


2014年8月,伊森‧葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)出版《屠宰》(The Slaughter)一书[1],其中提到柯文哲向作者透露曾经到中国大陆去帮助他的病人取得器官,而大陆医生许诺为其提供法轮功学员的器官。这些内容披露后,在2014年台北市长选举中引起轩然大波,柯文哲说作者“穿凿附会”,“吹牛吹过头”。2014年12月,在柯文哲当选市长之后,葛特曼在其网站公布相关资料,证明柯文哲曾经看过有关内容的初稿并同意出版。台湾大多数媒体对这一进展保持沉默,而个别媒体则扭曲葛特曼的本意。柯文哲本人也没有任何回应。目前,这件事情的真相依然未明。


中国大陆器官移植的供体长期主要来自死囚。根据器官移植专家、前卫生部副部长黄洁夫等2012年在柳叶刀(The Lancet)发表的文章[2],中国是唯一系统性依赖死囚提供器官的国家,移植器官的65%来自死者,其中90%是已执行的死囚。2014年12月4日,黄洁夫宣布[3],中国自2015元旦起禁止使用死囚器官。

但是,法轮功指控中国政府活摘其成员的器官,在国外亦有乔高-麦塔斯调查报告(Kilgour-Matas report)支持这种说法。中国政府则完全否定。



葛特曼是一名长期对中国大陆摘取法轮功学员器官问题进行调查的作家和记者。2008年7月,葛特曼透过关系见到柯文哲并对其进行采访,法轮功美国学员林理善(Leeshai Lemish)担任翻译。2012年9月12日在美国众议院外交委员会调查听证会作证时,葛特曼曾提到了这次采访,但没有披露柯的名字[7]。 2014年8月,葛特曼出版《屠宰:大规模杀害,摘取器官以及中国对异议人士的秘密处理方法》(The Slaughter:Mass Killing,Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem)一书,这次采访的内容出现在第九章之中。

根据此书描述[8],柯文哲到大陆去为他的病人寻求器官,但他非常担心死刑犯器官的质量,也觉得台湾病人要付外国人的价格很不公平。在与大陆外科医生吃饭、喝酒、唱卡拉OK、恭维和开玩笑之后,对方把他当成了兄弟,承诺给他自己人的价格,而且提供最好的器官:法轮功学员的器官。柯文哲也曾试图向大陆推销他设计的器官登录系统,被对方谢绝了。书中还写道,在这次采访之后,柯文哲被禁止进入中国。在一个注释中,作者特别指出,由于这个采访极为重要,有关内容的初稿曾给柯文哲看过,柯予以核准(sign off)[9],在另一个注释中,作者注明柯文哲同意暴露其姓名,但无意对媒体重复讲诉有关内容,可以考虑在国会作证[10]

在2014年1月写作此书时,葛特曼知道柯文哲已经成为台湾政坛的重要人物,正在参选台北市长,也预见到他的这些经历会成为对手攻击的目标。葛特曼特别强调柯文哲愿意坦白地谈这些事情是一种奇异的勇气(singular courage)的体现,他的叙述是关键性证据(smoking gun),是长期寻找中国摘取良心犯器官的确凿医学证据的顶峰[11]




11月7日,對手連勝文在电视辯論會中再度指控柯文哲, 柯拿出葛特曼律師11月4日的回函反駁,回函表示,葛特曼先生不認為柯醫師是個器官的仲介者,台灣某些媒體對他本人和柯醫師的攻擊都是不負責任、不道德的、不準確的。[17][18][19]




12月19日,在太阳花学运后由左翼青年创立的《破土》(New Bloom)网络杂志上,柯文哲的支持者高铭佑发表《柯文哲到底是怎麼涉入中國器官買賣的?》[20]一文。高铭佑注意到葛特曼的律师函中并没有涉及书的内容,也没有撤回任何内容,故可以合理推断葛特曼坚持书中的描述,包括256页这一段:




