



以下是本年6月,基金会及全域社群相关且影响本站社群事项之整理。此整理复制自本人用户页 User:SCP-2000/WMF update

  • 2024-06-27:为了提高维基百科的阅读体验,现时未登入用户的预设字体大小已增加(更改为“标准”选项),已登入用户维持不变,同时向所有用户提供新的外观选单,以便调整字体大小及内容宽度。此修改仅影响使用 Vector 2022(预设外观)的用户。参见相关讨论
  • 2024-06-27:维基媒体运动宪章的批准投票已开始,至7月9日23:59(UTC)完结。运动宪章皆在定义在维基媒体运动内的价值观、持分者的角色和责任,同时将创建新的决策机构“全球理事会”(Global Council),来取代基金会现有部分职能。

--SCP-0000留言2024年7月1日 (一) 13:01 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #634

—此条未加入日期时间的留言是于2024年7月2日 (二) 00:14 (UTC)之前加入的。

The Signpost: 4 July 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Edit check experiment results

Hello everyone

Sorry to use English. 请帮助翻译至您的语言. 感谢您。

We recently tested References Check at your wiki, so as at 10 other wikis. This feature encourages newcomers and IP users to add citations when they add a new paragraph on Wikipedia.

We tested this feature at your wiki between February 18 and April 4, 2024. We gave References Check to 50% of new accounts and IP users, while the remaining 50% got the regular experience, with no encouragement. This way, we were able to compare the experience for the two groups.

What was found?

Reference Check caused an increase in the quality of edits newcomers publish and did not cause any significant disruption. on average, 19% of users were adding a reference without being asked to. When References Check encourages them to add a citation, the percentage increases to 42.4%. On mobile, users add references 4.2 times more than on desktop when they are encouraged to.

For your wiki specifically, on average, 26.6% of users were adding a reference without being asked to. When References Check encourages them to add a citation, the percentage increases to 57.6%, one of the best percentages we got.

We published the detailed results, and you can ask me if you have any more question about it.

What is next?

Given the good results, we ended the A/B est and deployed References Check for all beginners and IPs at your wiki.

We are also working on a a new Check, a new encouragement for IPs and newcomers. We are looking for ideas for this next step. In your opinion, what could be useful to explain to beginners when they start editing?

You can ask me if you have any more question about this project. Trizek (WMF)留言2024年6月26日 (三) 15:56 (UTC)

如果您对这个专案还有任何疑问,可以问我。 Trizek (WMF)(留言)
--Cookai饼块🍪💬留言 2024年6月26日 (三) 16:55 (UTC)
@Trizek (WMF): Hello, thank you for your information!
As I said before, it is recommended that displaying reminders, which include information about our policy, when users select the "No" option (See my detailed suggestions in the previous discussion). Moreover, some users often translate articles from other language Wikipedia, where the content may not have references (e.g. Special:Diff/82953754). Thus, it is recommended to add a new dismissing reason "I translate articles from other language Wikipedia" or something else.--SCP-0000留言2024年7月5日 (五) 16:25 (UTC)


您可以在元维基上找到这则讯息其他语言的翻译。 请帮助翻译至您的语言


谨此提醒您,批准 维基媒体运动宪章 的投票期将于2024 年 7 月 9 日 23:59 (世界协调时间)结束。

如果您尚未投票,请在此 SecurePoll 上的连结投票。


RamzyM (WMF) 2024年7月8日 (一) 03:46 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #635

This Month in Education: June 2024