


詹姆士·泰特·布萊克紀念獎(英語:James Tait Black Memorial Prize)是英國最古老的文學獎,主要與豪森登獎一同頒發文學獎。此獎項創辦於1919年,每年評獎一次,是布萊克夫人(Mrs. Janet Coats Black)為了紀念她的最後一任丈夫[1]而設立的;她向蘇格蘭藝術協會英語Scottish_Arts_CouncilScottish Arts Council)進行了捐助。獎項的獲得者是由愛丁堡大學英語文學系的教授們從前一年在英國出版的英語作品中選出的。布萊克獎包括「小說獎」,「傳記獎」和「戲劇獎」,各項獎金為3000英鎊。該獎的歷屆獲獎者中包括了著名的D·H·勞倫斯E·M·福斯特格雷厄姆·格林威廉·戈爾丁


  • 1920 休·沃波爾 The Secret City
  • 1921 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯 The Lost Girl
  • 1922 華特·德拉梅爾 Memoirs of a Midget
  • 1923 大衛·加內特 Lady Into Fox(女人變狐狸)
  • 1924 阿諾德·貝內特 Riceyman Steps
  • 1925 愛德華·摩根·福斯特 A Passage to India
  • 1926 Liam O'Flaherty The Informer
  • 1927 瑞克里芙·霍爾 Adam's Breed
  • 1928 Francis Brett Young The Portrait of Clare
  • 1929 西格夫里·薩松 Memoirs of a Foxhunting Man
  • 1930 J. B. Priestley The Good Companions
  • 1931 E. H. Young Miss Mole
  • 1932 Kate O'Brien Without My Cloak
  • 1933 Helen Simpson Boomerang
  • 1934 A. G. Macdonnell England, Their England
  • 1935 羅伯特·格雷夫斯 I, Claudius and Claudius the God
  • 1936 L. H. Myers The Root and the Flower
  • 1937 Winifred Holtby South Riding
  • 1938 Neil M. Gunn Highland River
  • 1939 C. S. Forester A Ship of the Line and Flying Colours
  • 1940 奧爾德斯·赫胥黎 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
  • 1941 Charles Morgan The Voyage
  • 1942 Joyce Cary A House of Children
  • 1943 亞瑟·偉利 Translation of Monkey by Wu Ch'êng-ên
  • 1944 Mary Lavin Tales from Bective Bridge
  • 1945 Forrest Reid Young Tom
  • 1946 L. A. G. Strong Travellers
  • 1947 Oliver Onions Poor Man's Tapestry
  • 1948 L. P. Hartley Eustace and Hilda
  • 1949 格雷厄姆·格林 The Heart of the Matter
  • 1950 Emma Smith The Far Cry
  • 1951 Robert Henriquez Through the Valley
  • 1952 W. C. Chapman-Mortimer Father Goose
  • 1953 伊夫林·沃 Men at Arms
  • 1954 瑪格麗特·甘迺迪 Troy Chimneys
  • 1955 C·P·斯諾 The Men and the Masters
  • 1956 Ivy Compton-Burnett Mother and Son
  • 1957 Rose Macauley The Towers of Trebizond
  • 1958 Anthony Powell At Lady Molly's
  • 1959 安格斯·威爾遜 The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot
  • 1960 Rex Warner Imperial Caesar
  • 1961 Jennifer Dawson The Ha-Ha
  • 1962 Ronald Hardy Act of Destruction
  • 1963 Gerda Charles A Slanting Light
  • 1964 Frank Tuohy The Ice Saints
  • 1965 Muriel Spark The Mandelbaum Gate
  • 1966 Christine Brooke-Rose Such, and Aidan Higgins Langrishe, Go Down
  • 1967 Margaret Drabble Jerusalem The Golden
  • 1968 Maggie Ross The Gasteropod
  • 1969 Elizabeth Bowen Eva Trout
  • 1970 Lily Powell The Bird of Paradise
  • 1971 納丁·戈迪默 A Guest of Honour
  • 1972 約翰·伯格 G
  • 1973 艾瑞斯·梅鐸 The Black Prince
  • 1974 勞倫斯·達雷爾 Monsieur, or the Prince of Darkness
  • 1975 Brian Moore The Great Victorian Collection
  • 1976 約翰·班維爾 Doctor Copernicus
  • 1977 約翰·勒卡雷 The Honourable Schoolboy
  • 1978 Maurice Gee Plumb
  • 1979 威廉·戈爾丁 Darkness Visible
  • 1980 約翰·馬克斯維爾·庫切 Waiting for the Barbarians
  • 1981 薩爾曼·拉什迪 Midnight's Children保羅·索魯 The Mosquito Coast
  • 1982 布魯斯·查特文 On the Black Hill
  • 1983 Jonathan Keates Allegro Postillions
  • 1984 J·G·巴拉德 Empire of the Sun安潔拉·卡特 Nights at the Circus
  • 1985 Robert Edric Winter Garden
  • 1986 Jenny Joseph Persephone
  • 1987 George Mackay Brown The Golden Bird: Two Orkney Stories
  • 1988 Piers Paul Read A Season in the West
  • 1989 詹姆士·科爾曼 A Disaffection
  • 1990 威廉·波伊 Brazzaville Beach
  • 1991 Iain Sinclair Downriver
  • 1992 Rose Tremain Sacred Country
  • 1993 Caryl Phillips Crossing the River
  • 1994 阿蘭·霍靈赫斯特 The Folding Star
  • 1995 Christopher Priest The Prestige
  • 1996 格雷厄姆·斯威夫特 Last Orders, and Alice Thompson Justine
  • 1997 安德魯·米勒 Ingenious Pain
  • 1998 Beryl Bainbridge Master Georgie
  • 1999 Timothy Mo Renegade, or Halo2
  • 2000 查蒂·史密斯白牙
  • 2001 Sid Smith Something Like a House
  • 2002 強納森·法蘭森 修正
  • 2003 Andrew O'Hagan Personality
  • 2004 David Peace GB84
  • 2005 伊恩·麥克尤恩 Saturday
  • 2006 戈馬克·麥卡錫 The Road
  • 2007 Rosalind Belben Our Horses in Egypt
  • 2008 塞巴斯蒂安·巴里 The Secret Scripture
  • 2009 A·S·拜厄特 The Children's Book
  • 2010 Tatjana Soli The Lotus Eaters
  • 2011 Padgett Powell You and I
  • 2012 Alan Warner The Deadman's Pedal
  • 2013 Jim Crace Harvest
  • 2014 Zia Haider Rahman In the Light of What We Know
  • 2015 Benjamin Markovits You Don't Have to Live Like This
  • 2016 Eimear McBride The Lesser Bohemians
  • 2017 Eley Williams Attrib. and other stories
  • 2018 Olivia Laing Crudo
  • 2019 Lucy Ellmann Ducks, Newburyport
  • 2020 Shola von Reinhold Lote


  1. ^ 荷蘭人James Tait Black,1845年在福建廈門成立德記洋行,隸屬英屬東印度公司