



集数 标题 原剧首映日期
01有露天浴池的女子宿舍 “温泉”
露天風呂つきの女子寮 温泉なRotenburo tsuki no Joshiryō: Onsen na
02日向庄的新房客小忍 “箭头”
ひなた荘の新住人しのぶ 矢印なHinata sō no Shinjūnin Shinobu Yajirushi na
April 26, 2000
03恋爱?!剑道姑娘 "剑剧"
恋する!?ケンドー娘 剣劇なKoi suru!? Kendō musume Kengeki na
May 3, 2000
Motoko Aoyama has returned to the Hinata Apartments and is shocked to find a man in charge. She tries to kill Keitaro numerous times yet eventually comes to more or less accepting him as the manager.
0415年前东大的约定 "日记"
東大の約束は15年前 日記なTōdai no yakusoku wa jūgonen mae Nikki na
May 10, 2000
Keitaro sneaks a peak at Naru's diary and finds out about a promise that apparently she made 15 years ago to go to Tokyo U. Then Keitaro begins to think that he made his promise to her. She is very insecure about talking about it and repeatedly denies it.The promise was supposed to be to a man named Seta.
05急速接近!京都两人之旅 "紧张紧张刺激刺激"
急接近!京都二人旅 ドキドキハラハラなKyūsekkin! Kyōto futari tabi Dokidoki harahara na
May 17, 2000
Keitaro and Naru both embarrassed about failing the entrance exams again both decide to go on a short holiday to Kyoto. They are oblivious to the fact that they are sharing the same seat on the train due to the fact that both their glasses are broken. They spend a day together and both think they have found an ideal match. They are forced into sharing a hotel room and they finally get their glasses back and realize that they spent the day with each other. Meanwhile the residents of the Hinata Apartments mount a rescue mission which gets completely sidetracked because nobody knows where they are.
06景太郎的初吻?对象 "旅程"
景太郎、初キス?の相手 旅路なKeitarō, hatsu kisu? No aite Tabiji na
May 24, 2000
Keitaro and Naru continue their shared holiday, much to Naru's disgust. They meet up with Mutsumi Otohime, the girl Keitaro ran into at their second exam, who is having difficulty in getting home to Okinawa. Keitaro offers to accompany Mutsumi, and Naru eventually tags along, but because of Mutsumi's bad sense of direction they end up in several other Japanese cities that aren't Okinawa. Along the way they just miss the rest of the girls, whose efforts to find Keitaro and Naru lead them to unusual experiences.
初デート、景太郎のしたごころ いまどきなHatsu dēto, Keitarō no shitagokoro Imadokina
May 31, 2000
Su has created a new device, Virtual-Kun, which allows you to see what a person desires in their heart. When used on Keitaro, it reveals his affection for Naru, and his intention to take her on a date to a newly-opened amusement park. But when one of Naru's classmates, the calculating Kentaro, offers her the same deal, the two men end up in a competition for her affection.
08剑道姑娘的龙宫传说 "是梦吗"
ケンドー娘の竜宮伝説 夢かなKendō musume no Ryūgū Densetsu: Yumeka na
June 7, 2000
Keitaro has obtained an old video game, 'Legend of the Dragon Palace'. At first Motoko is eager to dismiss it, but soon she and the Hinata girls get roped into the plot in a dream.
09日向庄密室现金抢夺事件 "玄疑唷"
ひなた荘密室現金強奪事件 ミステリなHinata sō Misshitsu kengin gōdatsu jiken Misuteri na
June 14, 2000
The monthly rent in due in Hinata House, but since Keitaro is too sleepy to pay attention the money disappears! It falls to Kitsune and Su, the only ones with a steadfast alibi, to discover who the thief is.
10月夜徘徊美女的真面目 "变身吗"
月夜にさまよう美女の正体は? 変身なTsukiyori ni Samayou Bijo no Shōtai wa? Henshin na
June 21, 2000
While trying to win Naru's favor (once again), Kentaro is ambushed by a girl similar-looking but older to Su. Keitaro and Naru struggle to prove Su's innocence, especially with every other male pointing the finger.
11目标东大生,偶像是补习班学生 "别唱了"
目指せ東大生アイドルは予備校生 歌うなMokushiki se Tōdaisei Aidoru wa Yobikōsei Utau na
June 28, 2000
Naru wins a singing contest at the Hinata, propelling her into singing stardom. But with a new career ahead of her, can she come back to her studies and aim once again for Tokyo U?
12换上礼服,剑豪素子的华丽装扮 "女孩子啊"
お色直し?剣豪モトコの晴れ着姿 女の子なOironaoshi? Kengō Motoko no Hare gisugata Onna no ko na
July 5, 2000
Motoko has a secret fear: turtles. So when Naru's pet Tama-chan falls in with the laundry, Motoko finds herself asking everyone for clothes, even Keitaro! The only problem is, without her own clothes, she cannot summon her ki, and therefore has no skill with the sword. And when Su's robotic Tama-chan comes crashing towards Hinata House, the residents definitely need a swordswoman.
13初吻的滋味像柠檬?还是软糖? "大人呀"
初キスの味はレモン?マシュマロ? おとなHatsu kisu no aji wa remon? Mashumaro? Otona
July 12, 2000
