

非标准车牌尺寸的车辆牌照(GOST R 50577-2018 1A 型),290 毫米(11 吋)x170 毫米(6.7 吋)(2019 年推出)。





Country code on the bottom right.

The current format uses a letter followed by 3 digits and two more letters. To improve legibility of the numbers for Russian cars abroad, only a small subset of 西里尔字母 characters that 同形字 are used (12 letters: А, В, Е, К, М, Н, О, Р, С, Т, У, Х), additionally D was issued on some very early plates.[1] Finally, the region number (77, 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777, 797 and 799 for 莫斯科; 78, 98, 178, and 198 for 圣彼得堡, etc.) and the international code RUS with the Russian flag typically to the right of it, however the flag is not mandatory, and since 2013 owners may order plates without it. [2]

There is a different format for trailers (2 letters and 4 digits). Motorcycles, mopeds and scooters plates are made of square reflective plates and its format is 4 digits at the top and two letters at the bottom. These plates lack a national flag.

The standard size for the license plate is 520 mm by 112 mm.

Vehicles used by certain organisations or categories of persons carry special plates:

Image Description
Police forces have special numbers on blue colored plates and the format is one letter and four digits. The letter signifies the branch of the police force, and its meaning may change from city to city; for example, in Moscow, A #### 99 rus stands for traffic police, У #### 99 rus for patrol cars, O #### 99 rus for police guard dog service etc.
Diplomatic cars have white characters on a red background. The first three digits on the plate are a code identifying the embassy to which they belong, assigned in order based on the date at which that country established diplomatic relations with Russia or the Soviet Union. For example, the 英国 is 001, the 美国 is 004, and 南苏丹 is 168. Numbers 500 and above identify international organizations, such as 505 for 国际货币基金组织. On ambassadors' cars this code is followed by CD and a digit (004 CD 1 77 rus), while cars assigned to rank-and-file diplomats have this code followed by D and three digits (for example, 004 D 108 77 rus). The lacking diplomatic status administrative and technical staff of embassies, consulates or international organizations have license plate format (004 T 001 77 rus).
The military license plates have white characters on a black background and the format is NNNN LL for vehicles and LL NNNN for trailers. In this case the two digits on the right are not a regional code but a code for the military district, armed forces branch or service, or federal executive body where military service is required by law. For example, NNNN LL 14 rus is a vehicle belonging to the 俄罗斯铁道军, NNNN LL 18 rus denotes the 俄罗斯联邦紧急情况部, NNNN LL 23 rus is for the 俄罗斯战略火箭军, NNNN LL 21 rus for the 南部军区 etc. Unlike all other categories, the military number plates are not light reflective.[3]
Public transport vehicles (such as buses, licensed taxis and licensed 苏式小巴) have black characters on a yellow background and the format is LL NNN. Since such vehicles are relatively few, the region code does not change often; in Moscow, for example, yellow "public transport" plates are still issued with the code 77 in December 2009. (Note: This type is not to be confused with the now defunct similar-looking yellow license plates having the format LL NNN L, which were issued prior to 2002 to cars registered to foreign companies operating in Russia; the latter type has now been withdrawn.)
Trailer plates have colors very similar to normal passenger vehicles, but have format LL NNNN. Until July 2008, these plates had to be duplicated on the rear surface of the trailer, in a large print.
Temporary and transit licence plates. Made from glossy laminated paper with holographic sticker in the upper left corner.
Temporary and transit licence plates for exported vehicles with Т digit in left part of plate.
Motorcycle registration plates. From 2019 updated standard introduced reduced size plates 190 mm(7.5英寸)x145 mm(5.7英寸) (with Russian national flag on it).

Special plates in the above categories never carry the Russian flag, except for trailers.

There are special series (usually numbers starting with A) reserved for government officials (for example, A 001 AA usually belongs to the 政区首长 of the region). The license plates for federal government officials originally had a larger flag instead of the regional code but this type has now been withdrawn as well.

