此模块的文档不存在、不全面或不能详细描述其功能及/或其代码中的参数。请帮助扩充并改进其文档。 |
This module has two functions, portal
and image
. The portal
produces a box with links to a portal or to multiple portals, and is used by the {{portal}} template. It is most often used in the "See also" section of an article. The image
function produces the name of the image used by the specified portal.
Portal function
The portal function produces a box of portal links.
Image function
The image function produces the name of the image used by the specified portal.
Image dupes function
The image dupes function returns a list of all images that are being used by more than one portal (aliases are not included). This can be helpful in identifying image entries that should be changed to use aliases. 配图:Module:Portal/images
Display all function
The display all function returns a box containing all portals that have images. This is used for maintenance, and should not be displayed in articles, because a) there are around 1500 portals with images, and displaying 1500 images on one page takes up a lot of server resources, and b) the module has no way to know the correct capitalisation of a portal name, so some links to portals will be broken.
上述文档嵌入自Module:Portal/doc。 (编辑 | 历史) 编者可以在本模块的沙盒 (创建 | 镜像)和测试样例 (创建)页面进行实验。 本模块的子页面。 |
--[==[ This module is a Lua implementation of the old {{Portal}} template. As of August 2013 it is used on nearly 5,000,000 articles.
-- Please take care when updating it! It outputs two functions: p.portal, which generates a list of portals, and p.image, which
-- produces the image name for an individual portal.
-- The portal image data is kept in submodules of [[Module:Portal/images]], listed below:
-- [[Module:Portal/images/letter]]
-- [[Module:Portal/images/chinese]]
-- [[Module:Portal/images/other]] - for portal names beginning with any other letters. This includes numbers,
-- letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets.
-- [[Module:Portal/images/aliases]] - for adding aliases for existing portal names. Use this page for variations
-- in spelling and diacritics, etc., no matter what letter the portal begins with.
-- The images data pages are separated by the first letter to reduce server load when images are added, changed, or removed.
-- Previously all the images were on one data page at [[Module:Portal/images]], but this had the disadvantage that all
-- 5,000,000 pages using this module needed to be refreshed every time an image was added or removed.
local p = {}
local function matchImagePage(s)
-- Finds the appropriate image subpage given a lower-case
-- portal name plus the first letter of that portal name.
if type(s) ~= 'string' or #s < 1 then return end
local firstLetter = mw.ustring.sub(s, 1, 1)
local imagePage
if mw.ustring.find(firstLetter, '^[a-z]') then
imagePage = 'Module:Portal/images/letter'
imagePage = 'Module:Portal/images/chinese'
-- Hey, we have a thing called "other"
return mw.loadData(imagePage)[s] or
local function getAlias(s)
-- Gets an alias from the image alias data page.
local aliasData = mw.loadData('Module:Portal/images/aliases')
return aliasData[s]
local function getImageName(s)
-- Gets the image name and the un-aliased "normal name" for a given portal.
local default = 'Portal-puzzle.svg|link=|alt='
if type(s) ~= 'string' or #s < 1 then
return default
local sl = mw.ustring.lower(s)
local sr = s
local img = matchImagePage(sl)
if not img then
sr = getAlias(sl)
if sr then
img = matchImagePage(mw.ustring.lower(sr))
if not img then
img = default
sr = s
return img, sr
function p._portal(portals, args)
-- This function builds the portal box used by the {{portal}} template.
local root = mw.html.create('div')
:attr('role', 'navigation')
:attr('aria-label', 'Portals')
:addClass('noprint portal plainlist')
:addClass(args.left and 'tleft' or 'tright')
:css('margin', args.margin or (args.left == 'yes' and '0.5em 1em 0.5em 0') or '0.5em 0 0.5em 1em')
:css('border', 'solid #aaa 1px')
-- If no portals have been specified, display an error and add the page to a tracking category.
if not portals[1] then
-- zhwp compat: name={{{1}}}|image={{{image1}}}
-- no tracking needed as no expensive involved
if args['name'] ~= nil then
portals[1] = args['name']
args['image1'] = args['image']
root:wikitext('<strong class="error">未指定主题:请至少添加一个主题</strong>[[Category:Portal模版没有使用参数]]')
return tostring(root)
-- Start the list. This corresponds to the start of the wikitext table in the old [[Template:Portal]].
local listroot = root:tag('ul')
:css('display', 'table')
:css('box-sizing', 'border-box')
:css('padding', '0.1em')
:css('max-width', '175px')
:css('width', type(args.boxsize) == 'string' and (args.boxsize .. 'px') or nil)
:css('background', 'var(--background-color-base,#f9f9f9)')
:css('font-size', '85%')
:css('line-height', '110%')
:css('font-weight', 'bold')
-- zhwp compatibility: check for |2= as |image1
local compat_image1 = false
if #portals == 2 and (args['image1'] == nil) then
local file = portals[2]
local parts = mw.text.split(file, '%.')
if #parts > 1 then
local ext = (parts[#parts]):lower()
-- likely
if #ext == 3 or #ext == 4 then
local assume_img = (ext == 'png') or (ext == 'jpg') or (ext == 'svg')
-- expensive, hence pre-checks & assumption
if assume_img or mw.title.new(file, 'Media').exists then
args['image1'] = portals[2]
compat_image1 = true
table.remove(portals, 2)
-- Display the portals specified in the positional arguments.
for i, portal in ipairs(portals) do
-- Support |image1= |image2= ...
