



国家 中华人民共和国
市政府所在地区铁东区 (鞍山市)
 • 中国共产党组织王世伟
 • 市长吴忠琼
 • 地级市9,252 平方公里(3,572 平方英里)
 • 陆地8,563 平方公里(3,306 平方英里)
 • 水域689 平方公里(266 平方英里)  7.4%
 • 市区624 平方公里(241 平方英里)
最高海拔1,141 米(3,743 英尺)
最低海拔2 米(7 英尺)
 • 地级市3,645,884人
 • 密度394人/平方公里(1,021人/平方英里)
 • 市区1,529,850
 • 市区密度2,452人/平方公里(6,350人/平方英里)
ISO 3166-2cn-21-03


鞍山掌握着世界滑石供应量的三分之一,[1]鞍山也产出过世界上最大的玉石,现在被雕刻成佛像放置在玉佛苑中。[1]截止2010年,鞍山市的建成区包括了鞍山的四个区(1 529 390人),与辽阳市加在一起有超过217万人。


鞍山的老城门[注 1]

鞍山地区自史前时代就有人居住了。当时的鞍山只是辽东省的一个小城市,地理位置并不险要,附近的辽阳市反而更有名。这种现象一直持续到20世纪中叶。1587年,鞍山为了抵御来自满族日益见长的实力而被明政府决定开始为鞍山修筑防御工事。八国联军侵华期间,曾经被其烧毁,在日俄战争期间再次被破坏。日本作为战胜国,日本开始了对南满(即中国东北南部,包括鞍山)的控制并且发展辽宁的工业。鞍山在新建的、由港口城市大连到重镇沈阳的南满铁路旁边。1918年,中日合资公司鞍山振兴铁矿无限公司成立。九一八事变后,日本全面控制中国东北,钢铁厂变成日本国有公司。1933年,扩建后的钢铁厂能够生产钢铁,并且更名昭和制钢所(日语:昭和製鋼所しょわ せいてつしょ Shōwa Seitetsusho[注 2][2] 。鞍山也成为了日本傀儡傀儡政府满洲国的一部分,也围绕着钢铁厂开展了其他的产业。鞍山的城市规模也围绕着新的工业区显著增长。

鞍山也已经成为了全亚洲最大的钢铁生产地之一(但仍不是全球最大的)[3]。因此,鞍山在太平洋战争中有十分重要的战略意义,并经常受到来自美国空军(USAAF)的B-29战略堡垒战略轰炸机的轰炸。大日本帝国皇军在鞍山派遣了第一中队(日语:中隊ちゅうたい chuutai)的第104战队(日语:戦隊せんたい sentai),与其他的空中部队一样用于工业和防务用途。尽管这个unit配备了四式战斗机(满洲版)Although this unit was equipped with modern Nakajima Ki-84 Ia (Manshu Type) Hayate "Frank" fighters, manufactured by Manshūkoku Hikōki Seizo KK, the plant suffered heavy damage from the air raids, losing up to 30% of its capacity.[4]

At the end of the war, Soviet Red Army forces launched Operation August Storm, which captured Manchuria form the Japanese. The Soviets looted the ruins of Shōwa Steel Works for anything that could be taken back to the Soviet Union. With the defeat of Japan in 1945, Anshan was returned to China along with the rest of Chinese Manchuria. However, peace had not yet arrived. Civil war continued between the Chinese Nationalist Government and the Communist People's Liberation Army (PLA). The city of Anshan was the scene of one of the battles of this war. The city was liberated by the PLA on February 19, 1948. A monument in Lieshishan park commemorates the battle.

The northeast of China was marked out to become a major industrial centre for the new People's Republic of China. Anshan was set to become a key part of this industrial development. The steel mills had been damaged during the wars. In December 1948, the Anshan Iron and Steel Company - also known as Angang - was founded. Production in the newly repaired steel plant resumed on July 9, 1949. The plant was expanded to become the largest steel producer in China. Other industries setup alongside the steel plant including mining for coal, iron and other minerals. This industrial wealth had an environmental cost. The open-hearth furnaces of the steel mill created large amounts of dust and other pollution. Along with its growing reputation as a major steel producer, Anshan was also gaining a reputation as a dirty, smelly town.

