



File:中華民國維基媒體協會會訊 105年01月號.pdf有錯字,在第3頁。「並未對社群公告」誤植為「並為對社群公告」了。- 和平、奮鬥、救地球!(留言)自然條目提升地質滅絕日月食專題2016年1月9日 (六) 14:27 (UTC)[回覆]

題外話:我打算在暑假後創社或者在系上請求教授開設維基編輯服學課程,不知閣下的意見如何?- 和平、奮鬥、救地球!(留言)自然條目提升地質滅絕日月食專題2016年1月9日 (六) 14:39 (UTC)[回覆]
我有位同學是社團委員會的委員,他查詢後表示台大維基社已自動倒社。經詢問學校課外活動組,若要復社則需要走與創社一樣的手續(只是據說比較容易過)。感謝您的回覆!- 和平、奮鬥、救地球!(留言)自然條目提升地質滅絕日月食專題2016年1月11日 (一) 04:34 (UTC)[回覆]


感謝您參與維基百科亞洲月的活動並完成相應任務。請完成本問卷並在問卷中提供寄送明信片的地址。這是一個英文問卷,可參閱此處的翻譯對照回復。我們將在收到您的回覆後儘快寄送明信片。--Addis Wang (留言) 2016年1月12日 (二) 09:17 (UTC)[回覆]

Final Stage

Happy New Year!

We are now at the final stage of the Wikipedia Asian Month, which means, we are collecting the address and ready to send postcards. There are basically three things left.

  1. The survey of address collecting is ready, please consider to translate the survey at this page if you are not sure all qualified participants have capability to finish this English survey.
  2. After you translate it, or not, please distribute the survey link with, or without, the page of tranlsation to qualifeid particpants on your Wikipedia. Please make sure the list are also in this page so we can know who is the qualified participants who are organizers. Please update this page once you finish the distribution.
  3. We have a barnstar for whoever submit one article in the event. Please consider to distribute this on your Wikipedia if it haven't done yet. And please update this page as well.

Sorry for all the delays and thank you for being part of it. Please subscribe the mail list for future collaboration in Asia, and for Wikipedia Asian Month in 2016.

Best Wishes,

Addis Wang

Sent byMediaWiki message delivery留言2016年1月13日 (三) 08:01 (UTC)[回覆]

Organizer feedback for WAM

Hi WAM organizers!

Please help us improve our judging tool of the Wikipedia Asian Month, and make it better to use in 2016 Edition. It may take around 5 minutes to Fill The Survey, and you will get an additional postcard if you submit your mailing address already. BTW, if you receive question regarding the postcard questions, here is a small updating page for your reference.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang

MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年3月2日 (三) 23:20 (UTC)[回覆]


Reke,今天看到一個台灣導演楊婕_(導演)的條目,感覺上和平常看到的維基條目不太一樣(當然也可能是我此領域不熟),和主要編輯者討論了一下,不過好像主要編輯者說的也有道理。因為是和電影有點關係的條目,可以幫我看一下嗎?謝謝 --Wolfch (留言) 2016年4月18日 (一) 16:26 (UTC)[回覆]

Reke,不好意思,因為和主要編輯者溝通的有些吃力(我果然是不擅於人溝通的宅男工程師啊),我改變心意了,我暫時不想碰這個條目。若Reke對楊婕_(導演)有興趣,可以去看一下,若時間不允許,也沒關係。--Wolfch (留言) 2016年4月19日 (二) 07:06 (UTC)[回覆]


你好,個人建議這個項目的內容不宜全刪,因為 1、條目人物喜好的電影與導演,有影響其電影創作風格。 2、條目人物喜好的活動,有影響到其電影創作。比方說條目人物喜愛桌球,後來就寫了目前入圍美國重要影展的<Ping Pong Coach>劇本,喜愛攀岩運動,在之前<幸運星>的創作中,也連帶出現女主角與男配角的攀岩鏡頭。 這對了解條目人物及其創作是有幫助的,和普通的愛好者網站寫法,不能一概而論。Cabe Bedlem留言2016年4月20日 (三) 04:12 (UTC)[回覆]


  1. 喜好的導演和電影,是有根據的(楊婕本人在一場對交大學生的演講活動講的)
  2. 喜好的活動,最早是根據楊婕本人在台灣電影人論壇寫的公開履歷表(當時她正以自由演員身分,尋找表演機會)
  3. 喜好活動的增刪(如增加極限運動),和楊婕在她 FB 網頁的敘述有關。
  4. 楊婕在演講中有說,部分導演喜歡用素人演員,但三谷幸喜喜愛用受過訓練的演員來拍電影。她喜愛三谷幸喜導演,應該是暗示她也會比較偏好這種拍片方式。
  5. 提姆波頓的<大智若魚>是奇幻片,而楊婕早期的兩部重要作品<祖慧老師與她的夢中情人>與<幸運星>,從劇情來說,其實也算是奇幻片,不能說沒有影響。Cabe Bedlem留言2016年4月20日 (三) 05:15 (UTC)[回覆]

