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Chinese and English names of Artemisia annua or Artemisia carvifolia
The article about Artemisia annua in the English WP gives the Chinese name "青蒿; pinyin: qīnghāo" but the link to the Chinese WP leads to an article named "黃花蒿(學名:Artemisia annua)".I think the Chinese characters 黃花蒿 are pronounced "huanghuahao". Furthermore, when I search for "青蒿" in the Chinese WP I get still another article, where the scientific/ binomial name of 青蒿 qinghao is given as "Artemisia carvifolia", which I didn't find elsewhere. Could someone with sufficient knowledge in English, Chinese and biology please clarify this discrepancy? Baltshazzar (留言) 2011年7月30日 (六) 12:26 (UTC)
- From this source, it states the official Chinese name for "Artemisia annua" is "黃花蒿", while in one old document 《神農本草經》, it is also commonly called "青蒿" as a Chinese herb name. This article also explains some of the name confusion and their relationship to the discovery of "青蒿素"(en:Artemisinin). Kevin (留言) 2011年9月26日 (一) 16:11 (UTC)
——Artoria2e5編 保持討論完整,直接ping我回復。 2017年1月19日 (四) 16:49 (UTC)
- (:)回應,根據衛福部國家中醫藥研究所,青蒿為菊科(Compositae)植物黃花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)的乾燥地上部分,性寒,味苦、辛,歸肝、膽經,主治暑邪發熱、陰虛發熱、夜熱早涼、骨蒸勞熱、瘧疾寒熱、濕熱黃疸[2]--葉又嘉(留言) 2017年1月19日 (四) 17:09 (UTC)
- 完成,兩邊都加了中國藥典的參考和名字辨析。