Rich businessmen, prominent politicians and crime lords often use para-legally acquired special licence plates (government or police) to get preferential treatment from the transport police and as a status symbol. Often, this is used in conjunction with a flashing siren. The Society of Blue Buckets英语Society of Blue Buckets is a protest movement that opposes this trend.[4]

As of 2014, there are new codes for Russian plates in 乌克兰临时被占领土; number 82 for the Republic of Crimea and 92 for Sevastopol. The Russian Federation annexed Crimea from Ukraine and now administers it as two federal subjects: the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. Ukraine, backed by most of the international community, refuses to accept the annexation and continues to assert its right over the peninsula. Vehicles with such plates may have difficulty entering countries which recognize Crimea as Ukrainian territory and thus deem documents issued by the Russian Federation in Crimea to be invalid.[来源请求]

After the February 2022 escalation of the 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰, Russia issued plates for its conquests in Ukraine's 顿涅茨克州, 赫尔松州, 卢甘斯克州, and 扎波罗热州. It also began to issue plates numbered 188 in 库皮扬斯克 for 哈尔科夫州,[5] but its forces were pushed out of the oblast's territory during the 2022年哈尔科夫反攻 in the fall of 2022.

Runout problem

As per GOST英语GOST provision, only 1,726,272 combinations may be issued within one administration unit (the digits 000 are not allowed). In certain regions, the number of vehicles exceeds that number. Additionally, previous combinations cannot be reused after a vehicle has been de-registered. This scheme creates an issue where the number of possible license plate combinations cannot meet the demand of the number of vehicle registrations.

A short-term solution saw the introduction of additional codes for regions that suffered from this problem. Thus, some regions have two or three codes issued to them, the city of 圣彼得堡 has four, 莫斯科州 has six, and the federal city of 莫斯科 has ten codes. But this does not fully solve the problem, as the authorities may eventually run out of three-numeral regional codes, and a fourth digit will not fit without changing the standardised layout of the plate.[来源请求] Since October 2013, when a vehicle is registered to a new owner, the registration plate could remain on the vehicle and a new registration number is not required, even if the vehicle is registered in another region.

The problem was resolved by re-registering plates that are no longer in use. Also, since 2013, the owner can keep the license plate for himself personally, or leave it on the car when selling it to another person.

Regional codes

The license plate regional codes from 01 to 89 originally matched the numerical order of the 俄罗斯联邦主体 as listed in the Article 65 of the 俄罗斯联邦宪法 at the moment of the creation of the standard. In the following years some codes were reassigned or discontinued (for example code number 20 for the 车臣共和国: to prevent illegal registrations, and due to the destruction of the database in the 1990s, all the vehicles of Chechnya were reregistered). As the populous regions started running out of license plate combinations, new codes past code 89 were assigned to them as well. Additional triple-digit codes were created by prepending a "1", "2", "7", or "9" to the existing regional code (e.g. 54 and 154 for 新西伯利亚州, or 16, 116 and 716 in 鞑靼斯坦共和国).[6] Those regions with an asterisk (*) beside them were involved in mergers with other regions, so are no longer issued, and have their codes listed with an asterisk with the region they are now a part of.

A car with its registration plate from 圣彼得堡.

In June 2014, code 82 (formerly registered to the 科里亚克区) was put back into registration for the 克里米亚共和国, while 塞瓦斯托波尔 adopted the new code 92. The reason for the decision to use code 82 was because, between the beginning of this plate format and the merging of the district, Koryak AO only registered 1,548 civilian car license plates (starting at A001AA/82 and ending at B549AA/82) and far less of other types (some types, such as public transport plates, were never issued in the region).