After spying on one of Keitaro's failed attempts to kiss Naru, Shinobu ends up worrying who her first kiss will be with. Her mind says Keitaro, but with Su added into the equation who knows who it will be?
14重逢?奈留仰慕的人是东大讲师 "爱呀"
再会?なる憧れの人は今東大講師 ラブへなSaikai? Naru akogare no hito wa ima Tōdai Kōshi Rabu he na
July 19, 2000
There is a financial crisis at Hinata House; if the residents don't come up with 67,000 yen in three days, the utility companies will cut off all services. Keitaro ends up working for one of Tokyo U's scientists, not to mention his hyperactive daughter, but doesn't know about the old connection between this man and Naru.
15喜欢你,洞穴中的爱的宣言 "恐怖洞唷"
好き!洞くつの中のラブラブ宣言 ほらあなSuki! kutsu no naka no Rabu Rabu Horaana
July 26, 2000
Keitaro is forced to look after Seta's adoptive daughter Sarah while the archaeologist is on a dig. A series of events leads them to the darker part of Hinata House, where everyone make a startling discovery.
16日向海滨休憩小屋的闹剧 "亲亲吗"
海の家·浜茶家ひなたのサル芝居 チュウかなUmi no Ka, Hamachaie Hinata no Saru Shibai Chū ka na
August 2, 2000
Haruka is opening a tea house by the beach over the summer, and the residents have to put on a play to draw in customers. But when Su destroys the main building, Seta appears with an alternate venue. The price for this venue, however, is a change in the castings.
17海…奈留脸红心跳!妖怪附身 "好妖艳唷"
海...なるにドキッ!妖怪にクラッ 妖しいなUmi... Naru ni Doki!! Yōkai ni Kura Ayashii na
August 9, 2000
Shirai and Haitani offer to help Keitaro earn Naru's heart, with a scary boat ride that drives her into his arms. Their plans are dashed, however, when a real ghost seizes Naru, and Motoko has to fight on her behalf.
18穿着浴衣的你和夏日祭典 "你看"
それぞれの浴衣のきみと夏祭り ほなSorezore no yukata no kimi to Natsumatsuri Hona
August 16, 2000
Just before the residents go back from their summer break, they attend the Summer festival in the local town, dressed in traditional outfits. Kitsune, however, seems determined to force Naru and Seta away from one another for their own good. Could she have an alternative motive?
19麻雀变凤凰?海那头的皇太子 "好温暖呢"
玉の輿?海のむこうの皇太子 暖かなTama no koshi? Umi no mukou no Kōtaishi Atataka na
August 23, 2000
A man who happens to look exactly like Keitaro when he wears glasses appears and is later found out to be from Kaolla's home country. He is here to get married to Kaolla but she decides she isn't quite ready yet, but tradition says she must.
20与沈睡少女记忆中的约定 "傀儡娃娃"
眠りの少女とセピア色の約束 カラクリなNemuri no shōjo to Sepia iro no yakusoku Karakuri na
August 30, 2000
Keitaro discovers a doll that can move on its own. Everyone is amazed by it but Keitaro and Mutsumi seem to be able to hear it talk also. Keitaro finds out from the doll that his great grandfather promised to fix its legs but never did and being the good guy he is, Keitaro decides to fulfill his ancestor's promise... With the help of the girls, of course!
21醋劲爆发,小船上的你侬我侬 "圈套唷"
嫉妬爆発!?ボート上のお熱い二人 わなわなShitto Bakuhatsu!? Bōto ueno oatsui futari Wanawana
September 6, 2000
Naru and Keitaro decide to go out to celebrate the latest grades and while both are wondering whether it's a date or not, a mysterious little girl appears.
22妹妹小铭的计划,密室大作战 "怎么这样咧"
妹メイのたくらみ、密室大作戦 そんなImōto Mei no takurami, Misshitsu Daisakusen Sonna
September 13, 2000
Mei is Naru's stepsister and hopes to take Naru back home. To accomplish this, she decides she has to hook Keitaro up with Mutsumi and it is in this episode that Naru finds out something shocking.
23成濑川奈留,摇秾漱k人心与景太郎 "粉碎了"
成瀬川なる、揺れる女心と景太郎 こなごなNarusegawa Naru, Yureru onnagokoro to Keitarō Konagona
September 20, 2000
Naru now wonders what she should do with her newfound knowledge and it seems like Keitaro is going to be returning home since his grandma has returned to reclaim the inn. To add more to the mess, it doesn't look like Keitaro's studies are going to be enough to help him into Tokyo University.
24贺!樱花盛开的东大?恋情? "大家呀"
祝!サクラサクのは東大?恋? みんなShuku! Sakura saku no wa Tōdai? Koi? Minna
September 27, 2000
Everyone has to leave Love Hina for a day because the inn is going under renovations. It also becomes apparent that Keitaro won't be coming back to Hinata Inn and Naru has completely given up on Keitaro. Who will Keitaro decide to be his soulmate, Naru or Mutsumi?
25Motoko's Choice, Love or the Sword: Don't Cry
素子のセンタク、恋か剣... 泣くなMotoko no Sentaku, Koi ga Ken... Naku na
Unaired [1]
Out of nowhere, Motoko's sister appears and is ready to pass on the dojo. However, Motoko is still not quite as strong as her sister and when big sister finds out about this, she gives Motoko an ultimatum: Motoko must beat her sister or marry Keitaro!