Anshan became a formal administrative region under the Northeastern People's Government (later renamed as the Northeastern Administration Commission) in November, 1949.

Anshan is reported to have served as a base for Soviet MIG fighter aircraft and pilots during the Korean War (1950-1953) in air combat operations against US/UN forces.[5]

On March 12, 1953, the city became a municipality under the Central Government direct administration. Haicheng County and Xiuyan County were subordinated to Liaodong Province. Tai'an County was subordinated to Liaoxi Province. August 22, 1954, the central government decided that Anshan should be administered by Liaoning Province. The State Council confirmed that Anshan should be in charge of Xiuyan County and Haicheng city in 1985.

The furnaces of the steel plant were changed in the 1980s to designs which blow oxygen in from the front. This increased the production and also reduced the pollution. In the 1990s, they were additionally altered to blow oxygen in from the top as well. This further increase production and reduced pollution. In December 2000, all three production lines of Anshan Iron and Steel company switched from mould-casting to continuous casting. This new technology has significantly reduced the dust and other pollution in the city. The new plant equipment is also much less labour-intensive. This has meant a reduction in the workforce has caused an unemployment problem in the city. A new drive to market Anshan as a tourist destination is hoped to help bolster the cities economy.


Sited on the edge of the Liao River plains, Anshan has wide flat lands in the west and central regions that develop into hilly and the mountainous terrain on the eastern fringes. The area is rich in mineral wealth including iron ore, coal, magnesite, talcum and jade. The plains of western Anshan are good for agriculture. The large flat fields make it ideal for modern agricultural methods. In total, Anshan contains 24480 hectares of arable land accounting for 26.4% of the total land area. One agricultural product that Anshan has become well known for is the production of Nangua Pears.


Anshan has a monsoon-influenced humid continental climate (Köppen Dwa) characterised by hot, humid summers, due to the monsoon, and rather long, cold, and very dry winters, due to the Siberian anticyclone. The four seasons here are distinctive. Nearly half of the annual rainfall occurs in July and August. The monthly 24-hour average temperatures ranges from −8.6 °C(16.5 °F) in January to 25.0 °C(77.0 °F) in July, while the annual mean is 9.60 °C(49.3 °F). Sunshine is generous and amounts to 2,543 hours annually, while relative humidity averages 58%, ranging from 47% in March and April to 75% in July and August. Extreme temperatures have ranged from −30.4 °C(−22.7 °F) up to 36.9 °C(98.4 °F).

Anshan (1971−2000)
月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 全年
平均高温 °C(°F) −3.8
平均低温 °C(°F) −12.9
平均降水量 mm(吋) 7.4
平均降水天数(≥ 0.1 mm) 3.6 3.5 4.6 7.0 8.5 11.1 13.2 11.0 7.5 6.6 5.2 3.7 85.5
数据来源:Weather China

Administrative divisions

Anshan is divided into 4 districts, 1 town, 1 county and one autonomous county.

# Name Hanzi Hanyu Pinyin Population
(2003 est.)
Area (km²) Density (/km²)
1 Tiedong District 铁东区 Tiědōng Qū 490,000 30 16,333
2 Tiexi District 铁西区 Tiěxī Qū 290,000 34 8,529
3 Lishan District 立山区 Lìshān Qū 420,000 55 7,636
4 Qianshan District 千山区 Qiānshān Qū 260,000 503 517
5 Haicheng City 海城市 Hǎichéng Shì 1,130,000 2,732 414
6 Tai'an County 台安县 Tái'ān Xiàn 380,000 1,393 273
7 Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County 岫岩满族
Xiùyán Mǎnzú
510,000 4,502 113


Qidashan open cast iron ore mine, one of three large pits surrounding Anshan city.

The north east of China is a major industrial zone and Anshan is one of the key sites of the north east. The city is renowned as "China's capital of iron and steel". Prior to the development of the Iron and Steel industries, Anshan was a relatively small city of little importance. As the steel mills expanded, so to did the city. Spin off industries developed alongside the steel plant making the area a centre of heavy industry.