12月22日,葛特曼在高铭佑这篇文章后面贴出一个链接[21],指向其网站的一个页面[22],上有一段访谈录像及文字问答,说明其立场,并提供相关证据下载。供下载的资料包括葛特曼助手林理善(Leeshai Lemish)与柯文哲电子邮件沟通,双方往来律师函以及《屠宰》一书相关内容扫描件。根据这些材料,林理善在2013年6月12日给柯文哲发电子邮件,说葛特曼正在写一篇关于中國大陆医生黄洁夫的文章,作为比较,柯文哲在以前采访中说的事情也会被纳入其中,并问柯文哲:1.在不暴露其名字和身份的情况下,这些内容可不可以写?2.所写故事是否如实,是否准确,如果不是,该如何修改?在电子邮件之后附有葛特曼的文章的部分内容,文字与后来书中的文字基本相同。柯文哲回复:故事看起来可以(The story seems Ok)。2014年1月9日,林理善再次给柯文哲发电子邮件,告知葛特曼的书已经进入最后阶段,8月会出版,并问,柯以前以匿名方式出现,这次是否可以具名以增加可信度?并称书中可以说柯不愿意接受媒体采访,但可能在国会或者议会作证。柯文哲回:好,我说的,我会负责(Ok,for what I say,I can be responsible)。得到这个答复之后,林理善还向柯文哲要了一张柯本人的照片供书籍出版之用。葛特曼公布的这些材料证明柯文哲在《屠宰》出版之前知悉、确认并允许有关内容公开出版。

2014年12月23日,大纪元记者Matthew Robertson在大纪元英文网站转帖了葛特曼网站上的问答,并说明这些问题本是台湾一家英文报纸提出的,但这家媒体最后不知何故放弃了对他采访[23]。12月26日,苹果日报日报记者何哲欣对葛特曼网站的内容进行报道,但却歪曲葛特曼的本意,说柯文哲讲的是其他台湾医生的事情,并非柯本人[24]。12月27日,大纪元台湾版也对葛特曼网站的内容进行报道,但却刻意略过葛特曼公布的主要证据[25]。到目前为止,台湾其它媒体幾乎没有报道。




主旨:Dear Dr. Ko

Dr. Ko, 您好!


有事要问您。这几年,那位作者一直很活跃,在揭露活摘器官这方面可以说是世界最突出的专家之一。您可能有听说,国际社会上也有些进展。面对大陆的所谓“器官手术旅游”(organ transplant tourism)个别国家也在考虑更严格的法律。那么,这位作者是靠不同的采访(包括更在大陆曾经做过这些事情的警察)来调查,写文章,这这些事情暴光。给国际社会压力也好,做个历史记载也好,这是他的使命。









(Leeshai Lemish)

A Tale of two Surgeons

Just over a decade ago, a young Taiwanese surgeon began thinking about going to the mainland to acquire humane organs. It wasn’t a pleasant decision, he thought of himself as a conscientious man, not a gambler. But the waiting period for a liver or even a kidney in Taiwan could be as long as two or three years, by which time many of his patients would simply waste away. And if Chinese hospitals could perform the soup-to-nuts services they claimed on the web—donor to order, surgery, observation, recovery—patients who could barely be loaded onto a plane might come back as human beings who had successfully digested their airline meal, weren’t sure they actually needed the wheelchair, and tearfully hugged their waiting grandchildren. Taiwan was a death sentence for these patients: Mainland Chinese hospitals were blatantly advertising a tissue matched organ within a week or perhaps two.

He didn’t particularly want to look behind the Mainland curtain that’s all. You could do anything you liked in China. Cut someone’s dick off if you liked. Not that much difference from what he was trying to do; it was common knowledge that the organs were being taken from executed prisoners on death row.

So if his job was to ride his fragile patients into the wild, wild east and bring them back alive, okay, but even that wasn’t certain; the criminal life-style led to high probability of hepatitis, drug-use, or promiscuous sex. Labour camp led to stress and malnutrition. Any or perhaps all of these medical histories would now be given a second life in his patients’ bodies. And there was no recourse if something went wrong , not in a highly competitive, entrepreneurial business that operated in a not-quite-black market but a very, very gray one. Nor were his patients in any sense rich. Taiwan was still an emerging tiger, his patients had lived interesting lives to be sure, but modest ones. A glance at the web established the foreigner price of 63,000 US for a kidney. Because Chinese regarded the Taiwanese as slick foreigners wearing a Chinese mask that would be his price too, and yet native Chinese were paying half that. This injustice gnawed at him. Somehow, where so many Taiwanese businessmen before him had failed, he would have to convince the Mainland doctors he was not foreign devil but a brother.

