

主頁 用戶頁留言 討論頁簡介 關於在下基本 編輯、社羣、方針進階 技術、膜板、膜術字索引 用戶子頁面刷新 清除快取

進階的 Wikitext、膜板、膜術字相關的一些基本知識,與我對 MediaWiki,資訊科技其他語言、領域、方面僅有的一點了解。


參見:EN: Help: Table


<div style = 'display: inline-table'>
. . . Table . . .
<div style = 'display: inline-table'>
. . . Table . . .

若 1. 前表 ‎</div> 與後表 ‎<div> 間無空格或字符,且 2.1. 無 margin,或 2.2. class = wikitable,則二表緊貼,無間距,相鄰的邊看似寬度爲二者之和。

‎</div>‎<div> 間空一格或換行,則二表間距增加。



<div style = 'display: inline-table'>
{| border = 1 style = 'border-style: solid; border-color: #000 #03c #0c3 #c30; margin: 1px'
| text || text
| text || text
. . .
{| border = 1 style = 'border-color: #000 #03c #0c3 #c30; margin: 1px'
. . .
{| border = 1 style = 'border-style: solid; border-color: #000 #03c #0c3 #c30; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 3px'
. . .
{| border = 1 style = 'border-color: #000 #03c #0c3 #c30; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 3px'
. . .

三個方形的顏色分別爲 #C30, #0C3, #03C。


省略 border-style: solid 時,外側右、下,或右、下、左(border-collapse: collapse)邊,顏色較暗。

text text
text text
text text
text text
text text
text text
text text
text text

border-width: 5px 屬性僅定義外側邊框的寬度。

text text
text text
text text
text text


Wikitable 不能修改默認的全局邊框形式,但可以修改單獨格的邊框形式。Every cell has 4 borders (top, right, bottom, and left). There are 2 borders between adjacent cells. So to remove the border between 2 cells, it is necessary to remove the corresponding borders of both cells.



In a parameter {{{x|default}}}, x ignores spaces, default is sensitive to spaces.

'{{{1|default}}}' → 'default'.

'{{{ 1 |default}}}' → 'default'.

'{{{1| default }}}' → ' default '.

' {{{1| default }}} ' → ' default '.



{{template | xxx || xxx}} 定義 {{{2|default}}} 爲空,不產生默認值 default


magic word

{{#if:1|1|0}} = {{ #if: 1 | 1 | 0}}



例:T: Trim

若鍵入 {{safesubst: #if: 1 | {{{1|}}}}},發布後,僅保存 {{{1|}}}

the <includeonly>...</includeonly> keeps it from being expanded. Other techniques are to use something like safes<noinclude></noinclude>ubst: or the version that I replaced with that edit. The problem with using {{{|safesubst:}}} is that if someone uses a bare equal sign, it won't work properly.

Plastikspork, 2021-10-08 19:32 (UTC)

可寫作 <includeonly>{{safesubst: #if: 1 | {{{1|}}}}}</includeonly>{{<includeonly>safesubst:</includeonly> #if: 1 | {{{1|}}}}}


  • 管道符,豎線,|
  • 等號,=

等符號,如在模板、巫術字(magic word)等參數中使用,可能導致語法分析錯誤。若需要,建議以 HTML 代碼代替。但若符號需被理解爲 Wikitext,如模板中 Wiki 表格的定界、分隔符,||,須以模板代替

  • Pipes, vertical bars, |,
  • Equal signs, =,

and other characters, when used in the parameters of templates or magic words, may cause errors when parsing. If necessary, it is recommended to use HTML code to replace a character. If a character needs to be interpreted as wikitext, i.e., the table cell separator, delimiter, ||, it must be escaped by a template.


Character Entities

&amp; &#38; &

&lt; &#60; <

&gt; &#62; >

&#91; [

&#93; ]

&#61; =

&#124; |

&#63; ?

&nbsp; non-breaking space

&#32; regular space



空一格,執行模板,功能與 <code> 相似,以 <syntaxhighlight><pre> 形式顯示。

{{markup}} 好像展開但不執行模板,以 <syntaxhighlight><pre> 形式顯示。

Code 標籤

代碼 效果
<code> text </code> =
text =
<code> text </code><nowiki /> =
text =
<code> text </code><nowiki> </nowiki>=
text =
<code> text </code>-{}- =
text =
<code> text </code>-{ }-=
text =
<code> text </code>&#32;=
text =
<code> text </code>&nbsp;=
text  =

SyntaxHighlight 標籤


<syntaxhighlight> . . .

<syntaxhighlight inline> . . .

<syntaxhighlight enclose = 'none'> . . .

<syntaxhighlight enclose = 'paragraph'> . . .

The enclose attribute is deprecated.

Unlike the ‎<pre> and ‎<code> tags, HTML character entities such as &nbsp; need not (and should not) have the & character escaped as &amp;. Like the ‎<pre> tag but unlike the ‎<code> tag, tags within the range (other than its own closing tag) need not have the < symbol escaped as &lt;<, nor does Wikitext need to be escaped with a ‎<nowiki> tag.