As a joint Sino-Japanese venture, Anshan Zhenzing Iron Ore Company Unlimited was started in Anshan in 1918. When Japan occupied Northeast China in 1931, these mills were turned into a Japanese owned monopoly. Anshan subsequently became part of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and additional industries developed around the iron and steel mills. Due to its mills, the city became a significant strategic industrial hub during World War II and as such, was subject to constant Allied bombing during the war.

Total production of processed iron in Manchuria reached 1,000,000 tonnes in 1931-32, of which almost half was made by Shōwa Steel in Anshan. Iron production grew to 7,000,000 tonnes in 1938 and by 1941, Shōwa Steel Works had a total capacity production of 1,750,000 tonnes of iron bars and 1,000,000 tonnes of processed steel. By 1942, Anshan's Shōwa Steel Works total production capacity reached 3,600,000 tonnes, making it one of the major iron and steel centers in the world.[3]

An Gang steel company before 1945

In 1945 the steel plant was looted by soviet forces. The Republic of China government partially repaired the site but it was destroyed again during the Chinese civil war that saw the Communist forces victorious. The mills were once again repaired and Anshan Iron and Steel Company (Angang) was founded in 1948. Form then to 2001, the company produced 290 million tons of steel, 284 million tons of pig iron and 192 million tons of rolled steel. Until relatively recently,[何时?] when a new steel plant opened in Shanghai, Angang was the largest steel producer in China. Today, Angang consists of three steelworks with 13 rolling mills plus supporting plants which produce coke, refractory materials and machinery for the steel plants. The company has an annual production capacity of 10 million tons of pig iron, 10 million tons of steel and 9.5 million tons of rolled steel. A quarter of China's total iron ore reserves, about 10 billion tons, are located in Anshan ensuring that the city will remain an important steel producer well into the future.[6]

Anshan is rich in other mineral wealth too. The southern and south eastern areas of Anshan are rich in magnesite. Reserves of magnesite here are equivalent to a quarter of all world wide reserves. Anshan also has the worlds largest reserve of talcum accounting for fully one third of the entire world supply. The Xiuyan area of Anshan is known for the production of the precious stone, Jade. The largest single jade stone ever found came from Xiuyan, now carved into the form of a Buddha, it is a major tourist attraction in the area.

Anshan is serviced by Shenyang airport, about 90千米(56英里) to the north, and by two major highways linking it with Shenyang and Dalian.[1]

The government of Anshan established a five-year plan in 2000 with the aim of turning the city into a strong modern industrial city with plenty of tourism. It also aimed to make the city GDP reach 100 billion RMB by 2005 and to build a modern industrial city by using advances in technology to transform the traditional industries. Attracting foreign investment is also another main idea in the plan. The Anshan government anticipates the foreign investment assets would be around 80 billion RMB by 2005.

Anshan has been identified by the Economist Intelligence Unit in the November 2010 Access China White Paper as a member of the CHAMPS (Chongqing, Hefei, Anshan, Maanshan, Pingdingshan and Shenyang), an economic profile of the top 20 emerging cities in China.[7] The opportunities for engaging Anshan's consumers have been documented by the ethnographer Michael B. Griffiths.[8][9]


Out of the 3,584,000 people living in Anshan prefecture, 519,400 are ethnic Manchu, a holdover from northeast China's historical rule by the ethnic group. They are mainly in or around the Xiuyan Man regional ethnic autonomy area which is within Anshan's borders. During the last years of the Qing dynasty, large numbers of Han people migrated to the north east in search of work. This pattern continued into the 20th century. The development of Anshan as a large industrial center during and after world war II caused the city's population to increase rapidly, and the new arrivals began to significantly outnumber the local Man people. As of the last census data, Anshan was home to 48 Chinese ethnic groups. The Han people make up the lion's share at 3,020,500 people. Next, after the Han and Man people, come the Hui and the Chaoxian with 23,400 and 10,000 people respectively. The Hui population is widely dispersed but the Chaoxian population is mostly concentrated in Teixi (West district) and Qianshan district.[10]

Anshan has a population of 3.65 million at the 2010 census. As the city has expanded, the area between Anshan and the neighbouring city of Liaoyang has become urbanised, with little or no farmland visible on route between them. According to the 2010 census, the conurbation of urban Anshan and urban Liaoyang districts contains 2.17 million inhabitants.