01 阿迪格共和国
02, 102, 702 巴什科尔托斯坦共和国
03 布里亚特共和国
04 阿尔泰共和国
05 达吉斯坦共和国
06 印古什共和国
07 卡巴尔达-巴尔卡尔共和国
08 卡尔梅克共和国
09 卡拉恰伊-切尔克斯共和国
10 卡累利阿共和国
11 科米共和国
12 马里埃尔共和国
13, 113 莫尔多瓦共和国
14 萨哈(雅库特)共和国
15 北奥塞梯-阿兰共和国
16, 116, 716 鞑靼斯坦共和国
17 图瓦共和国
18 乌德穆尔特共和国
19 哈卡斯共和国
(20), 95 车臣共和国
21, 121 楚瓦什共和国
22, 122 阿尔泰边疆区
23, 93, 123, 193 克拉斯诺达尔边疆区
24, 84*, 88*, 124 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区
25, 125 滨海边疆区
26, 126 斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区
27 哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区
28 阿穆尔州
29 阿尔汉格尔斯克州
30 阿斯特拉罕州
31 别尔哥罗德州
32 布良斯克州
33 弗拉基米尔州
34, 134 伏尔加格勒州
35 沃洛格达州
36, 136 沃罗涅日州
37 伊万诺沃州
38, 85*, 138 伊尔库茨克州
39, 91 加里宁格勒州
40 卡卢加州
41, 82* 堪察加边疆区
42, 142 克麦罗沃州
43 基洛夫州
44 科斯特罗马州
45 库尔干州
46 库尔斯克州
47, 147 列宁格勒州
48 利佩茨克州
49 马加丹州
50, 90, 150, 190, 750, 790 莫斯科州
51 摩尔曼斯克州
52, 152, 252 下诺夫哥罗德州
53 诺夫哥罗德州
54, 154 新西伯利亚州
55, 155 鄂木斯克州
56, 156 奥伦堡州
57 奥廖尔州
58 奔萨州
59, 81*, 159 彼尔姆边疆区
60 普斯科夫州
61, 161, 761 罗斯托夫州
62 梁赞州
63, 163, 763 萨马拉州
64, 164 萨拉托夫州
65 萨哈林州
66, 96, 196 斯维尔德洛夫斯克州
67 斯摩棱斯克州
68 坦波夫州
69 特维尔州
70 托木斯克州
71 图拉州
72, 172 秋明州
73, 173 乌里扬诺夫斯克州
74, 174, 774 车里雅宾斯克州
75, 80* 外贝加尔边疆区
76 雅罗斯拉夫尔州
77, 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777, 797, 799, 977 莫斯科
78, 98, 178, 198 圣彼得堡
79 犹太自治州
80, 180* 顿涅茨克人民共和国 (乌克兰临时被占领土)
81, 181* 卢甘斯克人民共和国 (occupied Ukraine)
82 克里米亚共和国 (occupied Ukraine)
83 涅涅茨自治区
84, 184* 赫尔松州 (occupied Ukraine)
85, 185* 扎波罗热州 (occupied Ukraine)
86, 186 汉特-曼西自治区
87 楚科奇自治区
88* 埃文基自治区 (1993-2006)
89 亚马尔-涅涅茨自治区
92 塞瓦斯托波尔 (occupied Ukraine)
94, 188 Territories outside of the Russian Federation, served by the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation, such as 拜科努尔
95 车臣共和国
Internationally disputed areas in italics



根据 2002 年 3 月 28 日起的内政部第 282 号命令。[7]