The surgeon went to China and meticulously worked through the checklist of intimacy with his medical colleagues: The go-to-hell banquet. The karaoke bar. The cognac followed by the Mao-Tai. The subtle flattery and the jokes about his accent. And when the ritual was truly finished, the Chinese surgeons summoned him.

You are one of us. You are a brother. So we will give you the family price. But we are going to do more for you than that. We’ve noted your worries and concerns about organ quality. And we trust your discretion. So you will have no worries for your patients. They will receive nothing but the best: all the organs will come from Falun Gong. These people may be a little fanatical, but you know? They don’t drink. They don’t smoke. Many of them are young. They practice healthy Chi-gong. Very soon your patients—they will be young and healthy too.

And the surgeon smiled and thanked them politely, and the process began. But at the point of victory, he had felt no relief, only something that gnawed at him worse than before. Something he could not speak of.

Even as he set up appointments for his patients on the Mainland, the surgeon kept thinking that there must be a way to rationalize the system to apply some oversight, some sort of technical fix. Yet now that the doctors had blood on their hands there was no obvious way to medical reform. An open discussion would require dredging up the past. The Party would never allow the slaughter of prisoners of conscience to be revealed to the world—in fact his Chinese surgeon friends had already let him know discreetly that the harvesting of Falun Gong would be put in hold as the Olympics approached. When it was over—they would do it again. Perhaps the way forward was to use that brief hiatus as an opening to implement good bureaucratic hygiene, something to raise the cost of keeping secrets?

There was plenty of talk about consent forms—making the prisoner sign a release donating his organ to the nation “as a final penance” or something like that. But the surgeon knew the labor camp administrations could get anyone to sign anything. Reform had to start with the doctors’ conscience. On his own time, the surgeon labored to create a national database system, a mandatory electronic form. For every organ acquired, a doctor would have to fill in details on individual donor health, medical background, blood type, address, arrest record, everything. The form just had to be simple, non-threatening, and mainland-user-friendly—something even a barefoot doctor could use. Maybe he could sell the system to the Chinese medical establishment, even make some sort of compensation, and yet—that gnaw again—even if the mainland doctors adopted the system, you would only remove 95% of the problem. It was sickening.

Anyway they rejected it. It was obvious in retrospect that it was okay for the mainland doctors to run a sort of informal ebay of organ trading, done through emails, and discrete usergroups, but the surgeon’s form would either cut out too many potential donor or leave too much of an electronic trail. The rejection was passed on with the respect you give to a distant cousin who doesn’t quite get it. A few years later the surgeon gave an anonymous interview to an American writer—well, we thought it was anonymous anyway—and the surgeon was banned from the mainland for life.

It was during that same period, just short of 2006, that a Chinese doctor named Huang Jiefu was developing a reputation, save one, he was a very prolific transplant surgeon—if we have some understanding of what was in the Taiwanese surgeon’s heart, we know little of Huang Jiefu’s—in fact, that’s one of the unsolved mysteries of this article. But we do know, by Huang’s own admission, that he averaged over 100 liver transplants a year...


the story seems Ok.

Dr. Wen-je Ko(柯文哲)

senior staff,SICU,Department of Surgery

chairman,Department of Traumatology

National Taiwan University Hospital



主旨: Dr. Ko, a question

Dear Dr. Ko,

Happy New Year! I hope this email finds you well.

Ethan Gutmann is in the final stages of completing his book. I don’t know if you saw - it is scheduled to come out in August and has already sold some advance orders on Amazon:


We wanted to ask you if you would be willing to give us permission to use your name when mentioning the things you told us. In the past, we just referred to you as “anonymous Taiwan doctor”, but it is much more credible with a name. This will help the evidence.

You would be doing a great service, maybe even help save some people’s lives. We can put in the book that you do not wish to do media interview, except for maybe you would be willing to testify before Congress or Parliament, if that is the case.

Please think about it and let us know. We hope you will be okay with having your name used. We believe it will be very helpful.



With best wishes to you,


(Leeshai Lemish)



for what I say, I can be responsible.