集数 集数2 标题 附加1 导演 编剧 附加2 附加3 附加4 原版首映日期 中文版日期 代码 附加5
集数集数2朝比奈实玖琉的冒险 Episode00
朝比奈ミクルの冒険 Episode00Asahina Mikuru no Bōken Episode 00
集数集数2凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅰ
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱ISuzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu I
集数 标题 原版首映日期
1漩涡鸣人 拜上!
参上!うずまきナルトSanjō! Uzumaki Naruto!
1漩涡鸣人 拜上!
参上!うずまきナルトSanjō! Uzumaki Naruto!
乐章 标题 原版首映日期
01Prelude(前奏) - 红色的精灵
プレリュード 紅の精霊
01Prelude(前奏) - 红色的精灵
プレリュード 紅の精霊


播放 故事 制作 标题 / 原剧首映日期
0111 01
朝比奈实玖琉的冒险 Episode00
朝比奈ミクルの冒険 Episode00 (Asahina Mikuru no Bōken Episode 00)


0201 02
凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅰ
凉宫ハルヒの忧郁I (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu I)


0302 03
凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅱ
凉宫ハルヒの忧郁II (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu II)


0503 04
凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅲ
凉宫ハルヒの忧郁III (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu III)


1004 05
凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅳ
凉宫ハルヒの忧郁IV (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu IV)


1305 06
凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅴ
凉宫ハルヒの忧郁V (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu V)


1406 07
凉宫春日的忧郁 Ⅵ
凉宫ハルヒの忧郁VI (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu VI)


0407 08
凉宫ハルヒの退屈 (Suzumiya Haruhi no Taikutsu)


0708 09
ミステリックサイン (Misuterikku Sain)


0609 10
孤岛症候群(前编) (Kotō Shōkōgun (Zenpen))


0810 11
孤岛症候群(后编) (Kotō Shōkōgun (Kōhen))


1212 12
Live Alive
ライブアライブ (Raibu Araibu)


1113 13
射手座の日 (Iteza no Hi)


0914 14
Someday in the Rain
サムデイ イン ザ レイン (Samudei in za Rein)


  1. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为AoD Xmas review的参考文献提供内容