

文档图示 模块文档[查看] [编辑] [历史] [清除缓存]

Image data for Module:Portal is stored on subpages of this page. Please select the page you want from the list below:

Page Description
Module:Portal/images/other 为除汉字和字母开头的主题配图
Module:Portal/images/aliases 主题的别名,包括简繁转换
Module:Portal/images/letter 为字母开头的主题配图
Module:Portal/images/chinese 为汉字开头的主题配图



Below is a list of portals that use the same image (aliases are not included). This may not be a bad thing, as there is no reason why different portals cannot use the same image. However, this list can be useful for identifying cases where the same portal has multiple image entries. These cases should be fixed by moving all but one of the entries for that portal to Module:Portal/images/aliases. This allows the image for that portal to be updated by changing one entry rather than several, and reduces the risk of the same portal using multiple images.


The following duplicate images were found:

-- This module no longer contains any portal image name data. Please go to the appropriate page from the list below instead:

-- [[Module:Portal/images/other]]   - 为除汉字和字母开头的主题配图
-- [[Module:Portal/images/aliases]] - 主题的别名,包括简繁转换
-- [[Module:Portal/images/letter]] - 为字母开头的主题配图
-- [[Module:Portal/images/chinese]] - 为汉字开头的主题配图