Dr. Wen-je Ko(柯文哲)

senior staff,SICU,Department of Surgery

chairman,Department of Traumatology

National Taiwan University Hospital



TO: Mr. Ethan Gutmann

Oct. 28, 2014

RE: The Slaughter

I am a lawyer practicing law in Taiwan. In a recent book Entitled “The Slaughter” published recently mentions that Dr. Ko Wen-Je was involved in organ transplant purchased from mainland China. More importantly, in page 255 you mentioned that “All the organs will come from Falun Gong”. On behalf of Dr. Ko, I would like you to clarify that Dr. Ko had never mentioned to contact with mainland China officials to purchase organ from mainland China himself.

I would be gratified that you can recheck your tape recording to check and identify that the content of interview is different from the content mentioned in your above mentioned book. After your doing that, I will request you to correct these parts which are not done by Dr. Ko, especially the contact with mainland China officials about purchase of organs, not to mention that these organs are from Falun Gong.

Your correction of the said content is hereby requested in three weeks.


Sincerely yours,









克萊夫 安世立

Re: Your letter to Mr Gutmann on October 28, Last

Dear Mr.Hsiu:

We acknowledge receipt of the captioned letter.

At the outset, I would like to make clear that Mr Gutmann has the utmost respect for Dr.Ko and does not consider him to be an organ broker.

Mr.Gutmann considers the attacks on both himself and Dr.Ko by elements of the Taiwan press to be irresponsible, unethical, and inaccurate. At the same time , Mr.Gutmann recognizes that there is an election in progress in Taipei and that this complicates things and perhaps serves to exacerbate the irresponsibility of the Taiwan press.

Please accept this letter as our confirmation that we shall provide a fuller response to the issues raised in your letter within the three week time period upon which we have agreed.

Yours Truly
Clive Ansley






我們相信所有的誤解都會在中文版的The Slaughter中被澄清,其中會包含未收錄在英文版中的序言,會直接回應柯文哲醫師的疑慮。

為了讓事情更明朗,我們必須要指出,對於書中225頁的理解,完全沒有英語語系的評論家,有著跟第一語言是華語的台灣讀者有著相同解釋。 在您給Gutmann先生的信件中,您對於255頁的敘述「所有器官都是來自於法輪功」有特別的疑慮。





相反地,多數讀者讚揚柯醫師對於調查的貢獻。審查人員們均一致地如此回應,就像是觀眾們在華盛頓特區National Endowment for Democracy中舉辦的The Slaughter書本發表會的反應一樣。


然而我們將全力確保在中文版的The Slaughter會越準確越好。


克萊夫 安世立

Re: Your Letter to Mr. Gutmann on October

Please excuse us for having exceeded by a few days the three week time period within which we had agreed to expand upon our earlier letter to you of November 4.

We take Dr. Ko's concerns very seriously and we have reviewed the relevant pages in his book together with our own records of interviews and notes on which those pages were based.

We have concluded that the entire misunderstanding and the reckless accusations which have appeared in the Taiwan media would appear to be based on language and cultural differences between the English in Mr. Gutmann's book, on the one hand, and the understanding of the relevant pages when the latter have been rendered into Chinese.

We believe that all misunderstandings will be clarified in the Chinese edition of The Slaughter, which will contain a special preface not included in the English edition. This preface will address Dr. Ko's concerns directly.

For greater clarity, we would like to point out that no English speaking reviewer of the book has understood page 255 in the way it has apparently been understood in Taiwan by readers whose first language is Chinese.

In your letter to Mr. Gutmann, you specifically mentioned the caption on page 255 reading "All the Organs will come from Falun Gong" as a particular concern.

This book was peer-reviewed by three expert readers and subjected to a lengthy internal editing process by Prometheus. This review included not only the text itself, but also the author's notes, interview tapes, and electronic communications.

No English-speaking reader has understood the caption or the text to mean anything other than that Dr. Ko was being given information, rather than making a statement about the availability of Falun Gong organs in some sort of personal "organ broker" deal.

No English-speaking reader to date has understood for one moment that Dr. Ko was acting as an "organ broker".

No English-speaking reader to date believes that Dr. Ko was trying to purchase organs himself or was in any way involved in any sort of profit-making venture.

On the contrary, most readers have praised Dr. Ko for his contribution to the investigation. Reviewers have responded similarly, as did the audience at the author's book launch at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.