Furthermore, while ‎<pre> assumes tab stops every 8 characters and renders tabs using actual spaces when the rendered text is copied, ‎<syntaxhighlight> uses 4-space tab stops (except Internet Explorer, which uses 8) and preserves the tab characters in the rendered text; the latter may be changed using an enclosing ‎<span style = '-moz-tab-size: nn; -o-tab-size: nn; tab-size: nn'> tag (not ‎<div>, and not using its own style attribute). The -moz- prefix is required for Firefox (from version 4.0), and the -o- prefix is required for Opera (from version 10.60 to version 15).[1] Note that the wiki editing box assumes 8-space tabs.) This applies only to actual saved pages; previews generated through an edit box or Special:ExpandTemplates may differ.

<syntaxhighlight lang = html> . . .

Languages: html, css, python, php, xml, moin, cpp.

Wikitext, mediawiki: html+handlebars or moin.

The line attribute enables line numbers.

Line breaks can occur at any space between the opening and closing tags, i.e., style = 'white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word'. The source code can be marked non-breakable with class = 'nowrap' (on those wikis that support it) or style = 'white-space: nowrap'.

Source 標籤

In older versions (before MediaWiki 1.16), the SyntaxHighlight extension used the tag ‎<source>. This is still supported, but is deprecated. ‎<syntaxhighlight> should be used instead.

‎<code class = 'mw-highlight'> . . . ‎</code>

若頁面沒有使用 ‎<syntaxhighlight> . . . ‎</syntaxhighlight>,需以

{{#tag: syntaxhighlight || lang = text | class = wds-is-hidden | style = display: none}}
{{#tag: syntaxhighlight || lang = text | class = wds-is-hidden}}

{{#tag: syntaxhighlight || lang = text | style = display: none}}

啟用語法標示擴展,否則 ‎<code class = 'mw-highlight'> . . . ‎</code> 不會標示語法。


en: Help: Score

樂譜功能之前下線了很長時間,現在在夏文、English Wikipedia 都能用。

{ a'4. f''8 e''4. d''8 c''1 \bar "|." }

{ \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 80 \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trumpet" \partial 4 c''8. b'16
a'4. f''8 e''4. d''8
c''2. \bar "|." }

{ \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"string ensemble 1"} << { \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 80 \language "english" \partial 4 <d' e' g' a' c''>8. <d' e' fs' gs' b'>16
<b c' e' g' a'>4 <f' af' b' d'' f''>4 <e' fs' a' c'' e''>4 <d' f' af' b' d''>4
<d' e' g' a' c''>2. \hideNotes r4 \bar "|." }
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"string ensemble 1"} { \clef bass \partial 4 c,8. e,16
a,4 af,4 fs,4 f,4
c,2. \hideNotes r4 }
>> }

{ \new StaffGroup \with {midiInstrument = #"string ensemble 1"} <<
\new Staff { \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 80 \language "english" \partial 4 <d' e' g' a' c''>8. <d' e' fs' gs' b'>16
<b c' e' g' a'>4 <f' af' b' d'' f''>4 <e' fs' a' c'' e''>4 <d' f' af' b' d''>4
<d' e' g' a' c''>2. \hideNotes r4 \bar "|." }
\new Staff { \clef bass \partial 4 c,8. e,16
a,4 af,4 fs,4 f,4
c,2. \hideNotes r4 }
>> }

歌詞僅限 English,不支持夏文。

{ \new PianoStaff <<
 \new Staff <<
  \new Voice { \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 120 \time 6/8 \stemDown \partial 8 c''8 <d' e' g' a' c''>2~ <d' e' g' a' c''>8  <fis' gis' b' d'' e''>8 <g' a' b' c'' e''>4 <fis' gis' a' c'' dis''>8 <g' a' b' c'' e''>4 <g' a' cis'' e'' f''>8 <g' a' c'' e'' g''>2~ <g' a' c'' e'' g''>8 <g' a' c'' e''>8 <f' g' a'>4. <c' dis' fis' a'>4 <d' e' g'>8 <d' e' g' a' c''>2~ <d' e' g' a' c''>8 \hideNotes r8 \bar "|." }
  \new Voice { \stemUp s8 s1. s2. d''4 c''8 }>>
 \new Staff { \clef bass s8 c,4. c4 e,8 a,4. a4 cis8 d4. e4 f8 <g, g>4. <aes, aes>4 <bes, bes>8 <c, c>2~ <c, c>8 \hideNotes r8 }
>> }

2021-08-24 作品。


<p> are paragraph tags and defines the format of the paragraph.

EN: Div and span tags.

‎<br>, ‎<br/>, or ‎<br />?

In HTML, use ‎<br>.

In XHTML, use ‎<br/> or ‎<br>‎</br>, according to the XHTML guidelines.

For XHTML documents to render on existing HTML user agents, use ‎<br />, according to the W3C recommendation. According to the recommendation, a space should be before the trailing / and > of empty elements.




