

Don DeLillo
出生Donald Richard DeLillo
(1936-11-20) 1936年11月20日87歲)
受影響於J·G·巴拉德, 薩繆爾·貝克特, 索爾·貝婁, 赫爾曼·布洛赫, 約翰·多斯·帕索斯, 費奧多爾·杜斯妥也夫斯基, 威廉·福克納, 威廉·蓋迪斯, 尚盧·高達, 厄尼斯特·海明威, 亨利·詹姆斯, 詹姆斯·喬伊斯, 卡夫卡, 勞瑞, 諾曼·梅勒, 弗拉基米爾·弗拉基米羅維奇·納博科夫, 弗蘭納里·奧康納, 艾茲拉·龐德, 托馬斯·品欽, 格特魯德·史坦因
施影響於凱文·巴里,[1]布列特·伊斯頓·艾利斯,[2]大衛·福斯特·華萊士,[3]強納森·法蘭森,[4]強納森·列瑟, 恰克·帕拉尼克, 科拉姆·麥卡恩,[5]大衛·米切爾,[6]林韜,[7]The Airborne Toxic Event, Rachel Kushner[8]

堂·德里羅(英語:Don DeLillo,1936年11月20日),美國散文家小說家劇作家短篇小說作者。他的作品覆蓋了諸如電視核戰爭體育,語言的複雜性,行為藝術,冷戰,數學,數字時代,全球恐怖主義等極為廣泛的主題。

1985年,德里羅已經是部分人極力推崇的作家,當《白噪音》出版後,他獲得了廣泛認可,並獲得了美國國家圖書獎的小說獎。之後,他於 1988 年出版了一部關於約翰·甘迺迪遇刺事件的小說《天秤座》。德利羅憑藉《毛二世》(關於恐怖主義和媒體對作家私生活的審查)獲得國際筆會/福克納獎,並憑藉《地下世界》獲得威廉-迪恩-豪厄爾斯獎章,這部歷史小說的時間跨度從冷戰開始到網際網路誕生。[9][10]他曾獲 1999 年耶路撒冷獎、2010 年筆會/索爾-貝婁美國小說成就獎和 2013 年美國國會圖書館美國小說獎。[11]

他畢業於福坦莫大學,現居紐約郊區。[12] 2010年他獲得了筆會/索爾·貝婁成就獎(美國小說)。他的知名作品包括:《白噪音》(White Noise)、《天秤座》(Libra)、《毛二世》(Mao II)、《地下世界》(Underworld)、《大都市》(Cosmopolis)。


  1. ^ Leader Interview..with Kevin Barry. Limerick Leader. 2007-11-01 [2007-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-06). 
  2. ^ Adams, Ariel. Bret Easton Ellis Interview. Ask Men. [2014-08-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-11). Early on Ernest Hemingway had a lot of influence on me. Joan Didion and Raymond Carver also had a lot of influence on me. But I like lots of writers... I like Robert Ludlum, Stephen King, Philip Roth, Don DeLillo, and the romantic life of Jack Kerouac, even though I am not interesting in his fiction – but I liked his life. 
  3. ^ I don't enjoy this war one bit. Letters of Note. 2012-02-21 [2012-02-21]. (原始內容存檔於2012-02-23). With that in mind, below is a fascinating letter he wrote at 33 years of age, to Don DeLillo – an award-winning author and playwright for whom Wallace held a great deal of respect. 
  4. ^ Franzen's Favorite Fiction. Oprah's Book Club. 2010-10-15 [2010-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-12). He's on our list of great American writers, but we wanted to know: What are Jonathan Franzen's favorite books? 
  5. ^ About Colum McCann. Colum McCann. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-30). 
  6. ^ Begley, Adam. David Mitchell, The Art of Fiction No. 204. The Paris Review. [2014-08-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-15). I read Underworld around that time, and was deeply impressed by it, which led me to Mao II, and Americana, which is where the epigraph is from – but I don’t think there’s a deeper link between our writing. DeLillo is more of an ideas man than me – than just about any novelist I know, for that matter. 
  7. ^ Leung, Julie. Eclectic Writer Tao Lin Shows Us 'The Way'. Mochi Magazine. 2009-04-03 [2011-12-30]. [永久失效連結]
  8. ^ Ulin, David L. Rachel Kushner lights a fire in 'The Flamethrowers'. Los Angeles Times. 2013-04-12 [2013-06-21]. (原始內容存檔於2013-09-21). 
  9. ^ 'Underworld': Of America as a Splendid Junk Heap. archive.nytimes.com. [2024-08-25]. 
  10. ^ Look for a Writer and Find a Terrorist. archive.nytimes.com. [2024-08-25]. 
  11. ^ Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction Awarded to Don DeLillo. The Library of Congress. [2024-08-25] (英語). 
  12. ^ Ed Caesar. Don DeLillo: A writer like no other. The Sunday Times. 2010-02-21 [2010-08-20].