




  • 繁简体问题讨论的发展
  • 中文维基百科的性质(是中文,不是中国(或中华人民共和国))
  • 解释对中文维基百科的一些质疑
    • 有关质素的保证(这一项可能已经在Fuzheado文中的其他部分有提及),如:
      • 林纳斯定律
      • 如何处理破坏者
    • 有关争议的处理
      • 中立观点
      • 决议方式
  • 参与者数量的发展
  • 参与者来自的地方/背景
  • 现时条目性质
    • 质素
    • 来源(多数长条目都是译自en:)
    • 题目
    • 侵权问题
  • ???

--Lorenzarius 11:09 2004年1月7日 (UTC)


我的几点建议: 1.墙内、墙外都应该有基友的统一聚集网站,不能太分散了,大家都在一起来讨论分享; 2.应该有针对国内网友的入门编辑教程,要简单好懂的。还应该讲一下词条编辑的客观、重资料来源等原则。 和好 (留言) 2012年1月31日 (二) 21:43 (UTC)[回复]

同意 Xuyuanwang留言2021年7月20日 (二) 14:07 (UTC)[回复]


我们是否也可以把它作为中文版的第一篇新闻稿发布?--Shizhao 12:40 2004年1月7日 (UTC)

可以啊,有什不可?-Menchi 00:29 2004年1月8日 (UTC)

Wikipedian names

Hmmm... I am not very comfortable to the addition of the "Most active Chinese Wikipedians" part... I think in this article we should describe the Chinese Wikipedia community as a whole, to promote the essence of the collaborative nature of Wikipedia, but not any individuals. --Lorenzarius 17:06 2004年1月7日 (UTC)

I do not think listing the usernames has much significance either, as the reader will most definitely find them of little meaning: "Loren.. Lorenzarius? Who is that? Menchi?! Who? Do I care?" It is contrary to the humility of the Chinese! ;-p However, I do believe that incorporate some of the personal info (anonymously) can demonstrate the diversity that exists in Zh WP.
If the potential reader is not of the "majority" (Simplified, Mainlander), s/he could identity with the traits of some of the "minority" Wikipedians (Traditional, non-Mainlander, overseas, specific interests...). Then s/he may consider Zh Wikipedia an inclusive place that s/he is willing to participate in, as s/he will not feel that s/he'd be "the only one" who stands out. Which is not bad, but being a "weirdo" may not be attractive to some. --Menchi 00:29 2004年1月8日 (UTC)
我也不喜欢最活跃维基人的列表,如果真要作为新闻稿发布的话,我可不要我的名字出现。:-)--Formulax 07:37 2004年1月8日 (UTC)