001  英国
002  德国
003  加拿大
004  美国
005  日本
006  西班牙
007  法国
008  比利时
009  希腊
010  丹麦
011  意大利
012  卢森堡
013  荷兰
014  挪威
015  土耳其
016  澳大利亚
017  奥地利
018  阿尔及利亚
019  埃及
020  卢旺达
021  阿根廷
022  阿富汗伊斯兰共和国
023  缅甸
024  玻利维亚
025  巴西
026  布隆迪
027  加纳
028  孟加拉
029  几内亚
030  赞比亚
031  秘鲁
032  印度
033  印度尼西亚
034  约旦
035  伊拉克
036  伊朗
037  爱尔兰
038  冰岛
039  柬埔寨
040  肯尼亚
041  塞浦路斯
042  刚果共和国
043  哥斯达黎加
044  科威特
045  寮国
047  黎巴嫩
048  利比亚
049  马里
050  摩洛哥
051  墨西哥
052  尼泊尔
053  尼日利亚
054  委内瑞拉
055  新西兰
056  巴基斯坦
057  布基纳法索
058  塞内加尔
059 N/A[a]
060  索马里
061  苏丹
062  塞拉利昂
063  泰国
064  坦桑尼亚
065  突尼斯
066  乌干达
067  乌拉圭
068  菲律宾
069  芬兰
070  斯里兰卡
071  乍得
072  瑞士
073  瑞典
074  厄瓜多尔
075  埃塞俄比亚
076  安哥拉
077  刚果民主共和国
078  哥伦比亚
079  喀麦隆
080  几内亚比绍
081  葡萄牙
082  保加利亚
083  匈牙利
084 N/A
085 N/A
086  波兰
087  朝鲜
088  古巴
089  蒙古国
090  中国
091  罗马尼亚
092 N/A[b]
093  塞尔维亚
094  贝宁
095  加蓬
096  圭亚那
097  毛里塔尼亚
098  马达加斯加
099  马来西亚
100  尼日尔
101  新加坡
102  多哥
103  中非
104  牙买加
105  也门
106 N/A[c]
107  巴勒斯坦
108  尼加拉瓜
109  莫桑比克
110  赤道几内亚
111  马耳他骑士团[d]
112  马耳他
113  佛得角
114 N/A
115  津巴布韦
116  阿联酋
117  象牙海岸
118  纳米比亚
119 N/A[e]
120  阿曼
121  卡塔尔
122 N/A[f]
123 N/A[g]
124  韩国
125  智利
126  巴拿马[h]
127  以色列
128  北马其顿[i]
129  阿尔巴尼亚
130 N/A[j]
131  梵蒂冈
132  立陶宛
133  叙利亚
134  爱沙尼亚
135  拉脱维亚
136  巴林
137  南非
138  亚美尼亚
139 N/A[k]
140  沙特阿拉伯
141  斯洛文尼亚
142  乌兹别克斯坦
143  吉尔吉斯斯坦
144  克罗地亚
145  阿塞拜疆
146  乌克兰
147  摩尔多瓦
148  捷克
149  斯洛伐克
150  白俄罗斯
151  塔吉克斯坦
152  土库曼斯坦
153  哈萨克斯坦
154  危地马拉
155  波黑
156  厄立特里亚
157  巴拉圭
158  格鲁吉亚
159  文莱
160  冈比亚
161  越南
162  毛里求斯
163  多米尼加
164  黑山
165  南奥塞梯
166  阿布哈兹
167  吉布提
168  南苏丹
169  萨尔瓦多
499 欧洲联盟 欧洲联盟委员会
500 欧洲复兴开发银行
501 N/A[l]
502 N/A[m]
503  阿拉伯国家联盟
504 国际复兴开发银行
505 国际货币基金组织
506 国际移民组织
507 红十字会与红新月会国际联合会
508 红十字国际委员会
509 国际金融公司
510 联合国 联合国工业发展组织 (UNIDO)
511  联合国
512 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (UNESCO); code 126 used earlier.
514 International Bank for Economic Complementation
515 International Investment Bank英语International Investment Bank
516 国际太空通讯组织
517 International Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
518 N/A[n]
520 国际劳工组织
521 N/A[o]
522 Coordination Centre of the Intergovernmental Commission for Cooperation in Computing Machinery
523 独立国家联合体 Executive Committee of the 独立国家联合体
524 欧洲空间局
525 Eurasian Patent Organization英语Eurasian Patent Organization
526 N/A[p]
527 N/A[q]
528 独立国家联合体 Interstate Bank
529 N/A[r]
530 International Research Institute of Management Problems
531 集体安全条约组织 集体安全条约组织 (CSTO)
532 独立国家联合体 Intergovernmental Statistical Committee of the 独立国家联合体
533 独立国家联合体 Secretariate of Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly英语CIS Interparliamentary Assembly
534 Template:Country data EAEU 欧亚开发银行
535 独立国家联合体 Intergovernmental Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation of the 独立国家联合体
555 Template:Country data EAEU Eurasian Economic Commission英语Eurasian Economic Commission
556 欧洲委员会 Program Office of the 欧洲委员会 in Russia
557 独立国家联合体 Antiterrorist Centre of the 独立国家联合体 member states
559 杜布纳联合原子核研究所
900 Honorary consuls and offices headed by them[需要解释]

