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俄羅斯專題 (獲評未知重要度
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哲學專題 (獲評未知重要度
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他是列寧的啟蒙者,類似陳獨秀和毛澤東之間的關係,後來成為孟什維克,與伯恩施坦和考茨基的觀點類似。--Aronlee90留言2013年5月26日 (日) 12:46 (UTC)[回覆]

普列漢諾夫 - 政治遺囑

Hello, I am not a native Chinese speaker, but while browsing the Chinese Wikipedia I've noticed something rather problematic in the article 格奧爾基·瓦連京諾維奇·普列漢諾夫 (Georgi Plekhanov).

A user added a bunch of edits to Plekhanov's article in last month [1], claiming that Plekhanov left a will, where he allegedly predicted the fall of communism in Russia. The edit claims that it comes from the Russian paper "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", and claimed that the will is verified to be genuine. I've looked at the corresponding articles in both English and Russian, and none of them mentioned the supposed will.

I also tried to Google search Plekhanov in English and the alleged will and nothing showed up. The only article in Russian I found is [2], from the original paper, where another researcher expressed doubts in authenticity. The Chinese language websites cited by the original editor are [3][4][5][6], which are anti-CCP dissident websites. As such, I believe the edits violates WP:NPOV, WP:RS, and WP:V.--Fenristheman留言2017年7月22日 (六) 11:58 (UTC)[回覆]

While I did not look for English sources supporting his will, I do assume three sources among the four ones cited in this article are not necessarily reliable. But one of them says the will was published by Nezavisimaya Gazeta on Nov 30, 1999 - stories about which, as I just checked, are widely and repeatedly spread on many Chinese websites. It appears that you are able to read Russian. Could you please verify the exact date specified in http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/21c/media/online/0108021.pdf through Russian sources? If the result turns out to be negative, I would say let's delete the paragraph.Kou Dou 2017年7月22日 (六) 13:02 (UTC)[回覆]
From what I found, the Russian paper carried three sources: the original text, plus two analyses of the document by academics: [7][8]. The authors of the first analysis claimed that it is likely a forgery which exaggerated Plekhanov's critiques of Lenin, noting that none of Plekhanov's close relatives and caretakers knew of its existence, that Plekhanov could not have written it in 1918 due to his falling health, and that it used many modern phrases which Plekhanov could not have used, but is likely written by contemporaries to promote Russian nationalism near the duma elections. The author of the second analysis praised the political analysis of the original document, but also noted that some of the phrases used are more common among White Russia emigres than Plekhanov, and counter to what the Chinese dissident sources claimed, Plekhanov was critiquing Lenin's deviation from scientific socialism rather than socialism as whole. Overall, Plekhanov's supposed will appear to be very fringe.--Fenristheman留言2017年7月22日 (六) 16:26 (UTC)[回覆]
Thank you, Fenristheman. I have informed the user who expanded the article on Plekhanov's will. I'm also leaving a brief explanation below in Chinese so other users may hopefully understand the substance of your claim more clearly. Please allow a few days for the community to reach a consensus. Kou Dou 2017年7月22日 (六) 16:37 (UTC)[回覆]

上面這位維基人在查證英文與俄文來源後認爲格奧爾基·瓦連京諾維奇·普列漢諾夫#《政治遺囑》1999年面世這一段落內容失實,中文來源中的信息實質上屬於訛傳。敬請諸位給出看法。Kou Dou 2017年7月22日 (六) 16:37 (UTC)[回覆]
從我在知網上搜索的文獻來看,中文版源自中共中央編譯局《馬克思恩格斯列寧斯大林研究》2000年第2輯,「遺囑發表」這件事應當是真的(這可能是中文原文)。但遺囑的真實性不僅在國內,在俄羅斯也受到了質疑,見《俄學者彼得連科等認為普列漢諾夫的「政治遺囑」是編造的》,還有這篇文章doi:10.16502/j.cnki.11-3404/d.2001.01.013)。--曾晉哲留言2017年7月23日 (日) 08:56 (UTC)[回覆]
感謝提供看法與來源。目前情況看來是遺囑原文確實存在但有不少質疑,這樣的話刪去條目中遺囑段落恐怕就不妥了。如幾日後無更多意見,敝人或許會將質疑一併加入條目。Kou Dou 2017年7月23日 (日) 19:25 (UTC)[回覆]
應該反映這個觀點,就是「有發表過遺囑,但是現流傳的遺囑內容被其他方面認為有假」。——路過圍觀的Sakamotosan 2017年7月25日 (二) 00:44 (UTC)[回覆]
謝謝@Kou Dou:通知,也謝謝協助回覆溝通。最近忙得久沒上來。在下引註的是香港中文大學研究機構的刊物。若有其他學者或機構認為有疑問,亦可提第三方可靠來源。畢竟是敏感爭議議題,涉及對政權及意識形態的利害,究竟是真是假,在透明度不足的外在環境下,是有各種可能想像。Wetrace歡迎參與人權專題 2017年7月28日 (五) 03:41 (UTC)[回覆]

:非常有必要對這個條目進行修改,本人查詢了有關普列漢諾夫遺囑的相關信息,通過谷歌幾乎沒有找到任何英文資料可以支持遺囑內容是真實的這一說法,而且上面的朋友:Fenristheman也解釋得比較清楚了,有必要對這個條目進行修改。如果大家看不懂俄文的話可以藉助於谷歌翻譯。--Aronlee90留言2017年12月29日 (五) 10:56 (UTC)[回覆]

用Google幾乎搜索不到有關該遺囑的俄文、英文相關信息,基本可以斷定為偽造。--AsharaDayne留言2018年2月4日 (日) 07:53 (UTC)[回覆]
@AsharaDayne是否應當考慮一下您選用的關鍵詞的問題?——٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶這裡是一隻名叫ozzy的小浣熊【來玩啊來玩啊2018年9月10日 (一) 12:40 (UTC)[回覆]


普列漢諾夫的遺囑真實性受到廣泛質疑,因此我提請刪除第一段中所謂「預言」的部分。--留言2024年5月26日 (日) 23:46 (UTC)[回覆]