


掃描電化學顯微鏡(英語:Scanning electrochemical microscopy,縮寫SECM)基於電化學原理工作,利用驅動非常小的電極(探針)在靠近樣品處進行掃描,樣品可以是導體絕緣體半導體,可測量微區內物質氧化或還原所給出的電化學電流,進而確定界面上的電化學行為。[1][2][3][4][5]目前可達到的最高解析度約為幾十納米。這一技術也可以被用於微觀刻印和微結構的創造[6]


1980年左右,超微電極的出現對於發展高敏感度電分析技術是關鍵的。將超微電極用作探針,就可以研究局部快速進行的電化學反應。1986年Engstrom進行了第一次類似掃描電化學顯微鏡的實驗,觀察到了反應情況和中間體。[7] 同時,阿蘭·J·巴爾德通過分析法拉第電流導致的測量偏差,對電化學顯微鏡的原理進行了徹底的分析[8]1989年巴爾德正式建立了掃描電化學顯微鏡的理論原理,也創造了這個詞彙。當時研究者採用的是收集模式,而巴爾德引入反饋模式,擴大了掃描電化學顯微鏡的應用範圍。[9]



在含有氧化-還原對(如Fe2+/Fe3+)的溶液中放置超微電極,用於施加和改變電壓。當足夠的負電勢被施加時,三價鐵會被還原成二價鐵,形成擴散控制的電流[7] 穩態電流與氧化劑的流量的關係是:

此處 iT,∞是擴散控制電流,n是電極上轉移的電子數(O + ne → R), F法拉第常數, C是溶液中被氧化物質的濃度, D擴散係數a是超微電極盤子的半徑。為了掃描感興趣的表面,探針需要接近表面,然後記錄電流的變化。



  1. ^ Unwin, Patrick; Barker, Gonsalves; Macpherson, Slevin. Scanning electrochemical microscopy: beyond the solid/liquid interface 385: 223–240. 1999. 
  2. ^ Zhang, Jie; Barker, Unwin. Measurement of the forward and back rate constants for electron transfer at the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM): Theory and experiment. Electrochemistry Communications. 2001, 3 (7): 372–378. doi:10.1016/s1388-2481(01)00173-4. 
  3. ^ Mirkin, Michael; Sun. Kinetics of electron transfer reactions at nanoelectrodes. Analytical Chemistry. 2006, 78 (18): 6526–6534. PMID 16970330. doi:10.1021/ac060924q. 
  4. ^ Mirkin, Michael; Peng Sun; Francois O. Laforge. Scanning electrochemical microscopy in the 21st century. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2007, 9 (7): 802–823. Bibcode:2007PCCP....9..802S. PMID 17287874. doi:10.1039/b612259k. 
  5. ^ Wittstock, Gunther. Imaging Localized Reactivities of Surfaces by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. Topics in Applied Physics. 2003, 85: 335–366. ISBN 978-3-540-42583-0. doi:10.1007/3-540-44817-9_11. 
  6. ^ Gorman, Christopher; Stephan Kramer; Ryan R. Fuierer. Scanning Probe Lithography Using Self-Assembled Monolayers. Chemical Reviews. 2003, 103 (11): 4367–4418. PMID 14611266. doi:10.1021/cr020704m. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Engstrom, R.C.; M. Weber; D. J. Wunder; R. Burgess; S. Winguist. Measurements within the diffusion layer using a microelectrode probe. Anal. Chem. April 1986, 58 (4): 844–848. doi:10.1021/ac00295a044. 
  8. ^ Bard, Allen; Hsue-Yang Liu; Fu-Ren F. Fan; Charles W. Lin. Scanning Electrochemical and Tunneling Ultramicroelectrode Microscope for High-Resolution Examination of Electrode Surfaces in Solution. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108 (13): 3838–3839. doi:10.1021/ja00273a054. 
  9. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Bard, 89', Seminal的參考文獻提供內容
  10. ^ Mirkin, Michael; Peng Sun; Francois Laforge. Scanning electrochemical microscopy in the 21st century. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 30 November 2006, 9 (7): 802–23 [5 October 2011]. Bibcode:2007PCCP....9..802S. PMID 17287874. doi:10.1039/b612259k. (原始內容存檔於2008-11-21). 
  11. ^ Mirkin, Michael V.; Nogala, Wojciech; Velmurugan, Jeyavel; Wang, Yixian. Scanning electrochemical microscopy in the 21st century. Update 1: five years after. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2011, 13 (48): 21196–21312. Bibcode:2011PCCP...1321196M. PMID 22031463. doi:10.1039/c1cp22376c.