-- Rationale: [[Template:WPBannerMeta]] usage.
local image = ''
if args['image' .. tostring(i)] ~= nil then
image = args['image' .. tostring(i)] .. '|alt=' .. portal
-- get the alias too
image, portal = getImageName(portal)
-- Generate the html for the image and the portal name.
:css('display', 'table-row')
:css('display', 'table-cell')
:css('padding', '0.2em')
:css('vertical-align', 'middle')
:css('text-align', 'center')
:wikitext(string.format('[[File:%s|32x28px|class=noviewer]]', image))
:css('display', 'table-cell')
:css('padding', '0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em')
:css('vertical-align', 'middle')
:wikitext(string.format('[[Portal:%s|%s主题]]', portal, portal))
local ret = tostring(root)
if compat_image1 == true then
ret = ret .. '[[Category:使用2號參數傳遞Portal模板圖像的頁面]]'
return ret
function p._image(portals)
-- Wrapper function to allow getImageName() to be accessed through #invoke.
local name = getImageName(portals[1])
return name:match('^(.-)|') or name -- FIXME: use a more elegant way to separate borders etc. from the image name
local function getAllImageTables()
-- Returns an array containing all image subpages (minus aliases) as loaded by mw.loadData.
local images = {}
for i, subpage in ipairs{'letter', 'chinese', 'other'} do
images[i] = mw.loadData('Module:Portal/images/' .. subpage)
return images
function p._displayAll(portals, args)
-- This function displays all portals that have portal images. This function is for maintenance purposes and should not be used in
-- articles, for two reasons: 1) there are over 1500 portals with portal images, and 2) the module doesn't record how the portal
-- names are capitalized, so the portal links may be broken.
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local count = 1
for _, imageTable in ipairs(getAllImageTables()) do
for portal in pairs(imageTable) do
portals[count] = lang:ucfirst(portal)
count = count + 1
return p._portal(portals, args)
function p._imageDupes()
-- This function searches the image subpages to find duplicate images. If duplicate images exist, it is not necessarily a bad thing,
-- as different portals might just happen to choose the same image. However, this function is helpful in identifying images that
-- should be moved to a portal alias for ease of maintenance.
local exists, dupes = {}, {}
for _, imageTable in ipairs(getAllImageTables()) do
for portal, image in pairs(imageTable) do
if not exists[image] then
exists[image] = portal
table.insert(dupes, string.format('The image "[[:File:%s|%s]]" is used for both portals "%s" and "%s".', image, image, exists[image], portal))
if #dupes < 1 then
return 'No duplicate images found.'
return 'The following duplicate images were found:\n* ' .. table.concat(dupes, '\n* ')
local function processPortalArgs(args)
-- This function processes a table of arguments and returns two tables: an array of portal names for processing by ipairs, and a table of
-- the named arguments that specify style options, etc. We need to use ipairs because we want to list all the portals in the order
-- they were passed to the template, but we also want to be able to deal with positional arguments passed explicitly, for example
-- {{portal|2=Politics}}. The behaviour of ipairs is undefined if nil values are present, so we need to make sure they are all removed.
args = type(args) == 'table' and args or {}
local portals = {}
local namedArgs = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
if type(k) == 'number' and type(v) == 'string' then -- Make sure we have no non-string portal names.
table.insert(portals, k)
elseif type(k) ~= 'number' then
namedArgs[k] = v
for i, v in ipairs(portals) do
portals[i] = args[v]
return portals, namedArgs
local function makeWrapper(funcName)
-- Processes external arguments and sends them to the other functions.
return function (frame)
-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking
-- template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise
-- assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console
-- or from another Lua module.
local origArgs
if type(frame.getParent) == 'function' then
origArgs = frame:getParent().args
for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
origArgs = frame.args
origArgs = frame
-- Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments.
local args = {}
for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
if type(v) == 'string' then
v = mw.text.trim(v)
if v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
return p[funcName](processPortalArgs(args)) -- passes two tables to func: an array of portal names, and a table of named arguments.
for _, funcName in ipairs{'portal', 'image', 'imageDupes', 'displayAll'} do
p[funcName] = makeWrapper('_' .. funcName)
return p