你好,已經重新編輯楊婕導演的興趣條目,並更名為 <興趣與作品的關係>。因為興趣與影像內容的關聯比較直接,所以有寫進去,喜愛的作品(如奇幻片)和導演(如李安、王家衛等)對作品的影響,可能更偏向原創性研究,所以就沒寫了。 Cabe Bedlem留言2016年4月29日 (五) 07:16 (UTC)[回覆]



  1. 閣下就楊婕導演條目所提的多項資料來源請求,已經一一列出
  2. 有好幾個項目的資料來源,都是出自楊婕在交通大學的演講[用影像訴說一個動人的故事](全長約兩小時),有興趣請自行參考。

Cabe Bedlem留言2016年4月20日 (三) 14:58 (UTC)[回覆]

Invitation from WAM 2016

Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2016 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We will launch a pre-event, which is new-user exclusive training event, that will help new users get involved in the Wikipedia community and contribute more in the Asian Month.
  2. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  3. We will largely improve the tool, that participants can directly report their contribution on the tool, and will be easier for judges to use.
  4. We will try to send Ambassador certificate physically this year, as well as awarding second and third participants with a WAM button.
  5. We will pre-made all postcards and souvenirs, so we can send them all immediately after the event.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

As always, reach me at meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang

2016年6月22日 (三) 12:54 (UTC)


謝謝閣下支持徐沛條目DYK! 小蓮莊處士 2016年7月26日 (二) 00:16 (UTC)[回覆]

One Week Notice[edit | edit source]

Hi WAM organizers!

Thanks again for organizing Wikipedia Asian Month. There are only 7 days before it starts. Here are some notices and guidelines for organizing.

Page Set up

  • Our Sample page with the new logo is ready to be translated. There are only a few adjust if you had this page for 2015 already.
    • Article Requirement is 4
    • Article criteria is 3k bytes and 300 words. NO 2k bytes for smaller Wikipedia.
    • According to the tool's limit, IP users can not participate. Please encourage them register an account.


  • Please localize this template and used on sign up page. I will update the template once the tool is ready to be used.
  • You can also localize this template and use as an invitation letter. en:Template:WAM Welcome
  • You may localize this Q&A page, but you can also just put a link towards the meta page. m:Wikipedia Asian Month/QA


  • You may want to invite some of your Wikipedia friends or active Wikipedians from your home WIKI to help you organize.
  • You may want to send some invitation to last year participants, active Wikipedians, and Wikipedians who has a special interest.
  • Central Notice will be used but the effect could be limited due to the active Wikimedia Fundraising Campaign. You may use the Site Notice if you don't see the CN is deployed.


  • We will keep sending postcards (new design) this year, and as an organizer you will receive an additional postcard as well.
  • We will send the Ambassador a regular paper copy of the certificate through the basic mail.


Please feel free to contact me on my meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年10月24日 (一) 15:12 (UTC)[回覆]

Central Notice of Wikipedia Asian Month

Only four days left before we enter November, the Wikipedia Asian Month!
We are going to set up the Central Notice, which will help you achieve more sucess in upcoming WAM event and attract more people join your home Wikipedia.

  1. Step 1, make sure your event page is fully set up and translated. Link to the Sample page (You need to localize This template)
  2. Step 2, translate the banner at here, make sure tranlsate the link to the event page of your home wiki.
  3. Step 3, when you finish the two steps, update this page. When both "Main Page" and "CN"(tranlsation) marked as done, I will enbale the CN in your language all the way to the end of November.
  • You can find me on facebook by searching Addis Wang, and feel free to add me as well as chat with me for any question. Feel free to contact me with other language, I will try to understand it by google translate.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年10月26日 (三) 19:32 (UTC)[回覆]

WAM Organizers Update (Nov.5)

Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • IMPORTANT: Asian Language Wikipedia will exclude the language speaking country from the Asian Month so we can encourage editors write something about other part of Asia. E.g., Chinese Wikipedia will exclude Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Indian language Wikipedia will exclude India. If you have problems with that, please let me know.
    • I've posted the tool instruction and newest postcard rules on each Wiki' event page. Make sure you translate it. In short: 4 articles get one card, 15 get another one (Special one), and the Ambassador gets another one.
    • We will still allow two Ambassadors if top and second contributors have more than 30 accepted articles, just like last year. Please send this information to high-quantity participant to encourage them.
    • Please create this talk page template and linked in Wikidata. Judging tool will add this template to submitted articles automatically.
    • The judging tool should work fine. If not, talk to me.
    • You may put this template on your user page if you like it. en:Template:User WAM organizer
    • Optional: Judging Tool Interface may not available in your language. If you feel needed, you can translate the interface at here.
    • Invite some active contributors from your wiki to participate. And please encourage editors who can speak more than one language participate to other WAM edition.
    • Indic Community: CIS-A2K will provide fund if you would like to organize an offline event of Wikipedia Asian Month. Apply at here.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年11月5日 (六) 18:55 (UTC) [回覆]

WAM Organizers Update (Nov.12)

Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • Additional souvenirs (e.g. Stickers, bookmarks) will sent to Ambassadors and active organizers.
    • I'm doing some basic statistics at Result page every week, in case you are interested.
  • I've already sent noticfication to global top 20 users that WMF will give global top 3 contributors a free Wikimedia T-shirt. Here are the rules:
    • A participant's article count is combined on all language Wikipedias they have contributed to
    • Only Wikipedia Asian Month on Wikipedia projects will count (no WikiQuote, etc.)
    • The global top 3 article count will only be eligible on Wikipedias where the WAM article requirement is at least 3,000 Bytes and 300 words.
    • Please make sure enforce the rules, such as proper references, notability, and length.
    • International organizers will double check the top 3 users' accepted articles, so if your articles are not fulfilling the rules, you might be disqualified. We don't want it happened so please don't let us make such a decision.
    • Rest of Global top 10 users will also get some WAM souvenirs.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年11月13日 (日) 03:01 (UTC)[回覆]

WAM Tool Update

Hi WAM organizers, due to unexpected maintenance on wmfLabs, which host our judging tool, the tool is currently down and can not be used in around next 48 hours or less. Please inform local participants for such problem, and tell them they can submit their contribution after the maintenance. I will send another update when the tool comes back. If you have further questions regarding the tool, please feel free to reach me or the tool developer Le Loi. Best, Addis Wang/ sent by MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年11月14日 (一) 22:07 (UTC)[回覆]

Update (Nov. 16)

Hi WAM organizers! It's now half way! Good job! Here are some updates:

  • As many of you may notice, that the judging tool has came back to normal.
  • I've set up a result page with some numbers in it. It may not accurate, just as a reference at this time.
  • WAM should get more media coverage. If you can help (either locally or internationally), please let me know!
  • Please considering start judging articles if you have not yet. it's really important to give feedbacks to participants so they can improve articles or get motivated.
  • With your help, I may start the first round of address collection before WAM ends for who already have four accepted articles and organizers, as I promised to improve the postcard sending process this year.
  • Feel free to reach out to me for any question! At my meta talk page.

Best Wishes,
Adds Wang
sent by MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年11月16日 (三) 05:31 (UTC)[回覆]

幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--百無一用是書生 () 2016年11月17日 (四) 19:10 (UTC)[回覆]

What's Next (WAM)

Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month is almost ending and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Here are some number I would like to share with you (by UTC Nov. 30 2am)
Total submitted: 7289; 669 unique users
Tool problem
If you can not submit articles via judging tool, use this meta page to do so. Please spread this message with local participants.
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 5th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Participates still can submit their contribution in November before December 2nd at this page. Please let your local wiki participates know. Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 5th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 2nd, December 7th, and December 20th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants has more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • I will announce the name of Wikipedians who will able to pick a Wikimedia T-shirt from Wikimedia Store for free after I re-check their contributions.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.
Some Questions
  • It could be a case that local organizer does not agree on an article if shall accept it or not. In this situation, the judging tool will highlight the conflict articles in the "article's list". Please review other's opinion, and resolve the conflict by changing your decision or discuss with other judges.
  • In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loi for more information.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang; Sent by MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年11月30日 (三) 14:19 (UTC)[回覆]

Address Collection

We are starting collecting address! Please fill this form to receive an additional postcard as being a WAM organizer. You may receive this message because you on the receipt list. You don't have to fill the form if you are not organizing this year. This form is only accessed by me and your username will not distribute to the local community to send postcards. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards and other souvenirs are sent. Please help your local participants in case they have any problem understanding the survey. If you have any question, feel free contact me on my meta talk page. You can remove yourself from the list at this page.

  • Some deadline:
    Dec. 5th: Finish Judging
    Dec.10th: Last day to improve the content and change the judge

Best, Addis Wang; Sent by MediaWiki message delivery留言2016年12月3日 (六) 08:04 (UTC)[回覆]