應將粗體與斜體標示於 {{lang}} 模板之外。


<div style="clear: both; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 4px; text-align: left; background: #FFFFE7;">text





W3C 鼓勵以 ‎<span> 取代 ‎<font> 標籤,但 Wikipedia:签名#长度(態度指引)認爲,在瀏覽器仍然兼容的情況下,可以使用 ‎<font>


Bold: <b>, <strong> (less preferable). Italics: <i>, <b>. Underline: <u>. Strikethrough: <s>, <del>, <strike>.

‎<strike> is deprecated in HTML 4 and XHTML 1, and obsoleted in HTML5. If semantically appropriate, i.e., if it represents deleted content, use ‎<del>.

<tt>: monospace. Not supported in HTML5.

style = 'font-weight: normal'

Values: lighter, bold, bolder. From light to bold: 100 [thin], 200, 300, 400 [normal] . . . 700 [bold], 800, 900 [heavy].

若選擇 lighterbolder,則以主(parent)元素爲基準,選 thin, normal, bold, heavy 中更細或更粗,最近的一個字重。

style = 'font-size: medium'

Values: xx-small, x-small, small, large, x-large, xx-large, smaller, larger, nnpx, nn%.

font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif, font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif.

The font-family property specifies the font for an element.

The font-family property can hold several font names as a "fallback" system. If the browser does not support the first font, it tries the next font.


style = 'text-allign: center'

Values: left, right, center, justify.

align = 'center'

Values: left, right, center, middle, justify.

Deprecated in HTML5, and does not work well in MediaWiki software. For example, it will not override the left alignment of tables via class = 'wikitable'.

align = 'vertical-align: middle'

Values: top, middle, bottom. See more: CSS vertical-align Property


style = "border-width: 1px; border-style: solid none none none; border-color: blue"



float,浮動 Text can appear on the sides of the element.



{{column-width}}-moz-, -webkit- 等前綴適用於不同的瀏覽器。


我只知道如何用 CSS 文件定義文字顯示的形式,CSS 應該也可以定義圖片的形式與其他屬性。

在不同設備上:@media (pointer: fine):游標位置精確,定位裝置完備。@media (pointer: coarse):游標位置粗略。(pointer: none):無游標。

xxx defines the tag <xxx>. .xxx defines the class = 'xxx'. #xxx defines the id = 'xxx'.

.a:hover { . . . } 定義游標置於目標(文字或段落等)上時目標的形式。.a::selection { . . . }:目標被選中(刮刮樂)。.a:active { . . . }:目標被點擊或長按 [?],由 touchstart 事件觸發。.a:focus { . . . } 功能未知。

然而 Wikipedia 没有在必要的元素上监听 touchstart 事件,导致 :active 也不能使用,只能再退用 :hover

在括弧中定義形式,例,color: #ffffff; background: #404040; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); transition: color 2s linear

!important 會導致使用者 CSS 無法覆蓋。

transition 不適用於 .a::selection{transition: width 2s linear 1s} = {transition-property: width; transition-duration: 2s; transition-timing-function: linear; transition-delay: 1s}transition-property 可以省略,應該默認全部漸變。

Transition timing functions:

  • ease — Default. Specifies a transition effect with a slow start, then fast, then end slowly.
  • linear — Specifies a transition effect with the same speed from start to end.
  • ease-in — Specifies a transition effect with a slow start.
  • ease-out — Specifies a transition effect with a slow end.
  • ease-in-out — Specifies a transition effect with a slow start and end.
  • cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) — Lets you define your own values in a cubic-bezier function.

transition: transform 2s

Read more: CSS Transitions


代碼 效果
完全看不見:<span style = "color: transparent">隱藏文字。</span>



.block {
	color: transparent;
	background: #333333;
	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)

.block a,
.block .new {
	color: transparent

.block::selection {
	color: #ffffff;
	transition: 0.15s linear

.block:hover a,
.block:active a,
.block a::selection {
	color: #88bbff;
	transition: 0.15s linear

.block:hover .new,
.block:active .new,
.block .new::selection {
	color: #ffbb88;
	transition: 0.15s linear

.block:hover a:當光標置於 class = 'block'‎<a> 目標上時,其他 class = 'block' 的目標也會被觸發(顏色變爲 #ffffff)。反之亦同。

.block a:hover:當光標置於其他 class = 'block' 的目標上時, class = 'block'‎<a> 目標不會被觸發。

a:hover .block 爲錯誤語法。

.block::selection aa::selection .block 均爲錯誤語法。

更多:我更改的 Template:Block/sandbox/styles.cssTemplate:Block/styles.css 備份


萌娘百科 § Template: 文字模糊





MW: Extension: TemplateStyles Special: ChangeContentModel


Miraheze 上的多數 wiki,如已刪百科,首頁都會顯示「已刪百科: 首頁」這樣的標題。

夏文 Wikipedia 如何隱藏首頁的標題?

W: MediaWiki: Vector.css

W: MediaWiki: Monobook.css[2]



Special: Gadgets 所有小工具的列表。

MediaWiki: Gadgets-definition 所有小工具的代碼頁。

MediaWiki: Gadget-section-edit Edit 類小工具的類別、章節名稱,「編輯工具」。

MediaWiki: Gadget-large-font 使用者設定中,large font 小工具的描述。

MediaWiki: Gadget-large-font.css[2]