The city of Anshan can be divided into districts. The East district, Tiedong has a population of 452,900. The western district, Tiexi has 311,600 people. These two districts are demarcated by the railway lines that run north to south through the city. The north western portion of the city is dominated by the large steel works of Angang. The district of Lishan houses 425,600 people and the suburbs of Qianshan district have 366,200 soles. Within Anshan prefecture lies the subordinate city of Haicheng which accounts for 1,181,100 people. The neighbouring subordinate town of Tai'an has 354,700 people.


Anshan train station at night.

Anshan has no river or sea port. The nearby military airport is Anshan Teng'ao Airport (AOG), 15 km(9 mi) from south west of the city centre, also accepts daily commercial flights during peak season to Beijing or Shanghai. The nearest major commercial airport is Shenyang Taoxian International Airport (SHE), about 90 km(56 mi) to the north.

The city is beside the Shenyang–Dalian Expressway (part of the G15 Shenyang–Haikou Expressway), a privately funded eight-lane tolled highway and was the first road of its kind in mainland China. The Liaozhong Ring Expressway (G91) passes just a few kilometres north of Anshan city. It connects east to Benxi and west onto the Jingshen Expressway (G1). The Panhai and Danxi Expressways (together forming the G16) pass through Anshan's counties of Haicheng and Xiuyan, connecting them to Yingkou and Panjin in the west and Dandong to the east.

Anshan is connected to the Chinese rail network with rail routes to Beijing, Dalian, and to the north-eastern provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang as well as to eastern Inner Mongolia, and even a direct, albeit slow, train to Hong Kong. As of December 2012,[11] the new Harbin–Dalian High-Speed Railway serves Anshan West Railway Station and Haicheng West Railway Station.[12] It connects south to Dalian and north east to Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin. This line was hailed as the world's first alpine high speed rail line.[13] In summer it runs at its full speed of 300kph but in winter speeds are restricted to 200kph.[14] High speed services also run via Anshan to Beijing. Tai'an county of Anshan is served by another high speed rail line linking Shenyang to Beijing.

Long-distance coaches run to all the main cities of the province as well as to Beijing.

Local transportation is primarily by bus or taxi. Anshan used to have a single tram line—along Zhonghua Avenue, through the city centre and past Angang main gate—but this has been closed and the tracks removed. Due to the flat topography of the city centre, bicycles are popular. Almost all roads have a wide cycle lane on each side. Often this lane is further protected by a traffic island that separates the bikes from larger motor vehicles.

Tourist attractions

In recent years, Anshan has been trying to throw off its image as a heavy industrial town along with the dirt and pollution that goes with such industry. It has remodeled itself as a tourist destination.[来源请求]

Qianshan National Park

Foremost among the attractions in Anshan is Qianshan National Park which is about 18 km(11 mi), by road, to the southeast of the city. Qianshan, literally 'Thousand Mountains', is an abbreviation of 'Thousand lotus flower mountains'. The peaks were said to resemble the petals of the lotus flower which had been dropped to earth by a goddess. The park area of 44 km2(17 sq mi), is filled with both Buddhist and Taoist temples, monasteries and nunneries. It is one of few locations where both religions are found sharing the same site. Cars are not allowed within the park.[来源请求]

One of the mountains in the park is believed to resemble Maitreya Buddha. It is claimed to be the largest naturally occurring image of Maitreya in the world. Several temples have been built on the peaks of the overlooking hills. Near the Buddha is a bird park.

Jade Buddha Palace within 2-1-9 Park in Anshan houses the worlds largest Buddha statue made entirely of jade.[15]

Another major tourist location is 219 park. The name of the park commemorates the liberation of Anshan by the People's Liberation Army on the 19th of February 1948. The park contains the Dongshan (East Mountain) scenic area as well as numerous lakes.