  • Wikipedia:About Chinese Wikipedia:内容全部是英文,我们这里是中文版,请用中文写作。另外,我们已经有了中文维基百科条目。--Shizhao 07:10 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
    • 不赞成删除,虽然这里是中文版,但来这里查看资料的不仅仅是懂中文的,他们不懂中文的话就看不懂中文维基百科条目了,有必要写一些其他语言的介绍这里的文章--Dersonlwd 07:52 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
    • 同意Lorenzarius的意见。如此的话,wikipedia就不必存在各种语言的版本了,只有一个www.wikipedia.org就行了。哈哈...--Shizhao 08:12 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
    • 大家对不起, 我的中文很差,所以我必要用英文. I wanted to put a full explanation before publicizing this page, but it was listed here on 删除投票和请求 before I could write it. Here is the short explanation, taken from what I wrote to User:Samuel - I'm active on EN Wikipedia and an admin there, and I'll be writing an English article in a media magazine, explaining the Wikipedia phenomenon. Published out of Hong Kong, the audience will be folks all over Asia, and I would like to provide some publicity and insight into the Chinese WP. However, the best people to talk about this would not be me (a so-so Mandarin speaker and terrible reader) so I thought, "What better way than to have the ZH WP community write that section itself, collectively, using a Wiki, and include it into the article." Now, this is NOT me being lazy and having others do my job. This is a way for the small, young ZH Wikipedia community to speak for itself, and in the process, publicize itself in the Asia region and show what a Wiki can produce. It's quite astonishing ZH WP is so low on the list of largest Wikipedias and that it trails Catalan (Catalan?!?). It ought to be in the top ten, without question. And I hope I can do my part to help publicize the fine work you folks are doing, and get more participants here.
    • So, as I mentioned to Samuel before, if there is any insight the communitycan contribute to this article and "describe itself" would be appreciated. But I defer to you folks the determine the best way to summarize (if at all) your community to the world. Thanks! Fuzheado 08:38 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
      • I understand. But if those readers of that magazine don't know Chinese, how could they contribute to this Wikipedia written in Chinese? That article in English does not belong here, and should be placed in en: or meta: (like in ja: they don't have an article about Japanese Wikipedia written in English, instead, there's a "Japanese Wikipedia" article on en: and a "ウィキペディア日本语版" article on ja:). --Lorenzarius 08:47 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
        • The premise is incorrect though -- it's not that the readers don't know Chinese, it's that the article will be published in English. So, readers of the English article may be Chinese speakers themselves or have colleagues that know Chinese. (Actually, the magazine has both English and Chinese articles, but my article is English only). If there is already an article with the information that I outlined, then wonderful, I can have someone translate it. However, I'm not aware of it at this point and would appreciate any pointers to it. It may be that the community here isn't interested in this endeavour, and if so, that's fine. I wanted, though, to give you folks the chance to speak about yourselves. Otherwise you're at the mercy of lone outsiders (ie. me) to describe your online community, which is always dangerous. :) Fuzheado 09:02 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
          • My point is I don't want to keep this article written in English on zh: and it should be moved to en: or meta: because we already have an (short) article describing Chinese Wikipedia written in Chinese. Of course we would like to contribute to that article, but that article is in the wrong place. --Lorenzarius 09:14 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
    • 如果是要宣传报道中文WP,可以把这篇文章放到Wikipedia:新闻发布--Shizhao 08:58 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
    • I think we do need something like Wikipedia:About Chinese Wikipedia, but in Chinese. I would suggest to have that page translated into Chinese, so that more Wikipedians here(who mostly speak Chinese) to work on it collaboratively. We can then move the relevent content into 中文维基百科 when we have done it. I think that would help greatly in promoting ourselves. And if necessary, we could also tranlate back into English, after we have done the job in Chinese.--Formulax 09:24 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
    • Folks, thanks for the input. Given your comments, the best thing to do is probably to move this to my namespace User:Fuzheado/About Chinese Wikipedia so the WP namespace is not contaminated with foreign-devil English :). Looks like it's been translated into Chinese already, so perhaps it will evolve in Zh and I'll translate back to English. Fuzheado 11:09 2004年1月7日 (UTC)
结束移动 * 结束移动


大家忘记的吗?-Menchi (讨论页)Â 04:20 2004年2月11日 (UTC)

nearly forgot. i am expecting someone good at writing would write something... --Samuel (对话页) 02:06 2004年2月13日 (UTC)~

I think that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland should be included in the Europe box. --McTrixie 08:38 2005年11月2日 (UTC)


I think that in the Meizhou box the word 多米尼加 should be changed to 多米尼加共和国. Not only would it reflect the actual name of the page, it would also reflect the actual name of the country. 多米尼加 and 多米尼卡 are two names that are easily confused. --McTrixie 18:37 2005年11月2日 (UTC)


按照中国共产党的观点:“法轮功最初号称是一种养生气功,由于其练习方法对人的心理相当有害,造成了许 多法轮功修炼者精神失常,并引起了多起杀人,自焚事件,因此中国大陆政府在中国大多数人民的要求下对其进行了取缔。其 后法轮功领导人流亡美国,为了掩人耳目,号称法轮功是宗教,对海外不明法轮功真相 的人具有很大的欺骗性。”

同时法轮功在中国以外的国家和地区雇佣大量不明法轮功真相的人,在当地对中国及中国共产党进行无根据的攻击及窜改其真实情 况。



并没有共识说维基百科不欢迎法轮功相关讨论,故已移除页面中相关内容,欢迎发表意见。--DreaMQ 2012年11月12日 (一) 14:48 (UTC)[回复]

建议对“法轮功”相关的条目予以限制 ,并且如果建立了条目必须具有相关提醒,并回避政治问题 Xuyuanwang留言2021年7月20日 (二) 14:10 (UTC)[回复]