s[1]
赤纬 +62° 36′ 22.4280″[1]
视星等(V) 10.8 – 14.96[2]
径向速度 (Rv)+27.0[3] km/s
自行 (μ) 赤经:+6.582[1] mas/yr
赤纬:−24.538[1] mas/yr
视差 (π)4.5347 ± 0.0286[1] mas
距离719 ± 5 ly
(221 ± 1 pc)
绝对星等 (MV)+5.1[4]
绕行周期 (P)0.076351±0.000043 d
倾斜角 (i)42[4]°
近心点 历元 (T)2,446,143.6672±0.0015 HJD
半振幅 (K1)
59±7 km s–1 km/s
质量0.8[6] M
温度28,000[6] K
质量0.105[7] M
半径0.167[7] R
AAVSO 0803+62、​大熊座SU、​2MASS J08122826+6236224[8]

大熊座SU SU UMa)是北天拱极星座大熊座的密接联星。它是一颗周期性的激变变星,其幅度从峰值的10.8等至基值14.96等不等[2]。依据视差位移,该系统与地球的距离是4.53 mas[1],相当于719光年。它正以相对于地心每秒27公里的径向速度远离地球[3]

这颗变星是莫斯科天文台利迪亚·采拉斯卡亚英语Lidiya Tseraskaya(L. Ceraski)在1908年发现的[9]。它被分类为双子座U型变星矮新星[10]。自1926年以来的观测显示,这颗变星经历了两种不同类型的喷发:亮度范围在11.6-12.9星等的短周期,最大值持续约两天,亮度范围在10.4-11.8的长周期,最大值延长至13天。后者的事件被称为"超级最大化" [11]。后续发现类似的矮新星,因此大熊座SU现在是这一子类变星的原型[12]

这是单谱线的光谱联星,轨道周期1.83小时[5]。它由白矮星组成,通过吸积盘从伴星那里获取物质。这个吸积盘不稳定,会定期的爆发,增加系统的亮度[13]。对于大熊座SU,来自伴星的吸积率是9.8×10−13 M·yr−1[14]。在白矮星附近发现X射线发射,在爆发时会下降4倍。理论认为这种发射来自白矮星与其吸积盘间的边界层[13]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Brown, A. G. A.; Vallenari, A.; Prusti, T.; de Bruijne, J. H. J.; et al. Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2018. Bibcode:2018A&A...616A...1G. arXiv:1804.09365可免费查阅. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833051.  VizieR中此天体在盖亚望远镜第二批数据发布的记录
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Samus', N. N; Kazarovets, E. V; Durlevich, O. V; Kireeva, N. N; Pastukhova, E. N. General catalogue of variable stars: Version GCVS 5.1. Astronomy Reports. 2017, 61 (1): 80. Bibcode:2017ARep...61...80S. doi:10.1134/S1063772917010085. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Duflot, M.; et al. Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement. December 1995, 114: 269. Bibcode:1995A&AS..114..269D. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Patterson, Joseph. Distances and absolute magnitudes of dwarf novae: Murmurs of period bounce. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2011, 411 (4): 2695–2716. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.17881.x可免费查阅. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Thorstensen, John R.; et al. A Spectroscopic Study of the Cataclysmic Binary Star SU Ursae Majoris. Astrophysical Journal. October 1986, 309: 721. Bibcode:1986ApJ...309..721T. doi:10.1086/164641. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Urban, Joel A; Sion, Edward M. The Dwarf Novae during Quiescence. The Astrophysical Journal. 2006, 642 (2): 1029–1041. Bibcode:2006ApJ...642.1029U. arXiv:astro-ph/0602126可免费查阅. doi:10.1086/501430. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Knigge, Christian; Sion, Edward M. The donor stars of cataclysmic variables. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006, 373 (2): 484–502. Bibcode:2006MNRAS.373..484K. arXiv:astro-ph/0609671可免费查阅. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.11096.x. 
  8. ^ SU UMa. SIMBAD. 斯特拉斯堡天文资料中心. 
  9. ^ Ceraski, W. Une variable nouvelle 5.1908 Ursae majoris. Astronomische Nachrichten. February 1908, 177 (11): 173. Bibcode:1908AN....177..173C. doi:10.1002/asna.19081771105. 
  10. ^ Kraft, Robert P.; Luyten, Willem J. Binary Stars among Cataclysmic Variables. VI. on the Mean Absolute Magnitude of U Geminorum Variables. The Astrophysical Journal. October 1965, 142: 1041. Bibcode:1965ApJ...142.1041K. doi:10.1086/148374. 
  11. ^ Isles, J. E. SU UMa, 1926-54. Journal of the British Astronomical Association. 1974, 84: 365–373. Bibcode:1974JBAA...84..365I. 
  12. ^ van Paradijs, J. Superoutburst : a general phenomenon in dwarf novae. Astronomy and Astrophysics. September 1983, 125: L16–L18. Bibcode:1983A&A...125L..16V. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Collins, David J.; Wheatley, Peter J. X-ray observations of SU UMa throughout six outbursts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. March 2010, 402 (3): 1816–1823. Bibcode:2010MNRAS.402.1816C. arXiv:0911.2711可免费查阅. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.16009.x. 
  14. ^ Zead, I.; et al. Spectral and photometric behavior of SU UMa during quiescence and outburst states. New Astronomy. April 2017, 52: 122–132. Bibcode:2017NewA...52..122Z. doi:10.1016/j.newast.2016.10.010. 