Of particular note is the Jade Buddha temple (Yufo yuan). This large Buddhist temple complex of 22,104 square metres, houses the worlds large statue of Buddha made of Jade (It is called jade in Chinese, but in English it is Serpentine). It is a single piece of jade stone measuring 6.88 metres in width, 4.10 metres front to back and 7.95 metres high. The jade stone weighs 260.76 tons.[15] The front of the stone has been carved with an image of Sakyamuni (aka. Gautama) Buddha. On the back of the stone Guanyin (aka. Avalokitesvara) Buddha has been carved. The jade stone was found in 1960 in Xiuyan County. It was declared a treasure of the State and listed as a protected property by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. Anshan city government commissioned the carving which took a team of 120 sculptures 18 months to complete. The temple complex was opened on the 3rd of September 1996. The building that houses the Jade Buddha statue is 33 metres tall, representing the 33 layers of heaven in Buddhism. It claims to be one of the tallest two story buildings of traditional Chinese architectural style in China.

Anshan contains naturally hot spring water spas. There are four spas/hotels in Anshan. Visitors may shower and bathe in the spring water. At Tanggangzi Spa, once frequented by the Qing Emperors of China, visitors may have mud treatment where they are buried in hot volcanic sand, which has been infused with the spring water. The geothermal energy is also used to provide hot steam and water for winter heating throughout the area.

Education system

The city contains two large Universities.

Famous residents

The famous Chinese philanthropist, Guo Mingyi was born and lives in Anshan. He works at a mining company belonging to Angang Iron and Steel Group. Anshan was the birthplace of Ann Hui (born 1947), a Hong Kong-based film director, one of the most critically acclaimed amongst the Hong Kong New Wave. Hui's 2006 film The Postmodern Life of My Aunt was partly set and filmed in Anshan.[16]

See also


  1. ^ 应该摄制于鞍山旧堡(现千山区)。
  2. ^ 英文维基百科:Showa Steel Works;日语维基百科:昭和制钢所


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 China Briefing Business Reports. Asia Briefing. 2009 [2009-02-08]. (原始内容存档于18 February 2009).  [失效链接]
  2. ^ Yoshihisa Tak Matsusaka, The Making of Japanese Manchuria, 1904-1932 (2001), p.222-3.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Beasley, W.G. Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945. Oxford University Press. 1991. ISBN 0-19-822168-1. 
  4. ^ Astor, Gerald. The Jungle War: Mavericks, Marauders and Madmen in the China-Burma-India Theater of World War II. Wiley. 2004: 312. ISBN 0-471-27393-7. 
  5. ^ Zhang, Xiaoming (2002). Red Wings Over The Yalu: China, the Soviet Union, and the Air War In Korea
  6. ^ Huang, Youyi; Xiao Siaoming, Li Zhenguo, Zhang Zouku. Liaoning, Home of the Manchus & Cradle of Qing Empire. Foreign Languages Press, Beijing. 2006: 227. ISBN 7-119-04517-2. 
  8. ^ Griffiths, Michael. B., Flemming Christiansen, and Malcolm Chapman. (2010) 'Chinese Consumers: The Romantic Reappraisal’. Ethnography, Sept 2010, 11, 331-357.
  9. ^ Griffiths, Michael. B. (2010) ‘Lamb Buddha’s Migrant Workers: Self-assertion on China’s Urban Fringe’. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (China Aktuell), 39, 2, 3-37.
  10. ^ Population and Nationality. Anshan Municipal Government. [05-12-2007]. (原始内容存档于02-11-2007). 
  11. ^ Harbin-Dalian high-speed train begins operation - Xinhua | English.news.cn
  12. ^ Harbin-Dalian high-speed rail to begin operation - China.org.cn
  13. ^ Harbin-Dalian High-speed train begins operation CCTV News - CNTV English
  14. ^ Harbin-Dalian high-speed rail to reach 300 km/h |Society |chinadaily.com.cn
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Anshan Municipal Government - Jade Buddha Park. Anshan Municipal Government. [2008-10-03].  [失效链接]
  16. ^ chowofhongkong