  1. ^ Code 059 is a former code for 叙利亚. The current code for Syria is 133.
  2. ^ Code 092 is a former code for 捷克斯洛伐克. Currently, codes for 捷克 and 斯洛伐克 are 148 (Czech Republic), and 149 (Slovakia).
  3. ^ Code 106 is a former code for the 中非共和国. The current code for the Central African Republic is 103.
  4. ^ Earlier, code 111 belonged to the 经济互助委员会. Replaced by the 马耳他骑士团.
  5. ^ Code 119 is a former code for 南非. The current code for South Africa is 137.
  6. ^ Code 122 is a former code for the 阿拉伯国家联盟. The current code for the Arab League is 503.
  7. ^ Code 123 is a former code for 列支敦士登.
  8. ^ Earlier, code 126 belonged to UNESCO. Replaced by 巴拿马.
  9. ^ Earlier, code 128 belonged to the 欧洲联盟. Replaced by 北马其顿.
  10. ^ Code 130 is a former code for the 国际组织.
  11. ^ Code 139 is a former code for 格鲁吉亚. The current code Georgia is 158.
  12. ^ Code 501 is a former code for the Un International Centre.
  13. ^ Code 502 is a former code for the Eurocommision. The current code for this organization is 499.
  14. ^ Code 518 is a former code for the International Scientific and Technical Centre
  15. ^ Code 521 is a former code for the Interelectro (International Organization for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Electrical Industry)
  16. ^ Code 526 is a former code for the Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation
  17. ^ Code 527 is a former code for the Headquarters for Coordination of Military Cooperation of the 独立国家联合体
  18. ^ Code 529 is a former code of the 欧亚经济共同体 (earlier - Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community)



  1. ^ Буква «D» на автомобильном номере в России – что это значит?. dzen.ru. [13 March 2023].  已忽略未知参数|lang=(建议使用|language=) (帮助)
  2. ^ Номер без флага: зачем он нужен и сколько стоит. autonews.ru. [13 March 2023].  已忽略未知参数|lang=(建议使用|language=) (帮助)
  3. ^ Russian plates information. Matriculasdelmundo.com. [19 Jun 2023].  已忽略未知参数|lang=(建议使用|language=) (帮助)
  4. ^ Elder, Miriam. Moscow's limos halted by blue buckets. The Guardian (London). May 28, 2010. 
  5. ^ Жителям Харьковской области будут выдавать номера автомобилей с кодом 188. РБК. 2022-08-26 [2023-12-14] (俄语). 
  6. ^ Ministry of Internal Affairs Order 282 from March 28, 2002 - Приказ МВД России от 28.03.2002 N 282 (ред. от 22.12.2014) "О государственных регистрационных знаках транспортных средств". [March 3, 2016]. (原始内容存档于March 6, 2016). 
  7. ^ Приказ МВД России от 28.03.2002 N 282 (ред. от 22.12.2014) "О государственных регистрационных знаках транспортных средств" [Russian MVD Order 282 of March 28, 2002]. Moscow, Russia: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 22 December 2014 [7 May 2015] (Russian). 

Template:Vehicle registration plates of Europe