We believe that language, translation, and the heated environment of the political campaign for the mayoral race in Taipei may be playing a role in misconstruing the author's intentions and clouding the issue.

Nonetheless we are interested in ensuring that the Chinese edition of The Slaughter is as accurate as possible. In conclusion, we reiterate that we think the Taiwan media has been unfair in its treatment of both Dr. Ko and Mr. Gutmann. Mr. Gutmann believes, and we think his book demonstrates, that Dr. Ko has acted honourably, that he has never been an organ broker, that he has never sought profit through China's organ marketing, and that he has contributed significantly to the international effort to expose the medical crimes which continue to be perpetrated in China.

Yours Truly
Clive Ansley




  1. ^ Gutmann,Ethan. The Slaughter:Mass Killing,Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem. New York: Prometheus Books. 2014. 
  2. ^ Huang, Jiefu; et al. A pilot programme of organ donation after cardiac death in China. Lancet. 2012, 379: 862.  已忽略未知参数|month=(建议使用|date=) (帮助)
  3. ^ 叶靖斯. 中国明确2015年元旦停止采用死囚器官. BBC. 2014年12月4日. 
  4. ^ 监察院弹劾柯文哲文 (PDF). 
  5. ^ 公務員懲戒委員會懲戒柯文哲議決書. 
  6. ^ 柯文哲參選 自估讓藍多花200億. 自由时报.  |time=被忽略 (帮助)
  7. ^ 雷倩專欄:葛特曼偽證? 柯文哲撒謊?. 中时电子报. 2014年11月4日. 
  8. ^ The Slaughter, Page 254-258
  9. ^ The Slaughter, Page 347, Note 3
  10. ^ The Slaughter, Page 347, Note 9
  11. ^ The Slaughter, Page 260
  12. ^ 美資深記者驚爆 柯文哲曾涉器官買賣. 中时电子报. 2014年10月28日. 
  13. ^ 張博亭. 柯P駁斥當器官掮客,指作者穿鑿附會. 苹果日报. 2014年10月28日. 
  14. ^ 朱真楷、林宜慧. 仲介器官買賣? 柯:作者吹牛過頭. 中时电子报. 2014年10月29日. 
  15. ^ 朱真楷. 涉大陸器官買賣?柯文哲:絕無此事. 中时电子报. 2014年10月29日. 
  16. ^ 柯文哲涉入器官買賣案延燒,台大教授公開質疑. 东森新闻. 2014年10月29日. 
  17. ^ 三立台北市長辯論會PART.4. 三立新聞台. 2014年11月7日. 
  18. ^ 《大屠殺》作者律師回函全文不認為柯是器官仲介者. 蘋果日報. 20014年11月7日. 
  19. ^ 《大屠殺》人體器官買賣疑雲 柯出示作者律師回函自清. 中時電子報. 2014年11月8日. 
  20. ^ 高銘佑. 柯文哲到底是怎麼涉入中國器官買賣的?. New Bloom. 2014年12月19日. 
  21. ^ 在此文英文版后面,葛特曼还贴了一段评论。
  22. ^ Gutmann. The Dr. Ko Interview. 
  23. ^ Matthew Robertson. Ethan Gutmann, Author of ‘The Slaughter,’ Speaks of His Interview With Dr. Ko Wen-je. Epoch Times. 2014年12月23日. 
  24. ^ 何哲欣. 葛特曼批台灣社會偽善 避談中國強摘器官. 苹果日报. 2014年12月26日. 
  25. ^ 台人赴陸買器官不敢承認 葛特曼:有點偽善. 大纪元电子日报. 2014年12月27日. 
  26. ^ 呂烱昌. 大陸器官輸台?衛福部︰不可能. NOWnews. 2014年12月20日. 
  27. ^ 涂鉅旻、郭安家、陳炳宏、姚岳宏. 柯文哲當面告誡信義警分局長李德威:法輪功再被打…把你換掉. 自由时报. 2014年12月26日. 
  28. ^ 《大屠殺》作者律師回函全文不認為柯是器官仲介者. 蘋果日報. 20014年11月7日. 
  29. ^ 翁嫆琄. 葛特曼律師回函 澄清柯P沒參與器官仲介. 新頭殼newtalk. 2014年11月27日. 

Category:2014年台湾选举 Category:法轮功 Category:器官移植